Khatsapetovka village where is it located?

Khatsapetovka is the locality mentioned by the authors of the Golden Calf. After the publication of their work, the name of the village became widely used in folklore. And in 2007, the series was released, telling about a girl who arrived in Moscow from a distant province. Namely, from a village called Khatsapetovka. Where is this settlement located? Does he exist?

hatchetovka where is

Province symbol

Not only in the Golden Calf, but also in one of the stories of Alexei Tolstoy, Khatsapetovka is mentioned. Where it is located, the writers may not have known. The name of this village is so “sonorous" that it served as a kind of symbol of a deep province. Ilf and Petrov have Khatsapetovka as one of the faceless stations. Where is this village, perhaps, knew Valentin Pikul. In the novel Unclean Power, he devoted several lines to it. And in the book "Barbarossa" - an entire chapter.

The village from which the heroine of the aforementioned series arrived has nothing to do with the really existing settlement called Khatsapetovka. Where the village is located, which the writers Tolstoy, Pikul, Ilf and Petrov mentioned, can be determined. It is located in the Donetsk region and for more than half a century has a completely different name. And since the events of the 2000s are shown in a television film, one can say that here Khatsapetovka is nothing but a fictional village.

Small mining town

Where is the village of Khatsapetovka? This question, even before 1958, would have been incorrect. After all, such a village did not exist. There was an urban-type settlement, almost the entire population of which worked at a local coal mine.

where is the village of hatzapetovka

In October 1941, a bloody battle took place near this settlement, as a result of which more than a hundred people died. After the war, two mines were opened in the village. And in 1958 it was renamed the city of Uglegorsk. This is the story of Khatsapetovka, which is located in the Donetsk region and borders the city of Gorlovka.


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