Refurbished iPhone 5S. Reviews on the Apple iPhone 5S 16Gb Refurbished Smartphone

New smartphones from Apple, as always, are quite expensive. This is a normal course of things, taking into account how well-developed this brand is and how popular gadgets with an apple on the back cover are popular today.

Given the powerful technical characteristics, stylish design, positioning of the Apple device as an attribute of prestige and success, many want to purchase it. But of course, not everyone achieved the financial results of their activity when they can easily afford such an expensive device (compared to other devices on the market). How to be in this situation? Read in today's article.

Buy older models

refurbished iphone 5s reviews

One of the first ones that begs a simple but effective advice: buy older versions of devices. Such a solution will allow you to get a full-fledged device from a renowned manufacturer at a lower cost.

Such a β€œscheme” is based primarily on Apple policy. It consists in the fact that the electronics giant is constantly updating its gadgets, releasing new generations of smartphones and tablets. Such updates are carried out regularly, every six months. As a result, their latest gadgets are priced at $ 700-900, pushing older generations down the value hierarchy. As a result, those who cannot afford the device just released get the opportunity to get a smartphone that was released several years ago, cheaper.

We give an example in order to make it clearer what is at stake. At the time of writing, the most relevant version of the iPhone 6S is considered. Now it is available for sale at the price published above.

If you cannot afford it, take a look at versions 6 or 5S. In terms of their capabilities, these devices are not so far behind the flagship, while their price has been significantly reduced.

Buy a restored version

smartphone iphone 5s refurbished reviews

Another tip is suitable for those for whom the price of these devices still seems to be inaccessible. Such Apple fans may be advised to purchase a refurbished iPhone 5S. The reviews we found on the websites of electronics stores allow us to say with confidence that a large number of such phones are bought and in general they are in demand. And after you read our review, you will see for yourself - it is no accident. There are many arguments for which will be discussed a bit later.

Since buying an older version of the iPhone may still seem like an expensive pleasure to many, we decided to do a review that will describe the restored iPhone 5S. The reviews of people who managed to purchase such a smartphone, as well as descriptions on various review sites and forums will give us the opportunity to give a more detailed picture of what this gadget is.

What is refurbished?

This term is often used in the descriptions of the gadget in question. Translated from English, this word means "restored." In fact, we are talking about this category of electronic devices - the iPhone, which was in use, after which it was restored to a new state.

According to information from the official Apple website , smartphones undergo a recovery procedure at the manufacturer's factories. In this regard, the quality of the work performed can be called high, but you should not worry about the performance of the model. The only point that may confuse the new owner is the fact that the device was in use before. However, outwardly it is impossible to say about this about the gadget - the iPhone 5S looks like new.

Apple iphone 5s 16gb refurbished reviews

Reviews of the restored phone are also characterized on the positive side. We will not get ahead of ourselves (after all, a separate section of our review is devoted to this), so let’s say briefly: many buyers are generally satisfied with the purchase of such a device. This fact is confirmed by the high demand that is observed on smartphones in sales networks.


There are a number of positive aspects that characterize the smartphone Apple iPhone 5S 16Gb (restored). Reviews in the first place, of course, are called the reduced cost of the device. Indeed, it will cost only 25 thousand rubles (against 40 thousand for the new model), which amounts to a decent cost savings.

The second plus is a guarantee. Indeed, when working with used gadgets, the user (theoretically) may experience problems with some of the functions of the latter. We do not know what happened to this model while it was in operation by another owner. Therefore, it is reasonable that stores selling such samples offer repair and replacement in the event of a problem. This procedure is carried out under the same conditions as new smartphones fall under. As a result, we can say about the absence of risks for the buyer.

Finally, the third convincing factor is the lack of differences between the new and second-hand options. Outwardly, you will not be able to determine in any way whether the phone was used before you or not.

smartphone iphone 5s 16gb refurbished reviews

Negative moments

As such, the disadvantages, if you buy a refurbished iPhone 5S (reviews confirm this), do not exist. It will be more accurate to say that they are easily eliminated even in the event of their occurrence.

What problems may arise with refurbished versions of devices? For example, a telephone may fail. As the reviews describing the iPhone 5S 16Gb (recovered) show, there are malfunctions like sensor failure, incorrect display or failure of another module. Of course, this can lead to uncomfortable work with the device. And this is certainly a negative point.

But there is also a profitable solution. As the reviews describing the Apple iPhone 5S smartphone (restored) demonstrate, it is enough to take the model to the salon where it was purchased, and after that you will be given another refurbished device.


Having clarified some points regarding the positive and negative aspects of the iPhone 5S, I would also like to clarify the information about the origin of the restored smartphones. After all, it is often believed that these are necessarily β€œdead” phones from the United States or Europe, which are subject to repair. However, this is not quite true.

iPhone 5S as new reviews restored

According to Apple representatives themselves, the often restored iPhone 5S (reviews confirm this) is a new gadget that was bought and returned to the store for various reasons. For example, someone had 2 donated devices, or someone wanted a newer model. In America, this practice is considered widespread, so all the work that is carried out on such a refurbished device consists of a cleaned display cloth.

This is another factor that plays into the hands of the buyer of such a smartphone: there is a chance that you will come across a new device at the price of a used one.

High demand

Reduced price for Apple iPhone 5S 16Gb (restored) reviews are called the key moment on the way to widespread popularization of such gadgets. Indeed, instead of acquiring a smartphone from your hands, it is safer to buy it at official points of sale, receiving (in the kit) a guarantee for the operation of the device.

That is why now in Russia the refurbished version is offered in all the largest mobile sales networks. And, judging by the news from such companies, the marketability of devices is on top. And what do those who have already bought a refurbished Apple iPhone 5S think?

Customer reviews

iPhone 5s 16gb refurbished reviews

In fact, the recommendations of real people who bought a gadget are the best source of information about the latter. We turned to them by visiting a number of popular resources about smartphones.

In the course of this, we came to the conclusion that some of the purchased phones can indeed be called a successful acquisition. They serve in no way worse than new models, although they cost almost one and a half times less.

The other part of buyers, however, was not so lucky. Some of the reviews say that people got a phone, problems with which began shortly after the start of work.

If there is a situation in which it is really necessary to replace the device, its outcome depends solely on the competence of the distribution network. Reviews note that in some stores everything is done quite quickly: the exchange is carried out without additional delay, solely upon the fact of a detected problem.

Another thing is when you come across a trading network that establishes an additional period for diagnosing a phone, analyzing the causes of a problem.


Apple iphone 5s refurbished reviews

Summing up all the above facts, we can draw a number of interesting conclusions. The first is that a refurbished iPhone can indeed be a bargain if you come across a device that works just as well as a new one. The second conclusion sounds like this: if you still have problems with the purchased smartphone, you can only solve them using the distribution network in which you are served. Therefore, carefully approach the choice of the store where the purchase will be made: study the reviews about it, look for information from other buyers of the refurbished version and so on.


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