Universal Electronic Card (UEC) - reviews

A universal electronic card, or UEC, the reviews of which are very contradictory, is a plastic card of Russia, which acts both as a means of payment and a tool for identifying a person. Some people talk about the convenience of the product, others are indignant about the limited functionality. Many services are still under development.

Using a card, you can not only pay and receive state-type services. A payment tool allows you to remotely order services. We can say that UEC (universal electronic card of Russia) is an identifier and an electronic wallet, a bank card and an electronic signature, a travel card. The validity of the instrument is 5 years. It is issued absolutely free of charge to everyone after submitting the appropriate application. Linking to a bank account is also free.

Identification tool

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After receiving a UEC card, reviews of which are both positive and negative, it can be used as a passport in certain situations. According to cardholders, getting them today is very problematic, since applications are accepted only at five specially designed points in Moscow. Plastic can be used as an identifier when applying for state and municipal services. The card also applies to the commercial segment. Electronic storage media can be used in the pension system and in medical institutions. According to the owners of the electronic information carrier, it is very convenient and does not wear out like paper documents. It helps to avoid many inconveniences, as it is always at hand in your wallet.

Electronic signature

Due to the proliferation of services provided remotely via the Internet, electronic signatures have become very popular. They are required when sending documents online. Businessmen and people who had to deal with legally strong actions in electronic form, appreciated the opportunity to put their electronic qualified signature through a card. Thus, a certain secure connection is formed between the customer of the service and its provider.

If we compare the partnership algorithm with a simple scheme for using the login and password, we can note a high level of security. Information cannot be intercepted, much less studied or substituted. In some areas of business activity, this feature of the product is very appreciated, as it allows you to keep all the secrets of entrepreneurship from competitors. Businessmen who are fortunate enough to receive a card are very pleased with the product.

Payment instrument

card wack reviews

UEC, whose reviews as a payment instrument are only good, allows for various kinds of operations with bank settlement accounts. Owners of an electronic product focus on the fact that they can pay for goods or services at any time. It is possible to cash money from accounts or transfer them to another bank card holder. On the Internet, payment is possible in any of the existing directions.

As for offline payments, you need to pay attention to special notes in places where it is planned to use a means of payment. Already today in Russia there are a huge number of trading and service enterprises that have integrated their activities with the product. There are about 100 thousand of them. These companies work with banks that are participants in the PRO100 payment system.

You can activate the banking application in any bank where this category of services is provided. It will be enough just to open a bank account, the maintenance and activation of which are not paid. People using the service say that every month the number of commercial points working with the card increases, which only increases the level of usability of the product.

Access and use

universal electronic map of Russia

The universal electronic map of Russia gives its holders full access to the information that is on it. You can independently study and verify the identification data: last name and first name, middle name, date of birth. It is possible to edit the information recorded on the media, which is necessary to fill out various kinds of electronic documents. Product owners can change the mailing address and telephone number, email address.

The information on the map allows you to automatically fill out applications in cooperation with multifunctional centers or when submitting any applications via the Internet. Use the product allows special terminals in the clinic and in multifunctional centers, Sberbank ATMs. If the outlet works with this means of payment, then at the checkout you can see a special sticker.

Expanding the scope of activities for entrepreneurs

UEC, whose reviews are mostly good, opens up new prospects and new markets for goods and services for entrepreneurs. Due to the popularization of online banking, people are increasingly refusing to pay in cash. The number of electronic card holders is constantly increasing, and the installation of a device for receiving a card allows you to increase the number of customers.

wack universal electronic card customer reviews

According to businessmen, the use of a card as a means of payment does not require the mandatory installation of a terminal or ATM. It is possible to carry out settlements with customers through a personal computer, which is very convenient for small firms. It is enough to simply connect a reader or card reader to the PC via the USB port. Please note that for the system to work effectively, the card reader or any analogue of it must necessarily support the PC / SC standard. Today on the radio markets you can find readers, the cost of which starts from 200 rubles. A small investment in a business structure will open up completely new horizons.

Transport issue

A UEC card, reviews of which are mostly positive, can serve as a universal ticket for such modes of transport as a tram and bus, trolleybus and metro, monorail and waterbus. On the electronic storage medium there is a built-in electronic transport wallet, on which you can put an amount of several thousand rubles. It all depends on the region. For each trip, a fixed fare will be deducted from the card. On the validator, you can see information about the amount written off and the balance.

UEC (universal electronic card), customer reviews of which draw attention to the product, can be used to record purchased tickets. In this situation, when using public transport, travel will not be deducted.

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UEC can serve as a repository for train and plane tickets. Top-ups can be made online. Using the card, you can use such benefits as free travel for schoolchildren, students, senior citizens and other categories of people who have benefits. People say that this alternative to paper tickets is very convenient and practical.

What services will soon be available to motorists?

Opinions on the UEC in the transport issue diverge, since many services are still planned to be included in the list of capabilities of the tool. Soon, information on the evacuation of the car and on the presence of fines, which can be paid directly from plastic, can be stored on the card. It is planned to adapt the payment instrument for the storage of CASCO policies, which again can be purchased without leaving home. It is worth saying about the following features:

  • Payment for parking.
  • Payment of fees upon receipt of a driver’s license.
  • Payment for registration of a vehicle.
  • Payment for deregistration of a car.

Cardholders with their own car are eagerly awaiting activation of offers. In their opinion, this will only make the product even better.

Additional offers to product holders

reviews about universal electronic card sberbank

Using the card is tightly integrated with the Internet. Soon it will be possible to order public services through an electronic account without using a password and login. Everyone will receive priority as an opportunity to use the services of a professional notary publicly. If earlier when signing contracts, in partnership with insurance companies, travel agencies and banks, a personal presence was required, today it is not necessary thanks to the card. If conflicts arise, the electronic signature will be considered as normal.

Plastic can completely replace a retirement certificate. In the near future there are plans to open a virtual registry through which you can make an appointment with a doctor and get an appointment without standing in long queues. UEC is a universal product, which is always under discussion. A universal electronic card will help to solve a huge number of problems with minimal effort, which will significantly increase the standard of living.

High security

A universal electronic card (UEC), reviews of which are getting better every day, provides a high level of security of the information stored on it. Only general information about the owner is written on the product, all the detailed information about the person still remains in the databases of state structures.

universal electronic card wack reviews

The tool acts as an identifier that allows you to quickly find the required information in the archives. There are reviews of a universal electronic card (Sberbank also notes it as a very reliable financial instrument), which indicate the indispensability of an electronic information carrier. Moreover, plastic developers constantly focus on the fact that access to the holder’s data can only be obtained with his consent. The worries of cardholders regarding the security of identity are in vain.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1087/

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