Park "Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki". Mandelstam park

At the end of the XVII century, Prince Vasily Golitsyn was granted a plot on the Maiden Field beyond the Khamovnichy settlement. He, in turn, presented it as a gift to his sister - the wife of Yuri Petrovich Trubetskoy. In 1758, under Nikita Yuryevich Trubetskoy, the main house was erected in the estate - a small palace with a belvedere. Nearby were other buildings: gazebos, two ponds with islets and rotundas, and around - a magnificent garden. In the XIX century, the Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki could claim to be the center of cultural life in Moscow. It was often visited by writers, scientists, philosophers and other prominent figures of the country, but by the end of the 19th century they began to sell the estate. The owner of the estate was the merchant Pavel Evstafievich Nemchinov. He remained with them until the 1917 revolution .

Park Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki

After the revolution

Civil war caused great damage to the estate. The trees of the lush garden turned into a dry place, piles of garbage appeared. In 1923, by the decision of the party’s district committee, the former Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki became a place of cultural pastime for workers. Its name also changed: Soviet workers came to rest in Mandelstam Park, named after the revolutionary A.V. Mandelstam. At subbotniks, residents of the city put the territory in order. There were rides, a cinema, sports grounds, a shooting gallery. We can say that Moscow, Khamovniki and the former princely estate gave our country the "progenitor" of modern parks of culture and recreation.

The advent of a children's park

park manor

In 1936, the history of this place received a new round of development. It opened the first children's park in the capital. It was considered one of the best green areas in Moscow. Children spent time on playgrounds, a boat marina, a children's theater, a fishing club, a sports town and even a parachute tower were equipped.

However, the Great Patriotic War made adjustments to the development of the park. Trees were almost completely cut down. In their place came the anti-aircraft battery and a workshop for the repair of military equipment.

In the postwar years, the city station of the young people worked here. With the help of all Moscow schoolchildren, from 1945 to 1960, trees were planted again, which now adorn the capital. By the way, the modern park "Trubetskoy Estate" in Khamovniki almost completely repeats the scheme of the princely estate of the XVIII century. In the same way there are paths, alleys, planting and flower beds.

After the station was closed during the perestroika period, wooden elements gradually deteriorated, and by 1992 only the greenhouse and the change house remained in the park, which housed naturalist and zoo corners.


Naturally, this could not continue. The law “On Education” that came out raised the question of the need to restore the park and its role in the additional education of children.

park manor Trubetskoy

In 2002, the park structure was reorganized. He included in his composition a youth center with an equally glorious history. Previously, this was the first Pioneer House in Russia, which did not stop its work even during the Second World War. He brought together hundreds of guys who, at that difficult time, helped the soldiers to the best of their ability: they sewed mittens, pouches, handkerchiefs, held concerts, were on duty at home, and even put out lighters. Over the years of its existence, the House of Pioneers has received many awards and diplomas. Now it is a house of children's creativity, which is combined with such a place as the children's park "Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki", and, by the way, has the same name.

Associations and Studios

Here, children are offered various options for further education. Any child can find something to his taste. Parents can send their child to artistic and aesthetic circles: ballroom dancing, choral studio, computer graphics and web design, ceramics, visual arts, beadwork, a theater studio ...

Ecological and biological circles teach children to interact with the environment, to see its beauty, to store it for the future. Young talents can do wood carving, and at the same time get to know your park more closely. The estate (in the broad sense of the word) becomes a subject of study for children. They get acquainted with her life, traditions, architecture, crafts of young masters often participate in exhibitions and competitions.

Trubetskoy estate in Khamovniki

Floristic studio teaches not only the art of composing bouquets, but also gives knowledge about color and design, ecology and geography. The children's park "Trubetskoy Estate in Khamovniki" boasts its own equestrian club "Triglav". Pupils of the club learn horse riding and caring. They participate in competitions and theatrical performances, in the summer they go to the camp with their pets. Ordinary vacationers can watch the horses from the rostrum. Even preschoolers with pleasure come to the territory of the Triglav club to take a closer look at the graceful beauties and treat them with something tasty.

On the territory of the park there is an association "Young Cynologist". His children are 12-17 years old. They get acquainted with different breeds of dogs, learn to handle them, not only in theory but also in practice, and receive training skills. A separate area equipped with special training equipment is equipped for dog walking.

mandelstam park

For health and relaxation

The Trubetskoy Manor Park regularly holds all kinds of holidays and games, inviting everyone to take part in it. It can be days devoted to birds, land, water, environmental protection, contests of children's drawings or crafts made from natural material.

The tourist club regularly organizes hiking, sailing or skiing trips, rafting on mountain rivers, historical excursions, not only in Moscow and the region, but also throughout Russia and abroad.

Of course, physical development is very important for the health of the younger generation, therefore it is natural that in the park there are sections of football, aikido, volleyball, fitness, sambo, sumo. Awarding of excellence in competitions takes place on the Alley of athletes. Relays for babies, the traditional Manor Ski Track competitions for the whole family and the Manor Mile cross for children of all ages are also held here.

Where to visit and what to see

park manor

The area of ​​the park itself is 10 hectares. On this territory there are many picturesque corners with romantic or funny names: the Path of Dreams, the Mysterious Alley, the Fantasy path, the Enchanted Island ... For young visitors there are two playgrounds with a soft coating so that young explorers can travel without obstacles and scratched knees. For the most active, there is a rollerdrome. Competitions are often held on the equipped track. Reliable trail is interesting, where young visitors are taught to provide first aid. In the winter, children with great pleasure strive for Tsar Mountain to feel how the wind whistles during a rapid descent.

Moscow Khamovniki

Our smaller brothers

Park "Trubetskoy Estate" in Khamovniki also has its own small zoo. Squirrels live in enclosures. For those who want to feed them, a special plate is installed indicating their favorite treats: honey, cottage cheese, jam. However, there immediately hangs a warning that sticking fingers into the cage is extremely not recommended, because this is fraught with injuries. But to fish in the pond is strictly prohibited. In the house you can see budgies, indolets, lovebirds, geese, pheasants and, of course, chickens.

Behavior rules

The park is well looked after, and security carefully monitors the order. Since this is a place for children and families, alcohol and cigarettes are strictly prohibited here. By the way, there are regularly held events dedicated to the prevention of alcohol, drug and nicotine addiction. Young mothers with strollers give preference to a children's park during mandatory walks with the baby, because the beautiful nature, an amazing combination of antiquity and modernity, clean air and the absence of “suspicious personalities” create excellent conditions for relaxation.

What else are interesting Khamovniki

Museum estate Khamovniki

There is another remarkable place in this area of ​​Moscow - the Khamovniki Museum-Estate. This house was built in the Long Khamovnichesky Lane from 1800 to 1805. He is famous for the fact that in 1882-1901 Leo Tolstoy spent his winters here with his family. Here significant events took place for him and about a hundred of his creations saw the light: “Resurrection”, “Living Corpse”, “Kreutzer Sonata”, “Response to the Holy Synod” were born here.

The museum covers an area of ​​442.7 m2. Around is a garden where there is a bulk hill, a gazebo and a well are built. The street on which it is located now bears a name in honor of the great writer - Leo Tolstoy.


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