Venice, commune: attractions with photos and description

Venice is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is located on 122 islands that link 400 bridges. The streets traditional for cities here are replaced by narrow canals, and cars by gondolas. In Venice, almost every building is a historic building. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that the old areas of Venice are under the protection of UNESCO.

Venice (Commune): Attractions

This amazing Italian city is a major administrative center of the region of the country of Venice and the province of the same name. Venice is a commune whose attractions are located in all six self-governing areas. In accordance with the Charter, which was adopted in 1991, it is a capital city. Local self-government is carried out by the mayor and the City Council, which are elected by vote. Venice (commune), the attractions of which we will describe below, since 2005 are divided into six self-governing areas:

  • Venice-Burano-Murano;
  • Favaro Veneto;
  • Lido Pellestrin;
  • Carpenedo Mestre;
  • Marghera;
  • Zelarino-Chirignago.

Venice Commune Attractions

Sisters (historical areas), established in the Middle Ages, are located along the famous Grand Canal. These include:

  • San Marco
  • Castello
  • Dorsoduro;
  • Cannaregio.

Venice (commune), whose sights are of cultural value, amazes and bewitches at first sight. This is the Cathedral of St. Mark, and the bridges of the city, and the Doge's Palace, and churches. Therefore, do not believe anyone that it is not difficult to see the sights of Venice in one day. For this (even with a quick inspection), not a week is enough.

City climate

Venice is a southern city. It is located at approximately the same latitude as the Crimea and the Krasnodar Territory. Here is a long hot summer. The average temperature in July is + 23 Β° C, and in January - + 2.5 Β° C. Very rarely in winter there are snowfalls and frosts.

Venice Photo Attractions

Sights of Venice

As you already know, this Italian city is divided into six independent regions. Tourists are usually interested in three of them - beach Lido, mainland Mestre and the most important area of ​​the city, called Venice-Burano-Murano. Nevertheless, it is better to start exploring the sights of Venice on your own with San Marco. Many historical and architectural monuments are concentrated here.

Doge's Palace

Many Italians believe that this is the main attraction of Venice. One can argue with this statement, but we will not do it, since it is a truly unique building worthy of such a title.

At the place where the famous palace is located today, the first building was erected in the 9th century. The construction of the current building was carried out in 1424 by the architect F. Calendario. In 1577, part of the palace was destroyed by a fire, and Antonio de Ponti was engaged in its restoration.

venice sightseeing

For many centuries, the Doge's Palace was the seat of the government of Venice. The Council of the Republic, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Ministry of Police met here at different times. On its lower floor were an office, a censorship service, a maritime department, and law firms.

There are many unusual beauty halls in the palace. For example, the Hall of Cards. Its walls are decorated with beautiful cards that were performed by the best Italian masters. On the upper floors are two front rooms. You can climb them up the Golden Stairs, which is decorated with gilded stucco.

In the halls of the College, the Senate, the Office of Criminal Cases and the Office of Laws, many high-profile public affairs took place. Their design fully corresponded to their status - numerous masterpieces of Italian painting and unique decoration of ceilings, floors and walls.

Bridge of Sighs

For many tourists, the magnificent Venice is a cherished dream. Photos of the sights of this city can often be seen on the covers of glossy magazines.

Bridge of Sighs - such a romantic name received one of the oldest bridges in Venice. It was erected in 1602. The author of the project is architect A. Kontin. Such a beautiful name attracts many tourists to it.

Venice sights on your own

The bridge connects the Doge's Palace with the prison on the Palace Canal. In it in the Middle Ages were prisoners. It was they who sighed, seeing the beautiful Venice for the last time. Therefore, this structure was not originally associated with the love theme.

The Bridge of Sighs is built in the Baroque style. It is adorned with magnificent carving on white marble. Today it is one of the most visited sights of the city, and, for example, in the XIX century they did not pay much attention to it. At that time, it was believed that the bridge did not correspond to the architectural appearance of the city.

San Marco Cathedral

Many tourists note that they are amazed at the number of completely unique buildings that Venice has. Description of the attractions of this city can be found in almost all advertising booklets of travel agencies working in this direction.

The cathedral is also visited with pleasure by tourists from all over the world. It is located in the city center on the eponymous square, not far from the Doge's Palace. This magnificent cathedral is known not only for its stunning architecture, but also for the fact that the relics of the Apostle Mark rest here . Numerous art objects that were brought from Constantinople after the Crusades are also stored here.

main attraction of venice

The construction of the temple began in 829. The work was completed in three years. Unfortunately, to this day its original appearance has not been preserved - the structure was badly damaged during the fire. The temple in its current form was built in 1063. Every year he became more and more beautiful. During construction, tens of thousands of piles made from larch were used. This choice of wood is explained by the fact that when it comes into contact with water, it becomes extremely durable, which is certainly important for Venice.

Today it is an active temple - services are held here. In this place, one of the most revered Venetian shrines - Pala D`Oro (golden altar). It consists of 80 small icons decorated with precious stones and gold. The altar is unique - it was created for almost five hundred years.

Grand Canal

Amazing city - Venice. Its main attractions are, of course, numerous channels. Arriving in the city, you will most likely be the first to see the Grand Canal. It runs through the whole city. It starts at the train station, and then crosses the whole of Venice in the shape of the letter S. The canal ends at the customs building.

sights of venice in one day

In fact, this canal is the main Venetian street. True, in the street, in the usual sense of the word for us, it does not at all look like. He doesn’t even have embankments. Facades of houses became its original shores. All buildings here are built on stilts and equipped with two exits - to land and water. A walk along this amazing canal will be remembered for a long time, because the most beautiful buildings of the city are located here. Over 100 palaces appear before the gaze of amazed tourists - these are the Palazzo Barbarigo, Ca'd d'Oro and many others.

Ka'd'Oro Palace

The lace building of this palace amazes even those who already know how beautiful Venice is. Photos, sights of this city on the water, known outside the country, you can see in our article.

venice main attractions

Ka'd'Oro Palace - this unique building is often called the Golden House. It got its name not by chance. During its construction, gold leaf was used in the decoration . Undoubtedly, this building is the most beautiful in the city.

Rialto Bridge

You must admit that Venice is unthinkable without bridges. The main attractions of this city are, of course, such structures. There are a huge number of them (400). At the same time, each of them has its own peculiarity, an original architectural solution. Rialto Bridge can be attributed to the symbols of Venice. This is the oldest bridge over the Grand Canal. In addition, it is located in its narrowest part. The support of the Rialto Bridge consists of 12 thousand piles that were hammered at the bottom of the Grand Canal.

Before construction began, the authorities in Venice announced a competition for the best project. Many renowned architects offered their sketches, among which was even Michelangelo. But the unexpected happened - the competition committee preferred the sketch, previously unknown architect Antonio de Ponte.

venice main attractions

After the approval of the author of the project, there were many spiteful critics who found various shortcomings in the work, predicted a quick collapse of the construction. But they were wrong. And today, the magnificent Rialto stone bridge, which Venice (commune) is rightly proud of, pleases citizens and visitors alike. Sights of a city of this level will delight people for many centuries, especially when you consider that the city authorities are very closely monitoring their condition. In 2012, the bridge began to be reconstructed. The work lasted three years.

We only told you about a few points of interest. We hope that you will have the opportunity to visit Italy and appreciate the beauty of this extraordinary city.


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