Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich, biography

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich - a famous Soviet and Russian historian. Most of the work he wrote on the period of Ancient Russia. Until the end of the 16th century. He has the status of professor and the title of Doctor of Historical Sciences. Author of numerous books, monographs, study guides.

Biography of a scientist

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich was born on May 20, 1953 in Rostov-on-Don. Immediately after school he entered the Faculty of History and Law in Rostov. From a student's bench, he was most interested in the history of the ancient Russian state. This specialization remained interesting to him throughout his career as a scientist.

In 1975, he graduated from the university with honors and received a qualification specialty as a teacher of history and social studies.

However, he didn’t go to school, he stayed to work at the university. At first he worked at the Department of Source Studies. Since 1978, he moved to the position of assistant, and soon began his own teaching activities. Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich gave students lectures on the history of the USSR.

Soon he took the post of deputy dean in his native Rostov State University, which by that time had received the status of a teacher.

Defense of the thesis

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich biography

In 1981, Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich summarized the preliminary results of his first scientific works. In the specialty "Historiography" he defended his thesis.

The defense took place at Lomonosov Moscow State University . The most authoritative scientists of the country at the Department of History evaluated the level of work of a young Rostov researcher. At that time he was only 28 years old.

The defense of the dissertation was based on the dating of historical facts and written sources. Danilevsky studied this problem all the time after graduation. The work was recognized as brilliant, according to the results of the defense Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich, whose biography was now forever connected with science, received the title of candidate of sciences.

Further career

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich books

After successfully defending his dissertation, Danilevsky moved from Rostov-on-Don to the capital. In Moscow in May 1983, he began working at the Main Directorate of Higher and Secondary Pedagogical Educational Institutions. Office subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR. At first, he takes the post of methodologist, then he takes the post of head of the department of teaching. Together with colleagues, they determine the features of the study of history in schools, secondary vocational and higher educational institutions of the country.

Five years later, Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich, whose lectures are well known and loved by students, since he does not interrupt his teaching activities, goes on increasing.

In the structures of the Ministry of Education, a decision is made to appoint him the director of the Republican teaching and methodological office of higher and secondary teacher education. Now he directly manages the entire structure, makes decisions about which textbooks and which authors will fall on the table of schoolchildren and students throughout the republic.

Work at MGPI

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich lectures

During the perestroika period, in 1989, Danilevsky transferred to work at one of the country's largest pedagogical universities - Moscow State Pedagogical University. He was immediately appointed to the post of assistant professor of the Department of History of the USSR. Moreover, he explores only the pre-Soviet period, without touching on those related to the victory of the October Revolution, which during this period become controversial and debatable at all levels.

The object of close study of Danilevsky is the history of Ancient Russia. He spends a lot of time in archives, publishes monographs and articles in scientific journals.

In the mid-90s, Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich, whose photo adorned the Moscow State Pedagogical University honors board, transferred to work at the Russian Academy of Education. Here he becomes the head of the laboratory at the historical department of the corresponding institute. Danilevsky studies the question of how great is the role of the individual in the historical process. He is particularly interested in the events of a thousand years ago.

In 1996, for deeper academic research, he transferred to the historical and archival institute of the RSUH. At this university, he again, as at the beginning of his academic career, becomes the head of the Department of Source Studies. Including works with auxiliary historical disciplines.

At the Russian Academy of Sciences

Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich photo
In 2001, he became a specialist at the Institute of World History of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Danilevsky - deputy director for research, heads the department of socio-cultural research. In this post, he worked until 2010. After which he moved away from active scientific and pedagogical activity.

In 2004 he received a doctorate. At the Russian State University for the Humanities, he defended a dissertation on the study of annals. His contribution to this field of historiography is invaluable; students and teachers of history of Russian and foreign universities are still using his research.

In 2008, he became a professor, and in 2016 joined the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Ministry of Education.


Danilevsky Igor Nikolaevich, whose books are well known to all modern historians, during his career became the author of one and a half hundred scientific publications.

His works of the 80s are devoted to the theory and methodology of historical research. In the 2000s, he concentrated on the problems of Ancient Russia. In 2003, the publication saw the publication of "Tales of Bygone Years." Particular emphasis was placed on the peculiarity of the creation and writing of annals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10890/

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