Tsarina Irina Godunova: biography, interesting facts

The Russian tsarina Irina Godunova, who ruled the country on her own for a little over a month, made an invaluable contribution to the development of the state. Being an influential politician and a prominent public figure, she actually ruled Russia with her husband.

Origin. Young years

Godunov’s brother and sister were honored to be brought up with the children of Ivan the Terrible. They got into the royal chambers thanks to an uncle who performed the role of bedding at the court. The Godunovs came from a Kostroma little-known family. The proximity to the sovereign family made them exceptional.

Irina Godunova Tsarina

From a young age, Irina fell in love with the future Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich, a man weak-willed and humble. Growing up together, they knew everything about each other. The wedding was a matter of time, they were married in 1575, when both were 23 years old. Contrary to custom, Fyodor Ioannovich did not have a bride's look; he chose the one and only and was faithful to her to the end.

Sovereign's wife

The newlyweds were not alike. Fedor, naturally quiet and painful, never interfered in court intrigues, led a calm and measured life. Irina was his opposite: a stately and beautiful young woman, ambitious and domineering, she took an active part in public affairs and in secular.

Before Irina Godunova, the tsarina was more like a shadow of her crowned spouse, was in the family circle, went on a pilgrimage and was engaged in charity work. The wife of Fedor Ioannovich was completely different: she sat in the Boyar Duma, received foreign ambassadors, corresponded with European monarchs, in particular with Elizabeth of England and the wife of the Kakhetian Tsar Alexander II.

Russian Tsarina Irina

Irina did a lot for the Russian Orthodox Church. Communicating closely with the Patriarch of Alexandria, she insisted on the need to make Russia a separate patriarchy. Many monasteries received generous donations from her. According to historical records, in the beginning of 1589, Queen Irina received the Patriarch of Constantinople Jeremiah and asked for his blessings. After that, she gave a public speech, which no Russian sovereign had done before. Often on the royal decrees of Fyodor Ioannovich one can see two signatures: the second was left by his missus - Tsarina Irina.

You can’t forbid to live beautifully

The outfits of the sovereign's wife were distinguished by sophistication and luxury. Arseny Elassonsky, the archbishop present at the reception at Irina Godunova, describes her attire as follows: "The smallest part of this splendor would be enough to decorate a dozen kings." The crown of the empress was adorned with amethysts of a deep purple color and large sapphires. The main hall, later called the Golden Chamber, was skillfully painted with gold and decorated with frescoes depicting the lives of the great women rulers: Princess Olga, St. Helena, Tsarina Dinara. These chambers became the reception of many Russian monarchs.


The heirs Fedor Ioannovich and Irina Godunova did not leave. There were rumors about the poor health of the king, even prescribed foreign doctors, but everything was in vain. Their only daughter, Theodosius, born in May 1592, did not live even two years. Queen Irina was pregnant several times, but could not give the king an heir. Centuries will pass until it becomes known that she had a special pelvic structure, excluding the normal bearing of a child.

Russian Tsarina Irina

Being on his deathbed, Ivan the Terrible bequeathed his son to marry Irina Mstislavskaya, if his current wife would be childless. He well understood that without an heir in the country, the time would soon come of turmoil and chaos, disastrous for Russia. Queen Irina was aware of the precariousness of her position. Her older brother Boris came to the rescue: Mstislavskaya was stolen from her parents' house and tonsured as a nun against her will.

Dowager Queen

Fyodor Ioannovich died on January 7, 1598, not leaving behind a single document of succession to the throne. Boris Godunov, in collusion with Patriarch Job, announced to the boyars the desire of the late sovereign to put his beloved wife on the Russian throne. Fearing the terrible time of inter-power, the Duma agreed to swear allegiance to her. So, Irina Godunova, the queen of All Russia, ascended the throne. Her rule cannot be called long - nominally she was the head of state from January 16 to February 21, 1598. Already on the 9th day after the death of her husband, the Russian Tsarina Irina decided to get a haircut as a nun, thereby freeing the throne for her beloved brother.

holy queen Irina

Even Fedor told her about going to the monastery in the event of his death, thereby he wanted to protect his wife from conspiracies and sophisticated intrigues of boyars. Russian Tsarina Irina announced her decision publicly, delivering a speech on the Red Porch. Ordinary people begged the Empress to stay and rule, but she remained adamant.

King's sister

Irina left the royal chambers and retired to the canopy of the Novodevichy Convent. There she took the tonsure, becoming a nun Alexandra. Prior to blessing her brother’s kingdom, being a nun, she continued to rule the country: she received petitioners, signed decrees, and gave orders. The accession to the throne of Boris Godunov was associated with a real political performance. A whole procession of petitioners arrived at the Novodevichy Convent, where the future Tsar was. The crowd, bribed by Godunov’s supporters, begged him to become the head of state. Boris several times rejected the crown proposed to him, but in the end he agreed. Irina blessed her brother on February 21, 1598, after which she completely retired. The rest of the days she devoted to worship and charity.

Nun Alexandra

Tsarina Irina, freed from the burden of government, lived in the monastery for about 5 years. Harsh ascetic conditions, raw cold cells and scanty food did not benefit the still not old woman.

Queen Irina

According to studies of her sarcophagus, the nun Alexandra had sore joints and a hereditary bone tissue pathology. Probably, in recent years she moved with difficulty. This is also evidenced by the increased content of lead, mercury, arsenic in its remains. Apparently, the former queen often practiced ointment treatment to alleviate pain somehow.

Holy Queen Irina

Nun Alexandra died on October 29, 1603. After death, her property was transferred to the church, she herself was buried in the walls of the Ascension Monastery in the Moscow Kremlin, like the other queens before her. Later, the remains were transferred to the basement of the Archangel Cathedral, where many great princes and kings rest.

Blessed Queen Irina

For a righteous life, Irina Godunova and Fyodor Ioannovich were likened to Peter and Fevronia of Murom. These saints are considered the Russian symbol of family, piety and mercy.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G10960/

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