What to do if the phone falls into the water?

No matter how much we love our dearest technology, no matter how we care about its integrity and safety, and incidents sooner or later happen to everyone. Moreover, if we are talking about a simple model of a mobile phone or a device that is more than one year old, then the disappointment will not be so strong. But what if you just recently purchased a completely new device, spending a tidy sum on it, and the phone fell into the water? A familiar situation for many, right? Which of us does not like to listen to music in the bath? And it may happen that a sudden important call took the owner of the smartphone by surprise. But no matter what situation we consider, the result is still the same - wet equipment on hand and a panic from the cost of the upcoming repair in the eyes. So what should be the very first actions of the owner, if the phone fell into the water? We give the main points that can alleviate the situation and prevent the development of destructive processes inside the apparatus. But still, we strongly recommend that you contact a specialist. Only a knowledgeable person can save technology from final destruction.

The phone fell into the water. What to do to the owner?

The most important thing is to remove the battery as soon as possible and try to dry the contacts. If this is not done on time, then the likelihood that the phone will have to be changed completely increases significantly. Wipe off drops of water from the body. Carefully, without excessive force, open the back panel. Remove the battery from the device. Leave the phone disassembled for about a night. Place a soft, absorbent cloth underneath it so that the water that flows out does not accumulate under the unit. The phone itself is best placed not with the screen down, but rather with an empty battery slot upside down. Otherwise, the liquid can penetrate deeper and spoil not only the screen itself, but also the "inside", which is even more unpleasant.

Attention! Never place the device on a battery or other heating device. You will not only not help the phone with this, but will aggravate the situation, as high temperatures can harm the delicate details inside the device.

After the phone fell into the water, and you took advantage of the above advice and dried it, it would be nice to protect the contacts from oxidation. Otherwise, it may happen that the charger will not be recognized, the headphones will not connect, and the device itself will not last as a result without replacing all of the above items. Such repairs will cost the owner of the phone a lot. Moisten a cotton swab with alcohol and carefully, trying not to touch or cling to the metal pins in the sockets, wipe the recesses from the inside. This should not be done with oil or some other greasy remedy. Alcohol interferes with oxidative processes, and everything else can only do harm.

If the phone has fallen into water, you should immediately pay attention to the presence of water under the glass of the screen. If drops are visible there, it is best to remove the top panel and carefully remove the liquid with a cotton swab. Otherwise, you risk permanently losing the display. Especially wet touch sensitive screens. If the phone fell into the water, and the display it belongs to is a series of capacitive ones (it reacts exclusively to touch with bare fingers), then this is the worst option. In this case, pay as much attention to this detail as possible.

And finally, an ultrasonic bath will help to finally get rid of water in the β€œinner world” of the communicator . Such a device is available, as a rule, in specialized workshops. With its help, all the smallest particles of moisture are removed, and the steel "filling" does not begin to oxidize and rust. So now, if your phone falls into the water, you know what to do. Good luck and be careful with the technique.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11072/

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