Tower of David in Jerusalem: history, description, interesting facts

Jerusalem is a city where you can take a trip to the past with just a cup of morning coffee. It is difficult to find another similar place on the planet where modernity, antiquity, multi-religiosity, culture and traditions of different nations would be intertwined. Everyone who comes here remains forever fascinated by the discreet beauty of this city in which history was made. If you want to touch the very heart of Jerusalem, then go where the Tower of David (the Citadel) stands. This attraction has no religious value, but its history is largely identical to the history of the ancient city.

tower of david

Brief description of the attraction

The Tower of David is a powerful fortification built near the Jaffa Gate. Through them, most tourists fall into the Old City, so the image of the citadel is actually the hallmark of Jerusalem. Everyone who visited here must have seen this ancient landmark, inherited by modern residents from their ancestors.

The citadel is located on the West Hill, which rises above the city for seven hundred seventy-three meters. At the time of its founding, it carried out an important mission of protecting the city from invaders, which, however, did not save either Jerusalem itself or the Tower of David, which received its name in honor of the great king, from destruction.

museum tower of david

Title: History Bug

It is interesting that many consider David to be the builder of the citadel, but in fact he has nothing to do with it. Scientists have long carried out archaeological research near the tower and found out that it was laid already after the death of the legendary king and his son Solomon. And the citadel got its name as a result of a misunderstanding: Christians from Byzantium felt that it was on the Western Hill that the famous palace of Tsar David was located, which was later destroyed. Despite the fact that archaeological excavations showed the fallacy of this version, the name was fixed and survived to this day.

tower of david in jerusalem

Tower of David in Jerusalem: History

Historians say that the fortress and the citadel itself were laid in the second century BC. During this period, the Old Town acquired quite impressive dimensions and urgently needed defensive fortifications. According to archaeologists, they began to build them back in the time of King David and his son Solomon, but only King Hezekiah understood how important it was to surround Jerusalem with a high wall and actively began to build it.

After about a hundred years, the Hasmonean rulers managed to complete what had begun before them and erected a major fortification with several watchtowers.

King Herod, who came to power, built his magnificent palace on Mount Synod and took care of its protection by strengthening the fortress wall. The northwestern part was considered the most vulnerable spot of the entire structure. It was there that Herod built three huge towers, giving them the eloquent names - “Fasail”, “Miriam” and “Hippicus”. The first citadel got its name in honor of the brother of the king, who left this world of his own free will. Miriam was the wife of Herod, who fell at his hand. The third tower is named for one of the king’s best friends. Together, they were to personify the power of royal power and the power of Jerusalem.

It is interesting that only the foundation of the first tower has survived to this day, and it was it that later became the foundation for the construction of the Tower of David.

History of Jerusalem - History of the Citadel

In the seventieth year of our era, Jerusalem suffered greatly from the Romans, who captured the city and turned the citadel into a barracks. However, after Rome adopted Christianity, the ruins of the tower were given to the monks.

Having conquered the city, the Ottoman rulers decided to preserve the fortress wall and completed it, turning it into a powerful structure that managed to withstand several onslaught of the crusaders. Having not overcome the resistance of the Turks, the knights persuaded them to surrender in exchange for life. During the reign of the Crusaders, the Tower of David performed its basic protective functions. Over time, she was surrounded by a deep moat, and on the fortress wall there were constantly sentinels. During this period, pilgrims from Europe regularly came to Jerusalem who needed protection from Arabs and nomadic tribes.

From the beginning of the twelfth century, the fortress, along with the tower, was constantly destroyed and rebuilt:

  • in 1187 with the capture of the city of Saladin;
  • at the beginning of the thirteenth century (destruction and restoration of Mamelukes);
  • perestroika in the middle of the sixteenth century by the sultans of the Ottoman Empire.

It is worth noting that all four hundred years, when the Turks ruled in Jerusalem, the Tower of David was under their close attention. All the time it was used as a barracks for several garrisons, a minaret and a mosque were erected here. They have survived to the present day.

tower of david citadel landmarks

Twentieth Century Citadel

The First World War was marked by the arrival of the British in Jerusalem. They ruled this territory until the forty-eighth year. It should be noted that for the citadel it was a heyday: the structure was reconstructed, the nearby territories became the venue for numerous performances of various musical groups.

In the fifties, the ancient tower regained its status of a protective structure, but in the sixty-seventh year of the last century it finally turned into a cultural and historical object, which is very popular among tourists coming to Jerusalem.

Turning a fortress into a museum

In the eighties of the last century, the Tower of David Museum appeared on the site of the citadel, revealing the whole history of Jerusalem from the moment of its formation. All four thousand years of the city’s existence unfold before visitors in holograms, mock-ups, drawings and archaeological finds.

Guests of Jerusalem can climb the ramparts and enjoy the view of the Old City. Such a panorama is difficult to find elsewhere, because only from here this place is visible, clearly.

In recent years, the laser show, which is broadcast on the walls of the tower, has been very popular. The plots are various milestones in the history of Jerusalem. To see this incredibly colorful sight, tourists from all over the city come to the walls of the citadel.

tower of david description of how to get

How to get to the Tower of David

Description of the attraction is half the battle. As they say, it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. And to see, you need to arrive at the place. The museum is located in the central part of the city, so it is easy to get here by public transport. There are two bus routes to the Tower of David - the twentieth and sixtieth.

Keep in mind that the museum is open from ten in the morning until five in the evening (Sunday - Thursday). Friday is considered a shortened day, work lasts until two in the afternoon. The cost of the admission ticket does not exceed thirty shekels (at the rate for the last ten days of June 2017, 1 shekel = 16.77 rubles).

If you want to enjoy the laser show, get ready to pay another fifty-five shekels. The performance lasts one hour and usually starts at eight in the evening.


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