Why and why Hitler exterminated the Jews

Anti-Semitism is a shameful phenomenon. Actually, any oppression and especially physical destruction of people on a national basis is criminal, especially if it is initiated by the government and carried out on a state scale. History knows cases of mass genocide against representatives of different nations. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were destroyed by the Turks at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Not everyone knows how brutally Japanese soldiers cracked down on the Chinese during the occupation of Nanjing and Singapore in the late 30s. Mass executions of the Serbian population were carried out during the war by the allies of Nazi Germany, the Croatian Ustash. By historical standards, recently, in 1994, terrible purges on a national basis (the Hutus killed the Tutsis) shocked Rwanda.

why did Hitler exterminate the Jews

But there are people who were subjected in the twentieth century to the most severe ethnic persecution, called the Holocaust. Modern Germans cannot unambiguously explain why their grandfathers, who grew up under the influence of Goebbels propaganda, exterminated the Jews. It is possible that the ancestors themselves would not have found a clear argumentation of their actions, but in the thirties and forties, for most of them, everything was clear and understandable.

why did Hitler exterminate the Jews

Woe from the mind?

To the question of why Jews were exterminated in different countries (and this happened not only in Germany of the twentieth century, but also in other countries at different times), the representatives of this people most often hear the answer: “From envy!” This version of the assessment of tragic events has its own logic and truth. The Jewish people gave mankind many geniuses who shone in science, in art, and in other areas of human civilization. The ability to adapt, a traditionally active position, an active character, subtle and ironic humor, innate musicality, enterprise, and other unconditionally positive qualities are characteristic of a nation that has given the world Einstein, Oistrakh, Marx, Botvinnik ... Yes, you can list for a long time, who else. But, apparently, it is not only envy of outstanding mental abilities. After all, not all Jews are Einsteins. There are more simple people among them. A sign of true wisdom is not its constant demonstration, but something else. For example, the ability to secure a friendly environment. Such that it never occurred to anyone to offend the representatives of this people. And not out of fear, but out of respect. Or even love.

Revolutionary weaning

People of different nationalities seek power and wealth. One who really wants to taste these attributes of earthly paradise is looking for ways to achieve his own and sometimes finds them. Then, other people (whom we can arbitrarily call envious people) have a desire to redistribute the benefits, in other words, to take away the wealth from the rich and appropriate them or, in extreme cases, divide them equally (or brotherly, this is when the eldest one is bigger). During pogroms and revolutions, successful owners of states of different nationalities, from Zulu kings to Ukrainian top government officials, fall under analysis. But why were the Jews exterminated in the first place in almost all cases of mass robbery? Maybe they have more money?

why did Hitler exterminate the Jews

Strangers and Xenophobes

Jews for historical reasons from ancient times until the mid-twentieth century did not have their own state. They had to settle in different countries, kingdoms, states and move to new places in search of a better life. Some Jews were able to assimilate, merging into the indigenous ethnic group and dissolving in it without a trace. But the core of the nation still retained its originality, religion, language and other signs that determine national characteristics. This is a miracle in itself, because xenophobia is in one way or another inherent in almost all indigenous ethnic groups. The dissimilarity causes rejection and hostility, and they, in turn, greatly complicate life.

Knowing that the common enemy could become the best reason to unite the nation, Hitler exterminated the Jews. Technically, it was simple, they were easy to recognize, they go to synagogues, observe kashrut and Saturday, otherwise they dress and sometimes even talk with an accent. Moreover, at the time the Nazis came to power, Jews were not able to effectively confront violence, representing an almost ideal ethnically isolated and helpless victim. The desire for self-isolation, which determined the survival of the nation, once again worked as a decoy for the pogromists.

why did the Jews exterminate

Hitler's “My Fight”

The answer to the question of why Hitler exterminated the Jews is most logical to look for in the biography of the Fuhrer. In it, the leader of the German people is somewhat in a boring manner, but he outlined his own political views in sufficient detail, and also appreciated the role of different peoples in world historical processes. In his opinion, the main enemies of the Germans are the French and Jews. About the Slavs, by the way, in “Mein Kampf” it is said little and in passing. Adolf Hitler believed that the Jews are a nation parasitizing on a healthy body in Germany, and it is necessary to fight mercilessly with it. At the time of writing the book, this idea was no longer original, something similar was claimed by Karl Marx, Voltaire, and some other quite respected thinkers. But it was Hitler who translated this issue into a practical plane, not limited to theoretical provisions.

why did the Germans exterminate the Jews

Did the Germans know about Auschwitz and Buchenwald

After the defeat of Nazism, many Germans claimed that they knew nothing about concentration camps, ghettos, high-performance crematorium furnaces and giant moats filled with human bodies. They did not know about soap, and candles made from human fat, and other cases of “useful disposal” of the remains. Some of their neighbors simply disappeared somewhere, and the authorities did not hear about the atrocities committed in the occupied territories. The desire to renounce responsibility for war crimes of ordinary soldiers and officers of the Wehrmacht is understandable, they pointed to the SS troops, engaged mainly in punitive operations. But there was also a “crystal night” of 1938, during which not only stormtroopers in brown shirts acted, but also the most ordinary inhabitants. Representatives of the sentimental, talented and hardworking German people with sweet delight destroyed the property of their recent friends and neighbors, and they themselves were beaten and humiliated. So why did the Germans exterminate the Jews, what are the reasons for the sudden outbreak of fierce hatred? Was there a reason?

Hitler exterminated the Jews

Jews of the Weimar Republic

To understand the reasons why Germans exterminated Jews, their recent neighbors and friends, one should immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Weimar Republic. Many historical studies have been written about this period, and those who do not want to read scientific folios have the opportunity to learn about it from the novels of the great writer E. M. Remarque. The country suffers from overwhelming indemnities imposed by the Entente countries that won the Great War. Poverty borders on hunger, while the souls of its citizens are increasingly seized by various vices caused by forced idleness and the desire to somehow brighten up their gray beggarly life. But there are also prosperous people, businessmen, bankers, speculators. Entrepreneurship, due to centuries of nomadic life, is in the blood of Jews. It was they who became the backbone of the business elite of the Weimar Republic, which lasted from 1919 to 1933. There were, of course, not rich Jews, artisans, artisans, musicians and poets, painters and sculptors, and they made up the majority of the people. They basically became victims of the Holocaust, the rich managed to escape, they had money for tickets.

Why Hitler exterminated Jews in occupied Soviet territory

The Holocaust reached its peak during World War II. In the territory of occupied Poland, the "death factory", Majdanek and Auschwitz, immediately began work. But the flywheel of massacre on a national basis gained special momentum after the Wehrmacht invasion of the USSR.

There were many Jews in the Leninist political bureau of the Bolshevik party, they even made up the majority. By 1941, large-scale purges were held in the CPSU (b), as a result of which the national composition of the Kremlin leadership underwent significant changes. But at the lower (what is called “local”) levels and in the NKVD bodies, Jewish Bolsheviks continued to maintain quantitative dominance. Many of them had the experience of the Civil War, their services to the Soviet government were assessed as indisputable, they participated in collectivization, industrialization and other large-scale Bolshevik projects. Is it worth asking why Hitler exterminated Jews and commissars in the occupied Soviet territories in the first place? For the Nazis, these two concepts were almost identical and eventually merged into a single whole definition of “liquid commissars”.

Anti-Semitism Vaccine

National hostility was instilled gradually. Racial theory began to dominate the Third Reich almost immediately after the Nazis came to power. Chronicles of ritual sacrifices appeared on the screens of cinemas, during which the rabbis killed the cows, cutting their throats with a sharp knife. Jewish men and women are very beautiful, but such Nazi propagandists were not interested. For campaign videos and posters, “walking aids for anti-Semites” were specially chosen, with persons expressing brutal cruelty and stupidity. So the Germans became anti-Semites.

why exterminated the Jews

After the Victory, the commandant's offices of the victorious countries pursued a policy of denazification, moreover, in all four occupation zones: Soviet, American, French and British. Residents of the defeated Reich were actually forced (under the threat of deprivation of food rations) to watch revealing documentary films. This measure was aimed at mitigating the consequences of a twelve-year brainwashing of deceived Germans.

Himself so!

Talking about geopolitics, preaching the ideals of racial superiority of the Aryans and calling for the destruction of peoples, the FĂĽhrer nevertheless remained, paradoxically, an ordinary person suffering from a number of psychological complexes. One of them was the question of their own nationality. Understanding why Hitler exterminated the Jews is difficult, but one of the keys is the origin of his father, Alois Schiklgruber. The pope of the future Fuhrer received the notorious surname only after an official declaration of paternity, certified by three witnesses and made by Johann Georg Hitler in 1867 for reasons of inheritance.

why Jews were exterminated

Alois himself was married three times, and there is a version that one of his children from a previous marriage tried to blackmail the “leader of the German people” with information about the semi-Jewish origin of their common father. This hypothesis has a number of inconsistencies, but due to chronological remoteness it cannot be completely ruled out. But she can explain some of the subtleties of the painful psyche of the possessed Fuhrer. After all, an anti-Semitic Jew is not such a rare occurrence. And Hitler's appearance does not at all correspond to the racial standards adopted in the Third Reich. He was not a tall blue-eyed blond.

Occult and other causes

Trying to explain why Hitler exterminated the Jews is possible from the standpoint of the ethical and philosophical base that he brought under the process of the physical destruction of millions of people. The FĂĽhrer was fond of occult theories, and his favorite authors were Guido von Liszt and Elena Blavatsky. In general, the version of the origin of the Aryans and the ancient Germans turned out to be rather confusing and contradictory, but with respect to the Jews, the policy was based on the mystical assumption that they, singled out by Hitler as a separate race, supposedly pose a danger to all mankind, threatening him with complete destruction.

why the Nazis exterminated the Jews

Assuming that a whole nation might be drawn into a global conspiracy is difficult. With a multimillion population, someone would surely have blabbed about the inhuman plan in which everyone is involved, from the shoemaker Rabinovich to Professor Geller. To the question of why the Nazis exterminated the Jews, there is no logical answer.

War crimes against humanity are committed when people refuse to think on their own, relying on their leaders, and no doubt, and sometimes with pleasure, carry out someone’s evil will. Unfortunately, similar phenomena take place today ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10851/

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