Starbucks in Yekaterinburg: menu, features, visitor reviews

Starbucks is a chain of coffee houses that are visited by many people in various cities of Russia. Such institutions are in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg. People come here to meet friends or discuss business matters. The features of one of these cafes, its menu and customer reviews are discussed in sections of the article.

What is a coffee shop chain?

“Starbucks” establishments are cafes that coffee connoisseurs regularly visit in different countries of the world. Why is this place so popular? People like it because of the high quality of service, comfortable atmosphere and good natural coffee made from perfectly roasted beans. Here you can also try various sandwiches, salads, sweets (muffins with blueberries and chocolate, curd cakes with fruits and berries, fresh buns and pastries).

Employees of the company try to prepare dishes and drinks from the freshest and highest-quality products. For example, only whole grains are purchased and roasted for coffee.

As already mentioned, similar institutions exist in many cities of Russia. For example, there is a Starbucks in Yekaterinburg. There are several addresses of establishments in this city. This article only talks about one coffee shop.

This cafe is located at 46 March 8 Street, in Greenwich Shopping Center.

Assortment of food and drinks

At the Starbucks cafe in Yekaterinburg, the choice of food, tea and coffee is practically the same as that offered in other institutions of this network.

Photo of a coffee shop in downtown Greenwich

The range of dishes and drinks here is approximately the following:

  1. Coffee made in the traditional way.
  2. Hot chocolate.
  3. Espresso, cappuccino, latte.
  4. Lemonade with berries and fruits.
  5. Coffee with whipped milk and cream.
  6. Fruit-based drinks with added ice.
  7. Croissants with various additives.
  8. Fresh vegetables salads.
  9. Lavash sandwiches, beef, chicken, fish sandwiches.
  10. Desserts (muffins, cakes with carrots, cottage cheese with jam).

At Starbucks in Yekaterinburg, the menu also includes seasonal offers. For example, in honor of New Year and Christmas, cafe customers are invited to try latte with nuts and iris, gingerbread flavor, as well as hot chocolate with cream.

Advantages of the institution

Starbucks in Greenwich (Yekaterinburg) is a place that is often visited by people who come to the shopping center. Having made purchases and coped with household chores, they come to the cafe to relax, leisurely enjoy a cup of aromatic hot drink and have a bite to eat.

coffee shop visitors and workers

Regular customers of the establishment say that they often visit this coffee shop after shopping or work, as they like a cozy atmosphere, polite and friendly staff, good quality products, reasonable prices, and the opportunity to take coffee with you. The convenient location and promotions that take place in the cafe are also advantages of this place. There are clients who really liked the seasonal offers from Starbucks in Yekaterinburg (for example, coffee with milk, nuts and iris).

However, in addition to the advantages, the institution has significant shortcomings, which, unfortunately, many visitors notice. The disadvantages of the cafe are discussed in the next section of the article.

Negative features in the coffee shop

As you know, Starbucks is a network of cafes that exist in different countries of the world.

logo of the international coffee shop network

However, people who visited this institution in other states and cities claim that in Yekaterinburg the prices for its products do not match the quality. Coffee tastes like instant coffee, the barista does not follow the rules of preparation of the drink, and therefore it turns out to be too hot, with insufficiently whipped foam.

Some clients who visited Starbucks in Yekaterinburg claim that employees of the establishment are not too attentive to their duties. For example, they sometimes confuse orders and bring guests the wrong dishes and drinks that they selected. There are visitors who claim that after consuming the products of this institution they had symptoms of poisoning. Since these situations were described not by one Starbucks client in Yekaterinburg, but by several, they can hardly be considered simple coincidences.


Starbucks is a network of cafes around the world that offer visitors a variety of coffees, salads, desserts and pastries. People come here who would like to have a quick snack after shopping or work, and also to chat with friends or colleagues during a lunch break. One of the Starbucks establishments in Yekaterinburg is located in the Greenwich shopping center.

Coffee shop sign

It offers about the same assortment of dishes and drinks as in other coffee houses. Reviews about the cafe are rather mixed. Some visitors are satisfied with its convenient location, accessibility, the ability to take coffee with you, original seasonal novelties that are always interesting to try. However, there are clients who are not satisfied with the quality of the institution. They say they were disappointed with poorly prepared coffee, stale products. They are also not satisfied with the attitude of employees to their work, for example, that staff confuses orders and brings in the wrong food that visitors chose.

In general, many customers believe that Starbucks in Yekaterinburg is an institution where the price of products does not at all correspond to its quality.


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