How to prepare an iPhone for sale: some useful tips

How to prepare an iPhone for sale, and what actions need to be done for this? A similar question often worries users who decide to change the next “apple” device or give it to a loved one. Today we’ll talk about how to prepare an iPhone for sale, what needs to be done with services and applications, as well as an account.

Why do you need to do anything?

how to prepare an iPhone for sale

So, here it came, that joyful or vice versa sad moment when it was time to say goodbye to the device. The buyer has already been found, you are absolutely sure of his intentions. In this case, you should start preparing the device for sale. This is done not only for ethical reasons, as should be noted. Perhaps the main reason here will be that the “uncleaned” smartphone in the hands of a stranger will allow you to access your personal data. That is why the first thing you will need to do is delete your iTunes account. And for this, as you know, you will need to erase the information about the personal identifier from the phone and destroy personal data. Actually, we have already begun to talk about how to prepare an iPhone for sale.

Second side of the coin

how to prepare iPhone 4s for sale

Preparing the device for its subsequent transfer or sale will necessarily require the actions that were described earlier. But the protection of personal data is, although more significant than the rest, but still not the only reason for this list. We are talking about the fact that preparing a smartphone for sale by performing the above actions is a good form, since you facilitate the work of the future owner of the device. You will also save your nerves, because otherwise you will regularly receive alerts and warnings related to actions on your former device. And the younger the person who purchases the device from you, the more likely it will be.

Well, now let's go directly to the topic and talk about how to prepare an iPhone for sale.

What should be done

how to prepare iPhone 5 for sale

Of course, any person who is even a little versed in mobile devices will say that the first thing we should do is to back up the data stored on the device, or update it. However, it is not recommended to do this a week before the device is sold. The fact is that over the past time, the backup copy may become irrelevant, as new information appears. It is better to create a maximum a day before the smartphone is still sold. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare an iPhone 4S for sale and create a backup copy of the data on the device.


how to prepare an iPhone for sale to another person

To get started, connect our device to a laptop or personal computer. On the corresponding device, we launch the “iTunes” program in parallel. When this is done, open the tab called “Overview”. There we look for the button “Create a copy” and click on it. When the process of creating a backup copy of the data is completed, go to the menu called “Store”. There we select the function “Authorize computer”. Note that for successful authorization it will be necessary to enter a personal identifier and its password. Now it remains only to transfer the purchases that you made from your device. To do this, click on the “File” menu, look for the sub-item “Devices”, where we select “Transfer purchases”. When all actions are completed, the user can be sure that the data backup was successfully created. Now it can be edited and managed.

How to prepare iPhone 5 for sale?

When the data backup is created, we need to work not with it, but directly with the device itself, that is, reset it to the factory settings. In this process, the device will be freed from all the content that we managed to download during the use of the smartphone. You can, of course, manually delete music, videos, and photos, applications, and phone contacts. However, why do this if the function has already been built into the software that allows you to automatically reset all this?

Roll back to factory settings

We do not need third-party programs, as was the case when backing up the data. Just go to the settings of our smartphone, go to the “Basic” menu, where we are looking for an item called “Reset”. Next, look for the button “Erase content and settings” and click on it. We warn the reader that in order to continue, you will need to enter a password. However, if you did not specify it, the operation can be continued without input. Now, in fact, we can only confirm that we want to reset the settings on the device and wait until the process is completed. However, do not forget that all data during this will be deleted from the smartphone. And this means that you need to back up them in advance.


So, in the course of the article, we answered the question of how to prepare an iPhone for sale to another person. You can end here, but in the end we’ll give another important tip to the reader: before deleting data from your smartphone, close your iCloud account. If this is not done, all data will be deleted not only from the device, but also from this cloud storage.


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