Winter tourism. Types of winter tourism

Winter is a great time to relax. And in this period of the year you can get a lot of positive emotions and unforgettable impressions. The most common activity in your free time is winter tourism. Thanks to the long winter holidays, you can have a great time with the whole family. It should be noted that there are a lot of holidays in January. Many entertainment programs and performances with songs and dances can be visited at this time.

Travel companies are actively implementing trips to the famous ski resorts in Bulgaria, Italy, Austria, France, Switzerland, Ukraine, Turkey and Russia. The number of lovers of this type of tourism is growing every year, although such a vacation is not cheap. This article will tell about winter holidays and tourism.


Winter tourism is a visit to a tourist area in the winter. Most often these are ski resorts.

Winter tourism

The success of rest in this period of the year depends on the presence of snow. This is a fairly active form of pastime, and sometimes it requires quite serious sports training. The most popular equipment for winter activities: downhill skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, sledding, etc. In winter, entertainment is available to both adults and children.

Types of tourism

There are many avid travelers in the world who like to explore new cities and countries, conquer the highest mountain peaks and make rafting on fast and stormy rivers. Many people love more relaxed hikes with gatherings around the campfire, and there are those who like chatting and photo shoots against the backdrop of the beauties of nature. It all depends on preferences. There are different types of tourism. The most popular of them, among which winter types of tourism, are presented below:

1. Cognitive - a type of tourism that broadens the traveler’s cultural horizons. It includes tours of cities and localities with monuments of architecture, as well as trips to exhibitions and museums, seminars, lectures, musical and other shows.

2. Adventure (romantic) - trips to different countries and cities, trips to rivers and mountains, round-the-world travels, cruises on rivers and seas, visiting holy places.

3. Business - travel on official need.

4. Active tourism - travels that combine adventure and sport. It belongs to extreme species and is divided into the following groups:

  • ground - hiking, biking, horseback riding, underground slopes and mountain biking;
  • water - sailing, diving, rafting and kayaking, water skiing, rafting and surfing;
  • mountain - snowboarding, skiing and mountaineering (one of the winter tourism destinations);
  • exotic - travel to remote places of the planet, for example, to the North Pole.

Winter types of tourism

Health Tourism

Winter tourism is a real elixir of health. An excellent tonic effect has a rest in the winter season. True, this period of the year is different (severe frosts, cold winds, snowstorm, etc.), so you should always remember this so as not to harm yourself.

Wonderful winter landscapes and cold fresh air perfectly relieve fatigue and stress, give vitality and uplift.

Tourism in the winter is one of the most reliable means of maintaining the normal functioning of the lungs, cardiac activity and the whole body as a whole, and it is also an excellent tool for hardening and strengthening immunity.

Winter destinations in tourism

Popular places for tourism in Russia

The climatic conditions of many parts of the country favor the development of winter tourism.

Going to any winter resort, everyone gets the opportunity not only to cheer up, but also to breathe in the wonderful fresh air. If you don’t have equipment riding skills, you can use the instructions of a trainer at any resort who will quickly teach you basic skills. You can go ice skating, sledding and any other equipment that does not require any special skills, even in children.

Ski tourism is very popular among Russians, which is explained by the appropriate climatic conditions for this over a large territory of the country. Here, snow cover lasts quite a long time (several months).

For example, the Urals is famous for its wonderful winter tours: skiing, horse-riding and snowmobiling. Interesting and fascinating routes here are laid along the snowy ridge of Kraka Tau, along the floodplains of the Kaga and Agidel rivers. Fast riding on horses, raising whirlwinds of snow, magnificent landscapes and clean air - all this is the Urals, which for winter holidays can be visited from December to March.

Also, the mountains of the Caucasus attract lovers of adventure and extreme recreation.

The tours in Karelia are also wonderful: racing on snowmobiles and dog sledding on endless snow cover, skiing.

Winter holidays and tourism

Vacation abroad

Winter tourism is very popular in the Carpathians and in many other European resorts. Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, Switzerland, Austria and many other countries offer excellent service and excellent tracks.

It should be noted that Germany is considered the cheapest European resort, although the routes here are not the longest, but are well suited for beginners.

A bit about tourism with children

For a winter holiday with children, the best option is a visit to Lapland. Although Finland is notable for its rather severe climatic conditions, the winter here is magnificent and one of the most fabulous.

According to legend, Santa Claus lives in Lapland. Many families from all over the world come here every year to celebrate the New Year.


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