DIY burlap flowers: step-by-step instructions

Burlap is a technical fabric made from coarse bast fibers. This is a natural material created by weaving jute or hemp fibers. It is used for sewing bags (hence the name of the fabric), filters, packaging material, work clothes or furniture. The burlap has a uniform texture with large gaps between the threads throughout the canvas.

Rough fabric is used by artists for canvases, craftsmen for crafts. Burlap decorative elements adorn vases and bottles, pillows and frames for paintings or photographs, flower pots and baskets. Looks great topiary with parts assembled from this fabric. And how impressive flowers and bows look on gift wrapping and souvenirs!

We will tell you how to make flowers from burlap with your own hands, what additional materials are needed for work. We will present samples of crafts with a step-by-step description of the work and photographs. Sacking is an affordable and cheap material, so absolutely everyone can try their hand at this type of creativity. The main thing is to want to do a beautiful thing with your own hands.

Pinstriped Flower

This is the easiest way to make flowers from burlap with your own hands. You will need strips of fabric of the same width and length. In our version, the petals are made of segments of 10 cm. In order to keep the shape well, the workpieces must be soaked in a solution of PVA glue and water (1: 1 ratio). Dry and iron the fabric with a hot iron - the effect of starching is obtained.

burlap simple flower

Each segment is folded in half with a loop and stitched in the center. The junction is covered with a beautiful button. You can take color, but wooden elements harmoniously look with burlap.

Double flower pattern

We offer beginners to use another simple method of making flowers from burlap with their own hands. You will need a template cut out of thick cardboard so that the details are the same. Burlap can be used in natural colors, specially bleached or dyed in any shade. The fabric is kept in a solution of PVA glue and water, so that it becomes more dense and easy to cut. After ironing, attach a stencil and cut the first part along the contours with scissors. You can pre-stick the burlap on the basis of felt or cotton to match.

burlap flower

Work on the second burlap flower is similar. A round button with a metal buttonhole on the back is sewn into a burlap and attached to the center of the flower. You can use a fabric of contrasting color for the core. A craft based on lace will look beautiful.

Kansashi Petals

With your own hands, it is easy to make flowers from burlap. Let's look at a craft of five petals with a hemp thread center. The fabric should be soft, so it does not need to be soaked in the adhesive solution. Cut the same size squares and fold them in half diagonally. Take a needle with a thread, assemble a triangle with all the corners at one point and sew with stitches. Attach all the details of the craft to each other and fix the end of the thread with a knot on the back of the flower.

flowers using the kanzashi technique

Next, flowers from burlap with their own hands (photo above in the article) are made out with hemp thread. This element performs the function of decorating the core of the flower. For a thick thread, prepare a gypsy needle with a large hole. Sheathed with stitches in a circle in several turns. Some craftsmen fasten this part with hot glue.


Do-it-yourself large flowers from burlap are created on a solid foundation. Our sample used a circle of wire to sterilize cans in a pot. Prepare thin ribbons to tie the petals to the wire. You will need a glue gun and a felt circle to make a centerpiece.

burlap sunflower

Cut burlap into identical large squares. Each folds in opposite corners in the middle and is pulled by tape. It turns out immediately two petals, which are deployed so that they are next to each other and tied with a ribbon to a metal base. All other parts are attached in the same way, filling the entire space of the base.

For the middle, take a dark burlap. You will need a long strip of fabric, which is folded in a spiral, starting from the corner. Periodically, the coils are fixed with a glue gun so that the twist does not unfold. It is sewn onto a felt circle starting from the center. You can use hot glue. The edge is displayed on the back side and sewn with durable stitches. It remains to establish the middle of the flower in the right place. It is best to sew it with threads, but you can also use a glue gun.

Rose Buttonhole

The craft consists of several individual parts. Roses are folded from a thin strip folded in half and sewn with nylon thread on the back. The craft is placed on a felt base. The first layer glued hemp threads, laid out in a circle "sun". It is more convenient to use hot glue. The second layer is laid out of multi-colored threads folded in loops. At the end, the base is filled with roses of different sizes.

burlap flowers

An English safety pin is threaded from the wrong side of the felt, and the bouquet is attached to clothing. This craft can be glued to a gift box or a vase.

Bouquet of daisies

How to make burlap flowers so that they can be put in a vase? Consider the manufacturing method on the example of beautiful daisies in the sample below. It will take wire to make the stems. So that it fits into the composition, it is wrapped with hemp thread using a glue gun.

burlap daisies

The burlap is pre-soaked in an adhesive solution, dried and ironed. Some masters make the contours of the petals from thin wire, wrap it with crepe paper or hemp thread. In our sample, the petals are individually cut according to the pattern, each along the edge is glued with thread using PVA glue. To attach them to the stem, leave a small eyelet on the edge. All the petals are collected with hot glue on a felt mug, and the middle is wrapped in spiral heaps.

As you can see, working with burlap is simple and inexpensive. Try to make such crafts yourself, using our tips. Good luck


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