How to weave a choker of threads and fishing lines?

A choker is an ornament that has a long history. At one time, wearing it was an indicator of the highest style, then they forgot about it, after which the necklace, tightly fitting to the neck, returned to fashion again.

In the 20th century, the “flower children” remembered him, when girls who liked tattoos but were afraid to make them came up with weaving a choker. He was fashionable in the 90s and in the zero. And now this interesting decoration is back in fashion. Let's see how it happens and how to weave a choker.

how to weave a choker

Original, stylish, fashionable.

Fashion does not stand still. Every day brings something new. And as you know, everything new is well forgotten old. Well-thought-out accessories always help to look original. These are belts, bags, scarfs. Jewelry is of great importance for the girl. So, the half-forgotten choker has returned to fashion.

Decoration can be purchased in specialized stores or made independently without spending any special funds. Chokers are simple and complex, with a rich pattern. But those and others, if they fit the general style, look very elegant and fashionable. Moreover, this is not only a female necklace. Men, following their favorite movie heroes, are also not averse to show off in stylish jewelry.

And we will learn how to weave a choker out of fishing line and thread.

Thread Choker

It is hardly worth using ordinary threads for decoration. The choker must be elastic, so they take floss threads for it . Materials that will still be required are:

  • suspension;
  • clasp ring;
  • Scotch;
  • scissors.

The pendant is best treated with colorless varnish and allowed to dry.

choker weaving

  1. We measure the diameter of the neck, add a couple of centimeters and measure out the required length. We take six threads of the same color, first we bind into a knot and fasten with tape.
  2. We attach a thread of a different color to the main thread at right angles. It will be woven around the warp thread.
  3. After winding the thread at the bottom we tie a knot so that it does not fall apart. Then we take another thread and also wrap it. And so all the threads.
  4. If you want to weave a pendant, you need to note where the middle will be, and continue.
  5. At the end of the thread, we trim and tie the fasteners.

How to weave a choker out of fishing line

The choker tattoo is even easier to do. If everything works out, the picture will really resemble a tattoo. The main thing for this is to pick up a thin wire or fishing line. Some lovers use a cord for charging a mobile phone or from old headphones for weaving. Before weaving a choker, you also need to prepare:

  • clip sold in any office supply store;
  • a solid foundation, such as a book.
  1. We take the cord 3-4 meters long, fold it in half and attach it with a clothespin. All further weaving must not be forgotten to pull so that twisting and knots do not work. At the same time, do not overdo it so that there remains an “airy” look.
  2. We make a loop on one side, and skip the other end into it. The knot should look outward.
  3. Weaving should be alternately from one side, then from the other side until the cord ends.
  4. At the end of the work we fasten the clasp.

Some people prefer to complement the jewelry with a pendant. It can be strung during operation or attached at the end.

Sometimes they choose a colored wire that looks original without any additional beads and pendants.

If using different wires or a cord, they should have the same thickness. Moreover, the thinner they are, the more effective they will look on the neck.

how to weave a choker out of fishing line

How to wear?

In addition, how to weave a choker, it must be worn correctly. Such a decoration is not suitable for formal meetings, business style or strict classics. But with everyday wear with jeans and T-shirts, it will look harmonious. And made with your own hands, the choker will emphasize the individuality of its owner.


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