The main scientific branches of pedagogy: description and features

The branches of special pedagogy involve the study of people with a variety of deviations from standard mental development. Such problems are associated with acquired or birth defects.

Features of special pedagogy

These branches of pedagogy are recognized by psychology as special conditions, which for the most part arise in adolescence and childhood under the influence of factors of an organic or functional nature. Such conditions cause a slow or specific psychosocial development of the child, which significantly complicates its integration and social adaptation.

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Object of special pedagogy

In this branch of social pedagogy, adolescents, children, and older people with various deviations in somatic, mental, intellectual, sensory, personal, and social development are considered as the main object. Specialists not only identify problems, but also look for ways to resolve them.

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Sections of Social Psychology

This branch of pedagogy has certain sections:

  • typhlopsychology (with problems with the organs of vision);
  • audiopsychology (for deaf children and adolescents);
  • oligophrenopsiology (with mental retardation);
  • psychology of children with speech problems;
  • Psychology for children with severe mental retardation.

scientific branches of pedagogy

Tasks of Special Psychology

The following tasks are distinguished in this branch of pedagogy:

  • to study the features of the mental development of different categories of abnormal children and adolescents in comparison with those that develop without deviations;
  • to study the effectiveness of the influence of certain methods of education and training on the development of the personality of students with disabilities;
  • analyze the specifics of the cognitive activity of children with different types of disorders;
  • select pedagogical methods of influence on the education and development of children who have significant developmental anomalies;
  • to develop methods and methods for diagnosing different types of mental development disorders;
  • to study the psychological problems that arise in the course of socialization and integration in society of children with different types of abnormal development.

The practical significance of special psychology

This branch of pedagogy has several important practical tasks:

  • identify children with developmental disabilities;
  • conduct differential diagnosis;
  • to develop certain psychodiagnostic techniques.

branches of pedagogy as a science

Principles for screening children with developmental problems

These branches of psychology and pedagogy operate on the basis of the principles:

  • comprehensive study of the child;
  • dynamic examination of the child;
  • the integrity and consistency of training, the identification of a primary defect and a secondary violation;
  • qualitatively-quantitative approach in the process of analyzing data that were obtained during psychological and pedagogical diagnostics.

In order for the above principles to be fully implemented, a psychological service was created in the field of modern pedagogy, aimed at diagnostic, preventive, corrective, developing, diagnostic, and rehabilitation activities with a personality. Currently, the following approach is relevant: after the diagnosis of selection, an analysis of specific parameters of the development of the child’s mental development is performed.

branches of social pedagogy

Features of special pedagogy

In this branch of pedagogy, as a science , people with anomalies in mental and physical development are considered, who, due to hereditary or acquired defects, cannot be trained in classical pedagogical conditions. For such categories of children, generally accepted pedagogical tools and methods are not suitable.

The goals of psychological support

Let us analyze the scientific branches of pedagogy regarding the development of children with disabilities. Among the goals of their special support are:

  • the search for an imbalance between the level of development and the teaching methods of such children;
  • taking into account the individual abilities of children with anomalies in the development of special developmental and educational programs;
  • search and development of the most favorable conditions for social adaptation and integration of children with anomalies;
  • the creation of pedagogical and social programs that contribute to the professional self-determination of such students.

The main branches of pedagogy have a scientific base, a certain terminology, and a conceptual apparatus. Special pedagogy is aimed at the habilitation and rehabilitation of children, compensation and correction of deficiencies through pedagogical tools. It is this branch of pedagogy that is responsible for the formation of self-esteem, adequate social behavior, and the development of self-esteem. As a result of the work of teachers and psychologists, children with serious physical and psychological deviations in development should not have problems with socialization and integration in society.

branches of psychology and pedagogy


The modern system of branches of pedagogy includes such a section as defectology. This is a science about the development of children with developmental abnormalities, as well as the laws of their upbringing and education. Defectology as a science has brought into modern pedagogy a methodology for a comprehensive study of the personality of children. This branch of pedagogy includes the following areas:

  • speech therapy;
  • oligophrenopedagogy;
  • sign language education;
  • typhlopedagogy.

At the end of the last century, the term “corrective pedagogy” was used instead of “defectology”. Currently, in Russian education, the concept of “corrective pedagogy” means the sum of the components that make up the defectology. Correctional pedagogy is a branch of pedagogical science that develops theoretical principles, foundations, means and methods of education, correction, upbringing of children who have deviations and developmental disabilities.

Medical pedagogy, which is an integrated medical and pedagogical science that deals with the system of educational work of teachers with sick and sick children, adjoins corrective pedagogy.


Among the basic concepts of special pedagogy and psychology are:

  • defect;
  • norm;
  • compensation;
  • rehabilitation;
  • abnormal children;
  • correction;
  • dysontogenesis;
  • socialization;
  • educational conditions.

We will analyze these terms in detail. The term "norm" (translated from Latin means a guiding principle) is used to characterize health or illness. The intellectual, psychoemotional, physiological state of the child involved in the diagnosis is compared with the norm.

Pathology is considered as a deviation from the standard level of development. Psychologists highlight the pathology of intellectual and physiological development, as well as deviations from the norms of behavior in society. Deviant behavior is a system of actions or a separate act that contradicts generally accepted rules and norms. In modern psychology, several types of norms are distinguished:

  • perfect pattern;
  • physiological norm;
  • static sample;
  • individual rate.

In addition to physiological abnormalities in development, behavioral pathologies are often observed in children. They are manifested in the instability of interpersonal relationships, resentment, dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, and self-rejection.

A defect is a physical or mental disability that causes a violation of the full development of the child. Allocate its primary and secondary signs. If a child has a defect in one of the functions, difficulty in the normal functioning of the body occurs, psychological problems arise, and intellectual development slows down. The development of a child with a defect in one of the functions occurs only in the presence of certain circumstances. The impact of the defect is dual. Because of it, disturbances arise in the normal functioning of the body, but at the same time other functions are intensely developing, compensating for the deficiency that has appeared. Psychologist L. S. Vygotsky said that the minus from the defect is gradually turning into plus compensation. Currently, there are two types of defects:

  • Primary include general and particular dysfunctions of the central nervous system, manifested in developmental delay. The primary effect is caused by damage to analyzers, parts of the central nervous system.
  • Secondary ones develop as a child grows up with a violation of psychophysiological development, if the social environment fails to compensate for such problems. A secondary defect implies the incomplete development of higher mental functions due to primary deviations in development. For example, if a child has hearing problems, his speech and thinking are poorly developed.

Secondary defects occur by different mechanisms. Most often, functions that are closely related to the primary defect are underdeveloped. In preschool age, the formation of voluntary motility in a sensitive period occurs. If various injuries appear at this time: skull injuries, meningitis, delays in normal development may occur, the child develops motor disinhibition. The greater the relationship between the secondary deviation and the primary defect, the more difficult it is to carry out the correction.

system of branches of pedagogy


In modern pedagogy and psychology, many industries are distinguished. Each involves its own specific goals and objectives, focused on a specific age of children. Recently, special attention has been paid to the development and correction of children with serious deviations in physiological and psychological development. The urgency of the problem is explained by an increase in the incidence rate in children, including an increase in the number of mental disorders.

Thanks to the modernization of the modern system of Russian education, which is currently taking place, it has become possible to train and educate children with serious deviations in physiology and mental development according to individual programs. In many comprehensive schools, specialized correctional classes appear , in which children study and develop according to special programs. Teachers work in close contact with child psychologists.


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