Plastic bottle lilies are an excellent decoration for your garden!

More and more often on household plots and playgrounds there are lilies from plastic bottles. Such crafts are simple and sophisticated. They can be easily created from the materials that are available to most of our citizens. This task can be handled by both a novice specialist and a proven master for years.

What do you need?

In order to make lilies from plastic bottles, you will need the following components:

  • Container of various sizes.
    Lilies from plastic bottles.
  • Glue.
  • Paint.
  • Wire.
  • Pliers.
  • Shrink.
  • Scissors.
  • Awl.
  • Matches or lighter.
  • Scotch.

It’s better to prepare everything in advance so that you don’t get distracted in search of something later.


The procedure for creating such a bouquet is very simple. As stems, a thick wire of section 5-7 mm 2 is used . A heat shrink is put on it, which then

Lily from a plastic bottle.
processed by matches or a lighter. Then we need a beer container of green color, large leaves are cut from it. If necessary, you can use other material for these purposes, but then at the final stage they should be covered with paint, which then must dry. The stem and cut petals are connected using a thin wire. If desired, it is also covered with red. Then the lily is made directly from a plastic bottle. There are two ways. In the first case, a white milk container is taken, a flower is cut from its upper part. A hole is made in the center, where the stem is subsequently installed. Then a thick layer of paint is applied to it. The advantage of this method is that it is very simple, but the craft itself is not so spectacular. Therefore, most masters do in a different way. Take 2 containers of white and yellow. Petals are cut from the first. If you need to give them a special shape, then matches or a lighter are used. Chips are made from the second and are attached to the stem with glue. Then the time required to dry it and achieve the required strength is maintained. Around the central part of the bud we begin to stick
Water lily from plastic bottles.
the petals. For greater reliability, they can be wrapped around the entire perimeter with a thin strip of adhesive tape or an insulating tape of white color. This completes the production of lilies from plastic bottles.

Floating lily

For such crafts need a special basis. First you need to find the substrate. For these purposes, you can use a metal sheet, for example. It is completely covered with blue paint, which is allowed to dry well. Then large green spots are made - these are lily leaves on the surface of the water. Then the flower itself is made according to the previously described methodology (by any of them). Until the paint is completely dry, the fabricated bud is installed on the substrate. When all this becomes one, a water lily from plastic bottles is ready to decorate a small pond in the yard of your house.


The main advice in the manufacture of such crafts is not to limit your imagination and creativity. If this condition is met, then lilies from plastic bottles will be just beautiful. They will be a great addition to your garden or turn a playground into a little fairy tale.


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