Flatiron Building (Flatiron Building). Skyscraper in Manhattan: address, description

In any large metropolis, for sure, there is a building or a building, which is its hallmark. For example, in Paris such an attraction can be considered the Eiffel Tower, in Moscow - the Kremlin, and New York, of course, can be proud of its skyscrapers. One of them is the Flatiron Building in Manhattan, which is considered the most famous high-rise building erected in the twentieth century.

Skyscraper Description

The "Iron Building" in New York, despite its large height of 83 meters and an angular appearance, looks pretty elegant. The skyscraper is decorated in the style of classical architecture of the last century - without excessive catchy decorations. Its walls and exterior window design are simple. They are decorated with volumetric images and ornaments with a deep relief. The structure is decorated with various ornate elements that create a unique play of shadows and light.

flatiron building

Flatiron Building (New York) has become a true symbol of New America, as it was erected on the threshold of future technical and scientific progress.

If you come close to an unusual building, you may get the impression that in front of a person there is a nose of a huge ocean liner. Cars driving around the building create the illusion of a skyscraper moving.

This high-rise building has twenty-one tiers, and the most magnificent panorama opens from the corner offices and rooms of the structure. From various angles, the skyscraper has a completely different look. It can be like a thin column, a ship, or ascend up a swift wall.

Design and construction of a skyscraper

The territory on which the structure is located has changed a large number of its owners before this structure appeared on it. This land remained undeveloped due to all sorts of disagreements between the owners and the state. As a result, it was bought by George Fuller, who was a shareholder of a well-known construction company. It was he who decided that this building should rise here.

The idea of ​​erecting a building of such a triangular shape was due to the fact that in those days, ocean liners were popular, symbolizing the technological progress of the last century. The beautiful and proud appearance of these ships served as a source of inspiration for the architect and engineer Daniel H. Burnham, who designed and built this skyscraper that resembles a large ship made of stone. He was hired by the director of Fuller Company for these works, as he was a true professional in his field.

A talented American was able to most effectively use a small plot of land at the intersection of two New York streets when erecting a building. The architect’s decision to build the Flatiron Building there in an unusual triangular shape turned out to be advantageous in all plans.

fifth Avenue

The construction began in 1901 and two years later it was completed. When it was created, frame technologies were used, so the Flatiron Building is considered the first multi-story building built on the basis of such metal beams. Thanks to this design, it was possible to erect it in such record time. Currently, residents and visitors of New York can admire the magnificent architectural object, which is a real decoration of this city.

How did this name appear?

Many tourists coming to Manhattan for excursions are interested in what Flatiron Building can mean. It turns out that the name of this skyscraper in Russian sounds like “iron” and it was not given by chance to this building. At that time, all the buildings erected on the corner of three streets received just such a nickname.

The first of these was a building in Philadelphia, and after it it appeared in New York and was called Flatiron Building. Despite all the years that have passed since its construction, the building has not lost its majesty and charm, therefore it still catches the eyes of tourists and is considered the real pride of the townspeople.

flatiron building new york

Further story

But immediately after the construction of the skyscraper was completed, many engineers and builders spoke out against the structure quite critically. For example, a journalist from a well-known architectural publishing house said that the building was unpretentious and erected without a single attempt to hide such unsightlyness. In addition, a large number of windows in the building were criticized.

However, despite such negative statements, after a while the “iron house” was completely occupied by the tenants, and after six months of existence there was not a single free office in it. Thanks to such an unusual shape of a skyscraper, many rooms there were rented by famous artists and other representatives of the bohemian world. Therefore, Fifth Avenue Street has become one of the most respectable areas of the city.

manhattan skyscraper

Building application

For more than a century of history, the building was used only for offices. During the First World War, the Russian military was located here, responsible for the purchase of defensive equipment in the United States.

A skyscraper changed owners several times. In 2010, half of the building was acquired by the investment company Sorgente Group with the goal of making it a comfortable luxury hotel. So far, this remains only in plans, as the company will have to wait many more years for the current tenants to end their lease agreements.

flatiron building

Current status of the structure

Currently, a skyscraper in Manhattan houses several headquarters of large American corporations, as well as many well-known publishers.

In addition, the building is considered not only the office center and the most popular building in the city, but also one of the country's historical attractions listed in the US National Register. Therefore, a large number of tourists come here to take pictures of the Flatiron Building as a souvenir, which makes it one of the most photographed buildings in the world.

Also, this skyscraper is often used in various television commercials and documentaries as the most easily recognizable symbol of New York.

Interesting Facts

One rather intriguing moment is associated with this building. At the beginning of the twentieth century, there were many women's clothing stores near it. All the ladies of that era, heading to the boutiques, located on the same stretch of street where the skyscraper stands, tried to get around it by a different road. And this happened because in this place the magnificent skirts of the ladies rose from behind the walls of the building, converging at an acute angle and creating an action similar to a wind tunnel causing air currents.

Of course, such a spectacle was very popular among men and gathered crowds of onlookers, constantly on duty near a skyscraper. Over time, this event even became part of pop culture, due to which many postcards with women depicted near the "iron house" with dresses raised from the wind were released.

iron building in new york

Where is?

Anyone who will be in New York and who wants to see this masterpiece of architecture with their own eyes will be able to find it at this address: Fifth Avenue, 175.

You can get there by metro (and get off at station 23 St) or by buses M1, M5, M3 or M2.

At first glance, this building is guaranteed to make a great impression even on the most sophisticated tourist.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1100/

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