The most interesting life hacks with the phone: an overview

Today, most of the inhabitants of the planet can not imagine their life without a phone. However, sometimes this device may be absolutely not pleasing. For example, if a person is going to an important meeting, and the battery is dead. How to charge it fast? This and other life hacks are later in our article.

Ball Cover - Lifehack No. 1

In order to make a phone case out of a balloon, you just need to follow the simplest instructions. Consider what needs to be done.

To start, you should inflate the ball. The assistant should cover with his fingers a hole through which air can escape. On the ball you need to put the phone.

Now the partner should let go of the hole. Air will begin to exit, at the same time you should press the device.

After the device is empty, it remains only to make holes for the speaker and connectors. The balloon phone case sits firmly and well.

A way to quickly dry your phone - life hack number 2

Sometimes phone owners are faced with the fact that their phone falls into the water. It is not difficult to guess what results this may lead to. However, you should not immediately write off your gadget, since there is still the opportunity to save it. So how to dry your phone?

First you need to remove all the details of the type of external drive, SIM cards, battery. If the latter is a fixed type, then you need to turn off the device. Now you should wipe the device with napkins or towels that absorb moisture well. The last step is to place the device in rice for 24 hours. It is advisable that he lay in the package. If there is a silicone gel, which is often used in new shoes and so on, then rice can be replaced by it. During the day, you need to turn the device over several times so that the substance completely absorbs moisture. In more than 50% of situations, the phone remains operational. Now owners know how to dry your phone quickly and safely.

life hacks with a phone

Stylus at home - life hack number 3

You can make a stylus with a pen and foil. You need to tear off the last material a little, wrap a writing device with it. If there are leftovers, then they need to be cut off. At the upper end of the pen, you should round the foil, then it can be an ordinary stylus. Thanks to this device, you can even play games.

The owners also report that the battery can be used as a stylus by touching the screen with its negative end.

Sound Enhancement - Lifehack # 4

If there is a need to increase the sound of a smartphone, it can be improved using the special utility Volume Booster Plus. However, it can enhance playback by about 20%. How then to be?

The speaker volume can be improved with the help of life hack. While listening to music, you need to put the device in a glass or bowl. This will allow the sound to become louder, larger and much more pleasant.

how to dry your phone

Stand for phone - life hack number 5

Many smartphone owners like to watch videos at the dining table while eating. Therefore, it would be much more convenient with a stand that will not let the phone fall. The situation will be saved by ordinary sunglasses. If they are folded, they will be able to hold the smartphone in a certain position. Thus, it will be easy to watch video on a mobile phone.

You can also use the usual hairpin in the form of a crab. She can also easily lock the device in the desired position. Such a life hack with a phone is liked by many owners.

balloon phone case

Fast charge - life hack โ„–6

If a person is in a hurry somewhere, and the phoneโ€™s charge inexorably drops every minute, it is very important here that the device has a quick charge function. However, not all devices have it. What then to do? You must turn off the phone or put it in airplane mode. Then the device will charge much faster. This phone hack is quite popular.

Creating a lamp - life hack number 7

Itโ€™s easy to guess that this interesting life hack will be connected with the phone. It happens that the lights are turned off at the wrong time, but somehow you need to light the room. You should take a phone (you need a flash on) and a plastic bottle. Its capacity may be different, but it is best to use from 0.5 to 1 liter. Also, half the water should be poured into it. It remains to turn on the flashlight and put this bottle on the device.

Microlens - life hack โ„–8

We will describe the next interesting life hack with a phone. If you need to create a photo in macro mode using a regular phone, you can make a lens with a drop of water. This process should be carried out as carefully as possible so that the liquid does not get into the device itself. In order not to be mistaken with the proportions, you can take a regular pipette. The drop should not be large, then the surface tension will not create pressure, and it will not roll off the lens, even if the screen is turned over.

life hack phone stand

Fingerprints - Lifehack No. 9

Another useful life hack with your phone. A large number of owners complain of constant dirt on the screen. It sticks even with careful use due to the accumulation of fingerprints. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to take a cotton pad, dip it in hydrogen peroxide and wipe the display. Soon the screen will stop getting dirty very much.


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