The cheapest property in Europe: an overview of the best offers, regions and countries, tips for purchasing

Many people believe that one of the most profitable investments is the acquisition of real estate. But usually they buy housing somewhere in their country or even in their hometown. Meanwhile, buying an apartment or house abroad is more real today than in Russia. The greatest demand is for real estate in Europe. Some buy it for themselves, others rent it to fellow tourists, and still others use both options at once. But in any case, I want to find the cheapest real estate in Europe. Why pay more? This article discusses the countries and cities where you can find housing at an attractive price.

Reasons why people buy property in Europe

A number of different factors can lead to such a decision. Some people mention several reasons at once. One of the most popular is the country's domestic policy, which does not suit the population. According to statistics, 76% of people decide to leave Russia because of the arbitrariness of the authorities.

About 64% are in search of the cheapest real estate in Europe simply because they want to live in a warmer climate. Approximately 52% of people invest in this way, and another 44% buy houses for summer vacation. About 31% of Russians buy housing abroad for family reasons. For example, due to the treatment or education of children in another country. And another 23% want to create their own business outside the homeland.

What does pricing depend on?

Cheap real estate in Europe

You could read above that now it is easier to purchase real estate abroad than in Russia. In particular, in Europe, since the countries of this part of the world are characterized by a high standard of living and a relatively stable economy. Considering the options for the cheapest real estate in Europe, it should also be said that there is a very wide range of prices. For example, if in Switzerland a square meter of housing costs an average of 530 thousand rubles, then in Bulgaria - only 46 thousand.

What is the price made up of? This indicator is affected by:

  • foreign policy of the country;
  • level of economy;
  • safety level of life;
  • the interest of foreigners to invest in real estate;
  • prospects for the development of the state;
  • geographical position;
  • diversity or scarcity of land;
  • infrastructure condition;
  • ecological situation.

Accordingly, the higher these indicators, the higher the price of housing in a particular state will be.

In which European countries is the cheapest property?

The ranking distinguishes several states in which the price of housing is relatively lower. The following countries are most popular among Russians:

  1. Bulgaria.
  2. Spain.
  3. Italy.
  4. Turkey.

The country with the lowest cost of living is Moldova. Salaries are low, and product prices are quite high. This has led to a significant increase in poverty. The economic crisis is progressing in Moldova, the political situation is tense. Therefore, housing is relatively cheap. You can find options for 31,000 rubles. per square meter.

The complete opposite of Moldova is Poland. It would seem that in this situation, real estate prices should be high. However, this is not so. People who are wondering “where is the cheapest property in Europe” should take a closer look at this option, since in Poland you can buy “odnushka” for only 3 million rubles. Prices are so low due to the fact that there is high competition.

Two more options are Lithuania and Estonia. The Baltic countries are known in Russia as one of the most comfortable for living. Here, a fairly high standard of living, and housing is relatively cheap. This contributed to the fact that the Russians actively began to buy real estate in Lithuania and Estonia. The acquisition of a home also provides an opportunity for a foreigner to obtain a Schengen visa. For example, in Vilnius, a sufficiently large apartment will cost 2-3 million rubles, and for 15 million you can buy a luxury mansion right in the city center. In the suburbs, housing costs even less - only 200-350 thousand per apartment.

The cheapest property in Europe - sunny Bulgaria

Apartments in Burgas with sea view

Perhaps this is the most popular country among Russians. For example, a good house here can be bought on average for 750 thousand - 1 million 550 thousand rubles. But there are offers much cheaper - up to 155 thousand. However, it is not recommended to consider such housing. Firstly, it will not be a good house. For example, a boxhouse is an apartment with a total area of ​​18 m², in which there is no kitchen, and the bathroom is very small. Most often it is located on the upper floors.

Cheap options are best considered only for people who are looking for cheap real estate in Europe for restoration. This will be an apartment in an old housing stock, requiring serious repairs, but having an area of ​​50 square meters. Or a dilapidated house in a village remote from the sea. Its area will be no more than 100 m².

As for the settlements, it is recommended to choose a property in Burgas. At least, such an acquisition will not have to be regretted. The city is very pleasant for living, as it is clean and beautiful, and there are many attractions in the vicinity. And, just as importantly, there is direct access to the sea.

Buying Property in Spain

Cheap property in Torrevieja, Spain

They say that housing in this country is most suitable for middle-class Russians. However, it is also known that many apartments in Spain are empty. For example, at a very low price, you can buy housing seized from the owner of the bank. Such options are sold for 3-3.8 million. You can find cheaper apartments, but they will be in poor condition.

Those looking for the cheapest property in Europe by the sea should consider buying a studio in the Torrevieja area, just 300 meters to the beach. It will cost about 1 million 750 thousand rubles. However, those who want to obtain Spanish citizenship will need to buy housing worth at least 11.5 million rubles.

Cheap housing in Turkey

Real estate in Alanya, Turkey

It's time to forget that it is supposedly dangerous to live in this state. Especially for young girls. What is absolutely not respected by Russian women here and they call them "Natasha", which means "prostitute". These are all fairy tales and fables that have long become obsolete. In Turkey, for the most part, intelligent and well-educated people live, and the rules here can be safely equated to the highest European standards.

Russians buy property in Turkey, but not as often as in other countries - a huge mental gap between the values ​​of the Asian and European races plays a decisive role. But housing is still for sale, and in the market you can find great options at an affordable price. For example, it is recommended to pay attention to Alanya. The city is located just 120 km from Antalya. It is here that you can find the cheapest real estate in Europe by the sea. A square meter of a luxury apartment will cost 80.5 thousand rubles. If you need easier and cheaper options, you should pay attention to the "non-prestigious area." In Alanya, the one from where it takes 20 minutes to go to the sea is considered to be such, and the distance to the center is only 8 km. But in this town is always clean and tidy, as for both its streets and the sea with a beach line.

Home Acquisition in Italy

Property in region Puglia, Italy

Apulia - it is in this city that it is worth looking for real estate. It is truly amazing setting and attractive prices. For example, a rural house can be bought at a relatively low price of 6.9 million rubles. Low utility bills, inexpensive food, many attractions, including medieval ones, as well as comfortable beaches will make living here, like in a fairy tale.

You can also consider the cozy resort of Scalea in the Calabria region, considered a deep province. That is why real estate prices here are very low. The cost of 1 m² varies between 38.5-115 thousand rubles. It all depends on the distance from the sea or the city center. Of course, in a prestigious area, the apartment itself is better, and the view from the window is amazing.

How to protect yourself?

There are some tips to help avoid unpleasant situations when buying property in Europe:

  1. Before choosing a country for residence, you must carefully read its laws. It is not recommended to choose those states in which narcotic substances are legalized.
  2. No less attention should be paid to the terms of the transaction. For example, there is a property that cannot be leased after purchase, which is regulated by the laws of the country. In addition, the costs of accompanying a purchase and sale transaction are quite high. Sometimes they can reach 20% of the cost of housing.
  3. In some states, even after acquiring real estate, they may not give citizenship in the first 10 years. Every year it will be necessary to obtain permission to obtain a residence permit. And not the fact that once again they will not refuse.
Acquisition of real estate in Europe

There are a lot of such nuances. Buying a property in Europe is a serious matter that can lead to unpleasant situations. You should study this issue as carefully as possible so that you do not regret what you did later.


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