The most famous Soviet intelligence

Soviet intelligence is the best in the world. None of these structures on the planet in their entire history can boast of so many brilliantly conducted operations - one worth the kidnapping of US nuclear technology!

Soviet intelligence

Geniuses of Soviet intelligence

Can the CIA, or Mossad, or MI-6 oppose anyone to Soviet intelligence agents of a class such as Arthur Artuzov (operations Trust and Syndicate 2), Rudolf Abel, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Kim Philby, Richard Sorge, Aldrich Ames or Gevork Vartanyan? They can. Agent 007. Operations conducted by Soviet intelligence are studied in all special schools in the world. And among this brilliant galaxy it is impossible to name the very-most. One article substantiates the idea that the best Soviet intelligence agent is Kim Philby, in another they call Richard Sorge. Gevorg Vartanyan, who outplayed Abwehr, according to authoritative and unbiased estimates, is one of the top 100 scouts in the world. And the aforementioned Arthur Artuzov, in addition to dozens of brilliantly conducted operations, led at some time the work of such outstanding Soviet intelligence agents as Sandor Rado and Richard Sorge, Jan Chernyak, Rudolf Gernstad and Hadji Umar Mamsurov. Books are written about the exploits on the invisible front of each of them.

Soviet intelligence leader of the organization

Most lucky

For example, the Soviet spy Jan Chernyak. In 1941, he managed to get the Barbarossa plan, and in 1943, the German army’s offensive plan near Kursk. Jan Chernyak created a powerful intelligence network, not a single member of which was ever exposed by the Gestapo - over the 11 years of his work, the Krona group has not had a single failure. According to unconfirmed reports, his agent was the movie star of the Third Reich, Marik Ryokk. In just one year 1944, his group transferred 60 samples of radio equipment and 12,500 sheets of technical documentation to Moscow. He died in retirement in 1995. Hero of the Soviet Union. He served as a prototype of Stirlitz (Colonel Maxim Isaev).

Soviet intelligence officer of the second world

Invisible front

The Soviet spy Haj-Umar Mamsurov, who participated under the pseudonym Colonel Xanthi in the Spanish Civil War, served as the prototype for one of the heroes of Ernest Hemingway’s novel “For Whom the Bell Tolls”. Recently, a lot of materials about Soviet intelligence have been declassified, allowing us to understand what is the secret of its phenomenal victories. It is very interesting to read about this structure and its brightest employees and employees. Few people know about many of them. Only recently, the Russia 1 channel launched a project that tells amazing stories about the legendary exploits of Soviet intelligence.

Hundreds of little-known and unknown heroes

For example, the film “Kill Gauleiter. The order for three ”tells of three young scouts - Nadezhda Troyan, Maria Osipova and Elena Mazanik - who carried out the order to destroy the executioner of Belarus Wilhelm Kube. Soviet intelligence Pavel Fitin was the first to report to the Kremlin about German plans to attack the Soviet Union. There are a lot of them - heroes of the invisible front. Some remain in the shade for the time being, while others, by virtue of the circumstances, are known and loved by the people.

Soviet intelligence officer head of organization in Japan

The legendary scout and partisan

Often this is facilitated by well-directed films with talented and charming actors and well-written books, such as, for example, about Nikolai Kuznetsov. The stories “It was near Rivne” and “Strong in Spirit” by D. N. Medvedev were read by all children in the Union. The Soviet intelligence officer of World War II Nikolai Kuznetsov, who personally destroyed 11 generals and bonzes of fascist Germany, was known, without exaggeration, to every citizen of the USSR, and at one time he was generally the most famous Soviet intelligence agent. Moreover, his features are discernible in the collective image of the hero of the legendary Soviet film “Scout's Feat”, which is still quoted.

Real events and facts

In general, Soviet intelligence agents of the Second World War are surrounded by an aura of glory, because the cause for which they worked and often gave their lives ended in a great victory for the Red Army. And therefore, films about scouts penetrating Abwehr or other fascist structures are so popular. But the scenarios were not invented at all. The plot of the paintings “The Way to Saturn” and “The End of Saturn” is based on the story of the scout A. I. Kozlov, who rose to the rank of captain in Abwehr. He is called the most mysterious agent.

Legendary sorge

In connection with films about Soviet scouts, one cannot help recalling the tape of the French director Yves Champi "Who are you, Dr. Sorge?" The legendary Soviet intelligence officer, who was in Japan during World War II and created a powerful ramified intelligence network nicknamed Ramsay, told Stalin the date of the German attack on the Soviet Union. The film spurred interest in the actor Thomas Holtzman, and in Richard Sorge himself, about whom by that time very few people knew. Then, articles about him began to appear in the press, and for a time the Soviet intelligence officer, the head of the organization in Japan, Richard Sorge became very popular. The fate of this resident is tragic - he was executed in the courtyard of Sugamo Tokyo Prison in 1944. All Sorge’s residency in Japan was failed. His grave is located where he was executed. The first of the Soviet people to lay flowers on his grave was the writer and journalist Vsevolod Ovchinnikov.

Exchanged for Powers

At the beginning of the Dead Season movie, Rudolph Abel addresses the audience. The prototype of the scout, played by Donatas Banionis, was another famous Soviet spy Konon Molodoy. Both he and Rudolf Abel, as a result of the betrayal of their partners, failed in the United States, were sentenced to long sentences and exchanged for American intelligence officers (the famous scene of the exchange on the bridge in the film). At the time, Rudolph Abel, who was exchanged for the American pilot F.G. Powers, became the most talked about scout. His work in the states since 1948 was so effective that already in 1949 he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner in his homeland.

Soviet intelligence agents of the second world war

Cambridge five

The Soviet intelligence officer, the head of the organization known as the Cambridge Five, Arnold Deutsch attracted senior British intelligence and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Soviet Union. Allen Dulles called this organization "the most powerful intelligence group since World War II."

Kim Philby (nickname Stanley) and Donald Macklin (Homer), Anthony Blunt (Johnson), Guy Burgess (Hicks) and John Cairncross - all of them, due to their high position, possessed valuable information, and therefore the group's work efficiency was high. Kim Philby is called the most famous and most important Soviet intelligence.

Legendary Red Chapel

Another Soviet intelligence officer, the head of the Red Chapel organization, the Polish Jew Leopold Trepper, entered the annals of our country's intelligence. This organization was a horror for the Germans, they respectfully called Trepper Big Chef. The largest and most effective Soviet intelligence network operated in many European countries. The history of many members of this organization is very tragic. To fight it, the Germans created a special sonderkommand, which was personally led by Hitler.

Many are known, even more are unknown

There are many lists of Soviet intelligence, there are five of the most successful. It includes Richard Sorge, Kim Philby, Aldridge Ames, Ivan Agayants and Lev Manevich (he worked in Italy in the 30s). Other lists provide other surnames. Often mentioned is Robert Hanssen, an FBI officer in the 70s and 80s. Obviously, it is impossible to name the most-most, since Russia has always had more than enough enemies, and there have always been a lot of people who gave their lives in a secret fight against them. And the names of a large number of scouts are still under the heading "secret."


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