Education in pedagogy

Education in pedagogy is a socially determined process that is necessary for the reproduction of a person as a person who is ready to be involved in social relations. Therefore, all pedagogical teaching methods are aimed at creating a personality that meets the main requirements of society.

Education in pedagogy is organized as a process of interaction between the student and the teacher, the result of which is the formation of the student certain skills, knowledge and skills based on his own activity. In turn, the teacher creates the conditions for the student’s activity, controls, directs, provides the necessary information and means.

Teaching in pedagogy is aimed at developing students' abilities for independent activity. For this, a purposeful process of educational and cognitive activity of students is organized to master knowledge, develop creative abilities, moral and aesthetic and worldview views.

The learning process is characterized by such properties as bilateral in nature, leadership on the part of the teacher, joint activities of teachers and students, integrity and unity, systematic organization, compliance with the laws of the age of students, consistent management, management of student development and their upbringing.

The tasks that training in pedagogy solves are: stimulating the educational and cognitive activities of students; development of memory, thinking, creative abilities; improving acquired skills; organization of activities for the acquisition of scientific knowledge and skills; development of moral and aesthetic culture and scientific worldview.

The whole educational process is based on teaching methods, which are understood as means of the interconnected activities of educators and trainees, which are aimed at solving a set of tasks of the learning process. Teaching methods are classified according to various criteria.

Some authors (E. Perovsky, E. Golant) share them by the nature of perception and the source of information transfer to passive perception (lecture, explanation, story, demonstration) and active (work with visual sources, laboratory work). Others (M. Danilov, B. Esipov.) Classify them according to the didactic task: the acquisition of knowledge; application of knowledge; the formation of skills; fastening; creative activity; testing knowledge and skills.

M. Skatkin, I. Lerner share methods according to the type of cognitive activity, highlighting explanatory and illustrative; problematic presentation; reproductive; partial search; research. Another group of methodologists, led by Y. Babansky, identifies such groups as methods of organizing cognitive activity (reproductive, visual, verbal, practical, and problem-searching); developing interest in learning; monitoring the effectiveness of educational activities. Other classifications also exist. Modern pedagogical teaching technologies , as a rule, are based on a combination of different approaches, relying on the most appropriate for each stage of training.

Today, the main laws of learning are called the following.

  1. Education is a four-way process in which goals, the learning and learning side, and the education process are interconnected.
  2. The law of pedagogical harmony implies the correct combination of all its attributes: content, forms, means, methods, management organization.
  3. Education educates the personality, comprehensively developing it.

The main axioms of learning are such. For the effectiveness of training, the student should always be a more active side than the teacher. A mandatory part of any training is repetition. Students should learn by actively helping each other learn, because they themselves better understand their essence.


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