Irkutsk prison: history of construction, founder, photo

The Irkutsk prison, built in 1661 on the banks of the Angara, marked the beginning of the creation of the large city of Irkutsk. The wild and unfamiliar territory of the Siberian Territory, once heavily inhabited by Cossacks, has grown into a modern city with a population of more than half a million.

Its historical center - the place where the prison once stood - is included in the preliminary list of UNESCO monuments.

What is a prison and why was it needed in Siberia?

In the second half of the 16th century, the process of joining Siberian territories to the lands of the Russian state began. This historical fact is also referred to as "the conquest of Siberia." This term most fully reflects the events that took place in those distant centuries. Local residents actively resisted the Russians coming to their lands, did not want to obey the new order, and the "guests" allowed cruelty to indigenous peoples.

The conquest of Siberia began in 1581, as is commonly believed, the campaign of the Cossacks, led by Ataman Ermak Timofeevich Povolsky. Gathering an army, he began his legendary campaign beyond the Urals to protect the lands of Siberian merchants from the devastating raids of local tribes. Having defeated the numerous but poorly armed troops of Khan Kuchum, the Cossacks, moving inland, began to "open" Siberia for Russia.

Moving mainly on water and arriving at the place of residence of a native tribe, they tried to convince the local population to submit to the Russian tsar and pay yasak (tribute). Failure in negotiations was quickly corrected with the help of weapons.

Subjugating the indigenous population, the Cossacks erected fortresses on the newfound ground (ostrogina - a log with a sharpened end, which was used in the construction of the defensive wall). If the tribe was peaceful, then it was enough to build a winter house, that is, a place for several Cossacks to live in order to maintain order and collect yasak. From here, the Cossacks went on an expedition to reconnaissance. They sent their reports, home-made cards and reports to the Voivodeship.

Irkutsk prison was not the first in this region. By the middle of the 17th century, jails in the Irkutsk Region already stood in many places.

The reasons for the construction of the prison on Irkut

The main waterway to Lake Baikal along the Angara was interesting to Russia. It allowed to significantly expand the developed Siberian territory, up to the great lake. This, in turn, increased the number of conquered local residents who paid tribute to the treasury.

On the way to Baikal lay the island of Dyachy, where it was possible to arrange a safe hibernation, protected by the river and hidden from sight. Yenisei Cossack Ivan Pokhabov chose an island in the middle of the Angara River where the Irkut River flows into it. He was the first researcher of Irkut, he also emphasized the need to create a prison in this place for the convenience of collecting yasak in the surrounding lands.

Reconstruction of the prison

The impetus for the start of construction was the conflict between the Yenisei and Krasnoyarsk Cossacks for the right to collect tribute from residents of the Baikal region. Not agreeing to peacefully divide the territory, they alternately demanded yasak from the local population. The Yandashi Tatars, a peaceful tribe who roamed in the upper reaches of Irkut, asked the governor for protection from the Cossacks. The construction of the Irkutsk prison has solved this problem.

Strategic place for prison

In the early summer of 1661, the Cossack chieftain Yakov Ivanovich Pokhabov, sending a complaint from the natives to Yeniseisk, proceeded to the construction of the fortress without even waiting for an answer. So he had no doubt in receiving an order from the governor. Obviously, the emergence of a new fortress was an overdue and necessary matter. Yakov Pokhabov - Cossack centurion, boyar son, founder of the Irkutsk prison.

The island of Dyachy, where Ivan Pokhabov once lived (it is unknown - the namesake or relative of Jacob), was not suitable for building a fortress, since it was covered with water in high water. The high bank of the Angara was chosen, a cape opposite the mouth of Irkut. The main advantage of this place was that the waterway from here to Baikal along the Angara and to the south along Irkut was well controlled. Now, the collectors of yasak in these territories have become the Irkutsk Cossacks. The cessation of disputes between the Russians strengthened their power in the Baikal region, the local population was completely subjugated.

Until now, not all researchers agree with the age of the fortress and the name of the one who founded the Irkutsk prison. Most consider the date of birth of the fortress and, accordingly, the city of Irkutsk the year of mention of it in the surviving documents. Dissenters argue that the age of the city should be counted from the first winter of Ivan Pokhabov on the island of Dyachiy.

Cossacks in Siberia

The history of the emergence and development of the Irkutsk prison is described in detail in scientific and local history literature, there are diagrams and illustrations. First named Yandashsky, after the local indigenous prince, who asked the governor for protection from the outrage of the Cossacks, a year later he was renamed and named after the Siberian river.

Jail plan

The name of Yakov Pokhabov is known to every resident of Irkutsk, but one must not forget the enormous role of his loyal comrades-Cossacks. They went to Siberia to discover new lands, in the face of danger and difficulties. Military people who know how to handle weapons well, if necessary they put down their sabers, spears and took up axes. “With weapons and an ax”, desperate people conquered and rebuilt the first Russian settlements of the Baikal region and all of Siberia.

The founding date of the Irkutsk prison is considered July 6, 1661. This number signed a letter from the centurion Yakov Pokhabov to the Elysee governor Rzhevsky about the start of construction.

The area of ​​the fortification was small, only 19 by 17 meters. In terms of territory was a rectangle. Despite its small size, the prison had everything necessary for the life of twenty Cossacks. The detachment was led by a Cossack ten's manager Vasily Ezdakov. A barn and weapons and ammunition storage facilities were also built.

Near the prison people began to settle, attracted by security, fertile lands, rivers and forests full of fish and game. This prison did not last long. Firstly, it became small due to the increasing population of the posad. Secondly, it was built unreasonably, for one or two wintering. Therefore, already in 1669 the construction of the second prison was begun.

Extension of the prison or wooden Kremlin

This prison was built under the leadership of Andrei Barneshlev, a service man, and was completed in 1670. In terms of plan, it remained a square, only the sides were enlarged to 50 fathoms (108 meters). The height of the walls reached seven meters. Defensive towers appeared. There were eight of them: three from the shore, 20 meters high, three - on the opposite side, 17 meters each, one on the east and west walls. A moat was dug around the prison.

Kremlin engraving

In 1672, the first church was erected in the very center of the fortress. Made of wood, it was consecrated in honor of the Holy Savior. After 10 years, a tented bell tower was added to the church. Living with God's help became easier, the population of the posad was growing. It is known that now not only peasants, merchants, artisans, but also married Cossacks, who acquired houses and households, settled near the walls of the prison. Bachelors lived in the premises of the fortress.

In the lower tier of the bell tower, a barn and trading shops were set up. And a few shops were placed under the porch of the church. Trading affairs went better every year, thanks to expanding ties with China.

In 1682, the voivodship authorities appeared here, the prison became the center of the Irkutsk Voivodeship. At this time, the governor’s courtyard and an ordered hut were built here.

At the end of the XVII century, the settlement received the status of a city. This happened 25 years after the foundation of the Irkutsk prison. The year 1686 entered this history of Irkutsk.

An increase in the strength was required, which was done. The length of the walls reached 130 meters, the shape of the square was preserved. During the reconstruction of defensive structures, towers and walls, they began to use natural stone. But all the internal buildings remained wooden. Despite this, the fortress impressed travelers with its powerful view.

Stone buildings of the prison

The history of the Irkutsk prison tells of another perestroika in 1693-1697. This happened under the Governor I.P. Gagarin. The population of the city exceeded 1000 people.

The first stone hut was built. After that, active development of the prison area began. There were offices, customs, office. But they were still wooden. For a long time only the new building of the Spasskaya Church and the order house remained stone.

Spasskaya Church

In the fire of 1716, the main buildings were killed. This became the basis for the Irkutsk prison to use natural stone in the construction of all structures. A new fortress was built in a year. Administrative buildings, powder cellars and other premises became stone.

Later on, regular reconstructions were carried out on the territory. Part of the administrative buildings was taken out of the walls. By the end of the 18th century, the prison had lost its military mission; its military installations were dismantled.

Towers and walls of the Kremlin

The towers in the military fortress were given special attention. Their main purpose is to increase the defenses of the prison, and therefore they were equipped with observation platforms and loopholes. But in the years of the foundation of the Irkutsk prison and its development, towers also had aesthetic requirements. A beautiful, stately structure caused pride among local residents. The towers were built in many tiers, with open and closed passages. Above the guard site, at the very top, a double-headed eagle was installed.

In order to compactly locate utility rooms in the fortress, observation towers were used to install barns, upper rooms, bathhouses in the lower tiers.

The surviving documents make it possible to assert that in 10-15 years after the formation of the Irkutsk prison, eight towers towered over its walls. Later, when Irkutsk was declared the voivode center, one tower was rebuilt in a hut for the governor.

The walls of the Irkutsk prison were erected in accordance with all the rules for the construction of defensive structures in Ancient Russia. Connecting the towers, they made it possible to move during the battle, as well as to fire at the enemy, as they were also equipped with platforms and loopholes.

Sergiev tower

Some description in the documents was preserved only on two of the eight towers: Spasskaya and Sergievskaya. Spasskaya, as mentioned above, overlooked the river, was equipped with a gate, its lower tiers were used for household purposes. Sergievskaya tower was considered the most beautiful.

Of all the structures erected in the Kremlin to this day, only the Spasskaya Church has been preserved, built in 1706 instead of a burned-out wooden one. This is the oldest building in Eastern Siberia.

Voivodship hut

This was the main "administrative" building on the territory of the Irkutsk prison. The sovereign's hut, which was later called the voivodship chancellery, was a stronghold of the tsarist authorities in the region.

Izba was divided into several “departments”. Yasachny was engaged in accounting for yasak, its replenishment and sending to the treasury, kept records on the number and type of tribute paid. The main gathering was carried out by fur, but there could be other payments. Khlebny conducted similar work to collect and record tribute from the sovereign arable land, informed about arrears, and debt collection. Salt managed business selling salt, with its delivery from state or private stores. There was also a bit, which dealt with the "personnel" issue. Through him passed appointments, dismissals, movements of various ranks. Judicial was engaged in court and punishment.

The order hut became the first stone building inside the fortress. This happened in 1703. A little earlier, in 1690, the emblem of the Irkutsk prison was approved. Babr (tiger, panther), which holds sable in its teeth, was used in the symbolism of several Siberian cities. Only the details differed.

At the end of the 19th century, by mistake capital officials, Irkutsk lost its coat of arms. The word "babr" was read by them like "beaver." They knew such a beast, and something like a cat appeared on the coat of arms. In 1996, the city returned its historical emblem.

Serf weapon

It is known that in 1697 the defenders of the fortress had such weapons in their arsenal: three cannons with cannonballs, muskets, spears, berdysh. And also stockpiles of gunpowder and lead. The Irkutsk prison had at that time two reels, several small flags and two banners.

Jail in the picture

A significant increase in arsenal followed the transformation of Irkutsk into the center of the province. It should be noted that, despite the serious preparations for repelling aggression by the local population, and, most importantly, the hostile actions of China and Mongolia, fortress weapons from the second half of the 18th century were used only for solemn salutes.

Who inhabited the Irkutsk prison?

In the early years, only Cossacks lived and served in the prison. A few years later, outside the walls, artisans, arable peasants and merchants began to settle on the village.

By the end of the XVII century, according to documents, the population was about a thousand people. Most of them were “service” people who were registered in the sovereign military or civil service. Their duties were collecting yasak from the natives, bread from plowed peasants, salt from private stores and other taxes. In addition, the servicemen carried a guard at the fortresses and at the borders, guarded the trade caravans, accompanied them to China and Mongolia. They conducted inquiries, adjudicated, carried out punishment. The executioner was also ranked among the servants. There was always a clergyman in prison.

The historical center of Irkutsk

The architectural appearance of the modern city, to some extent, originated from the time of the Irkutsk prison. A photo of the city, showing its historical part, allows you to find out the location of the fortress. The Angara embankment has become a resting place for Irkutsk citizens.

Modern center

The first religious building of the prison, the Spasskaya Church, is brought to proper condition and adorns, as before, the former territory of the Kremlin, which was demolished in 1790. A distinctive feature of the temple are its frescoes located on the outside of the wall. This is an unusual design of religious buildings in Siberia.

The symbolic gate of the Irkutsk prison was restored on the embankment. Photos of this building adorn the postcards and booklets of the city. The gates are “open” for travelers arriving in Irkutsk along the Angara. They are called Moscow, it is from them that the Siberian tract begins.


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