Tips for choosing a place and making a foundation for a greenhouse

Although greenhouses, in general, are not complex structures, their construction or installation on their own is a rather difficult task, not to mention equipping with all kinds of useful devices, such as conducting water or electricity.

Before you start building a foundation for a greenhouse, you should make sure that the place for the construction is chosen correctly - the greenhouse should not be obscured by a house, trees or fence, if the choice is small, then the only place on the site where you can put it should be used in the best way . It is not recommended to put greenhouses in hollows or in hollows or near them - cold air will always drain and collect there. Access to the greenhouse should be very good, the width of the passage around the structure should be at least 1.5 m.

When choosing a place, one should take into account not only good illumination, but also the nature of the prevailing winds. A special fence or planting a hedge will help protect the structure from the wind.

Having chosen a suitable place, it is best to draw on paper a plan on which all the elements and dimensions of the greenhouse would be indicated . After making sure that everything is thought out and nothing is forgotten, you can proceed to clearing the terrain and marking the structure. The marking is carried out using pegs driven into the ground, to the tops of which nails are nailed, and twine is attached to them. By means of a square or measurements of diagonals, it is necessary to make sure that all angles are straight, if necessary, make the required fit.

Clearing the site includes work on removing sod, loosening the top soil layer and carefully removing all stones, rhizomes and debris. In the end, you should very well level the soil with a rake, even out all the tubercles and depressions. A horizontal board with a level laid on it will help to control the horizontalness of the terrain. If there is no breakdown of the beds on the floor of the greenhouse, then it is recommended to fill it with a thick layer of gravel.

Now you can begin to lay the foundation for the greenhouse, which will provide the construction with the necessary stability and strength. It can be poured from concrete or laid out from bricks. Consider how to make a foundation for a greenhouse made of concrete. Concrete is a universal mixture, the surface from it is very strong and durable. To make the foundation for the greenhouse, it is recommended to take the following proportions of the components: 1 part cement, 1.5 parts coarse sand, 2.5 parts gravel or gravel. The optimal width of the trench for the foundation is about 40 cm and a depth of about 15 cm, if you plan to lay half of the greenhouse wall of brick, you should go deep 30 cm, then pour a gravel pillow on the bottom and ram it. Pour the foundation under the greenhouse to ground level. It is necessary to control the level of the foundation height. To do this, pegs are driven in at the corners and bottom of the trench before pouring. Their height should be verified using the level and correspond to the height of the foundation. By laying concrete exactly at their height, you can be absolutely sure of the horizontal position of the concrete tape.

If you plan to fix the structure with anchors, then you should not forget to lower them into raw concrete. After pouring, you need to leave the concrete tape for several days to harden, covering it from precipitation.

If the question is how to make the foundation for the greenhouse not only durable, but also well-keeping heat in the room, it is a reasonable decision to lay several rows of bricks on the concrete tape, since the thermal conductivity of the brickwork is much lower than glass, even with double glazing. You can only lay out half a wall of a greenhouse made of brick at the stage of its construction, but if the structure is ready, then you can insulate the foundation with the help of foam, wood or air-bubble film.


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