We make an oriental fancy dress: Scheherazade - a character appropriate for any holiday

Do you want to please your child and make an outfit for a masquerade that will be appropriate at any holiday? Why not choose an oriental costume? Scheherazade, Jasmine and other princesses from distant warm countries look mysterious and very elegant. We bring to your attention simple ideas for making such an outfit with your own hands.

Necessary materials and tools

Scheherazade Costume
Oriental costumes are simple and elegant. Sewing them is only from shiny and / or translucent fabrics. Stock up on enough materials for decoration - sequins, rhinestones, beads, coins and bright braid - this is what every Scheherazade will appreciate. It is not difficult to sew a suit with your own hands , even if you are not too good at handling a sewing machine. Draw a sketch of what you would like to get as a result or find a suitable picture / photo. Incredible luck, if you have at your fingertips a ready-made costume for performing oriental dances - you can change it to a child in just a couple of hours. But if not, it doesn’t matter, don’t be too lazy to go to a specialty store and get a scarf or belt with ringing coins. Such an accessory is quite inexpensive, and it is with it that the Shaherezad costume will look most impressive.

Basic garments

DIY Scheherazade costume
Where to start making a fancy dress? It is advisable that the whole costume was designed in one color, you can choose it to your liking. Oriental dresses come in all shades of the rainbow, even black ones are found, and they do not look gloomy at all. What is Shakherezad wearing? The costume of the oriental princess traditionally consists of harem pants (can be replaced with a skirt on the floor) and a top. No time to make a complex pattern for the bottom? Arbitrarily open wide legs and sew them to shorts-shorts. It is advisable to make a decorative belt, for example, embroidered with beads or rhinestones. Instead, you can tie a scarf for oriental dancing on top of your pants . Do not forget to insert an elastic band into each leg. A little more complicated with the manufacture of the upper part of the outfit. Oriental princesses are often portrayed in movies and even in children's cartoons dressed in a top bra. But if the option of an outfit with an open belly seems too frank to you, you can make an elongated top, or add a short long fringe. The top of the costume should also be richly decorated with shiny elements. No time for embroidery? It doesn’t matter - sew rows of iridescent braid.

Image Details

Scheherazade costume
What else to complement the oriental costume? Scheherazade can wear a bandage that conceals the lower part of the face. To make such an unusual accessory is not difficult at all. Cut a rectangle from the fabric, work on the edges and sew the stitches to it. Also from the fabric used for the dress, you can make a hair band. There are several options for hairstyles: loose hair, gathered up, or braided into afro-braids. Do not be too lazy to add jewelry - any bright and massive jewelry will be appropriate, but it is best to choose an imitation of gold, silver and precious stones. For girls of school age, you can also make oriental makeup - draw arrows on your eyes, with such a “make-up” you will get a very realistic costume. Scheherazade is the image that best suits dark-haired girls and women, but you can experiment and make an oriental outfit for a young blonde.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10803/

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