Types of subordination of words in phrases

The phrase and sentence are syntactic constructions that make up the harmonious system of any language. The structural and functional features of phrases and sentences are studied by syntax - one of the sections of grammar.

What is a phrase and a sentence? A phrase is two or more significant words, held together by a subordinate link. A sentence is a complex unit of language, the main function of which is communicative, therefore, it is framed intonationally and has certain forms of mood and time. Separate words in a sentence have a certain semantic connection among themselves, due to which, in fact, their communicative and semantic function is formed. Such relationships are called syntactic. They, in turn, are divided into composing and subordinate. In sentences, there are both types of communication, in the phrase - only one - subordinate (as indicated above).

Subordination in phrases

In the name “subordinate” the essence of this grammatical connection is clearly traced, where two words always occupy different positions: one acts as the main one, and the other as the dependent, subordinate to it, and its grammatical characteristics (number, case and gender) fully or partially correspond and are defined by the main word. Depending on the degree of subordination of the secondary word to the main, there are different types of subordinate communication.


The grammatical features of the dependent word for this type of syntactic connection are fully consistent and determined by the meaningful, main word. For example: a stone flower, a big city (famous name. Pad., M., Singular), cirrus clouds, golden cities (plural, famous name. Pad.), Many beautiful people (patern. Pad., plural hours). Moreover, if the main word changes its grammatical form, it changes, respectively, and the subordinate. For example, an autumn leaf (named. P.), An autumn leaf (puerperal. P.), An autumn leaf (creates. P.), Etc.

The various components of speech, such as adjectives (beautiful dress), participles (bouncing ball), ordinal numbers (second grade), and quantitative numbers (with two rooms), can act as a dependent component in matching phrases. It is very important to note that such types of subordinate connection as coordination are impossible with verbs, adverbs, adverbs, i.e. parts of speech that have neither gender, nor number, nor case. When coordinated, a noun always acts only as a determining, main word and in no case can be dependent, because it does not change by gender.

In the phrase, the coordination between its components can be complete, coinciding in all grammatical signs, or partial, when the match occurs on one or two signs. For example: a flying Dutchman, red heat (full agreement), our postman (partial).

The following types of subordinate connections in the phrase are built on other grammatical principles.


In management, a subordinate word is put in an indirect case with or without a preposition, which is determined by the semantic meaning of the main component of the phrase. For example: running around the room (the dependent word “around the room” is in the prepositional case), watching a movie (the dependent word “film” is in the accusative case), we met interesting people (instrumental case with a preposition). It should be noted that, unlike coordination in management, when the form of the main word is changed, the dependent does not change. For example: sing a song - singing a song - sing a song - sing a song.

In management, the main words can be verbs, nouns or adverbs. Such types of subordinate communication are called verbal, adopted or contingent management. For example: read poetry, a bowl of soup, alone with everyone. Management can be prepositional (with the participation of a preposition) or unintended, and also strong when the lexical-grammatical form of the main word necessarily assumes a dependent component next to it (for example: loyalty to friends, sent letter), or weak when such dependence is not traced (for example : a letter in an envelope, a vase on the table).


Types of subordinate connection in words, in which the dependent word is determined by the main only by semantic meaning, is called adjacency. Here, the subordinate word can be an adverb (quickly reads), a participle (done after the sleeves), a comparative adjective or an adverb (furry furry, toss further), possessive pronouns (her room).

How to determine the types of subordination

To correctly establish the type of connection, first you need to determine the main and subordinate words and part of the speech of this dependent component. Immutable parts of speech are involved in adjacency. If, when changing the main word, the subordinate also changes its grammatical features, then this is a coordination. Finally, you need to ask a question from the main to the dependent word and, if this question relates to any indirect case, then this is management.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10860/

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