What is money in an electronic wallet?

What is electronic money, today almost every Internet user knows. Electronic money is fully virtual money that can be transferred electronically at any time, while ensuring complete independence of each payment. First of all, the advantages of electronic money include its incredible convenience, since any payments using them are made at any time, while providing a host of other benefits. For example, electronic money is an extremely convenient option for those people who work on the Internet or are going to make various online purchases. It is also worth noting the fact that buying almost any product using e-currency will be much cheaper than purchasing it in a standard store.

What electronic payment systems are there?

Today in our country there are many payment systems, however, only three are worth mentioning among the main ones - Yandex.Money, Cyber ​​Plat and, of course, WebMoney.

The advantage that combines all three can be called the maximum convenience of payments, since people can manage money from anywhere in the world, as well as the cheap cost of purchases, since online stores do not have to pay for renting premises, maintaining staff, etc. , which means that the price of the goods does not include all such expenses.

However, it is immediately worth noting that each of these systems has both its advantages and some disadvantages.

Yandex money

Probably, almost every Russian Internet user knows what Yandex money is, since this is the most famous electronic payment system in our country. Its advantages include the possibility of buying in online stores, as well as making all kinds of payments. In addition, Yandex offers us a number of services. This is if we talk about the wallet itself.

If we take into account the system itself, then the advantages for us can be: an incredibly extensive network of terminals, a cheaper price of the Yandex ruble, as well as increased payment security. The disadvantages include the fact that the network is not global, and the terminals are located only in some CIS countries, and also the fact that it has only our national currency - the ruble.

Cyber ​​plat

What is money Cyber ​​Plat, not many people know, although this is the very first system in Russia, created back in 1997. Its advantages and disadvantages are almost the same as Yandex, only there is also some reward scheme and a round-the-clock support system, and the Cyber ​​Plat ruble is also more expensive.


WebMoney is the most popular electronic payment system worldwide. There is practically no need to talk about what Web Money is, so let's immediately consider its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantage of this system is that it offers maximum security for all payments. It is impossible to enter the pyramids, investing in HYIP. It is also worth noting that it becomes absolutely impossible to exchange WM currencies for others, which provide complete anonymity of payments. It is definitely impossible to say what WM money is, since the system provides its users with wallets with a whole list of currencies.

If you compare the WM system with Yandex, it is worth noting that WM money does not have such an advantage as a cheap currency. Currencies WebMoney today are quite expensive, however, this is not surprising, because you should not forget about the fame of the wallet and its advantages, and each well-known brand has an overpriced price.

It is impossible to say exactly which system is better, since each of them has its own advantages under various circumstances. Now you know what money is in an electronic wallet.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11096/

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