How to make money on a credit card: the essence of earnings, cashbacks, rules of use and calculation of income

Surely many people would be interested to know how to make money on a credit card. Some, having heard about this, are incredibly surprised: is this real? Quite. And what pleases - today, almost every person has a credit card.

That is why now we will talk about how you can use it to your advantage.

What is the point?

It’s worth starting with a consideration of the principle of such a specific “earnings”. In general, there are several options. Here are the most famous ways to make money on bank cards:

  • Interest accrual. Here you will need not a credit card, but a profitable card (debit). The bottom line is this: all your income should be put on it. The larger it is, the larger will be the interest credited to the balance. It turns out a more flexible analogue of a bank deposit. However, you have to live on something! And then a credit card with a grace period will save. If you do not go beyond it, then you will not need to pay interest.
  • Cashback Spending credit funds, you can get part of them back. This is cashback - a bonus from the bank for the fact that the person chose it.
  • Cashing out credit funds with their subsequent storage on a deposit or a credit card. Here the principle is clear. But, again, we must remember the interest-free period.
  • Using credit cards as a source of financing for small businesses. You can, for example, buy cheap goods and resell them through an online store. But this is a little more complicated. It's still about entrepreneurship, but here we need ideas and a certain fuse.

Well, these are just some of the ways that answer the question of how to make money on credit cards. Having learned about their specifics, you can proceed to the study of the details.

how can I earn on credit cards

Card from Alfa Bank

Some options deserve separate consideration. Now we will talk about how you can earn on a credit card "100 days without%" issued by Alfa-Bank. Its main features:

  • With this card you can repay loans of other banks without commission.
  • Within 100 days, 0% of the loan is valid.
  • Cash withdrawal - 0% commission.
  • The limit is 500,000 rubles.
  • You can recharge from any other cards for free.

Unfortunately, this card does not have a cashback. But it can be used differently. The best option: withdraw cash and put on a revenue card. And then, as necessary, cash, withdraw 3-5 thousand rubles.

The same card can be used for small businesses, if you have ideas. It is an alternative to a line of credit. The scheme is this: a person buys a product, and then he has 100 days to sell it and pay off the debt without interest. A pleasant and significant bonus is the profit from sales.

Tinkoff Black Card

Even the bank itself hints that this is a profitable product. Tinkoff advertises it with the words: “A card that earns.” Its advantages:

  • Interest on the balance (6% per annum).
  • Cashback 1% from regular purchases. For every 100 p spent!
  • Cashback 5% of purchases from three categories. Increased percentage!
  • Cashback 30% of purchases from Tinkoff partners.
  • Cash withdrawal without commission. Even at ATMs of other banks (but from 3000 rubles).
  • Multiple currency account.

This card can be used to transfer money without commissions. However, it is a debit. Tinkoff Bank also has loan offers, and we will discuss them further.

how to make money with a credit card

Credit cards from Tinkoff

The most famous is the Platinum card. She has a lot of advantages. And here are the features:

  • Credit up to 300 000 r.
  • The rate is from 15% per annum.
  • Installment plan 0% up to 1 year with partners of the bank.
  • Cashback up to 30% from any purchase.
  • An interest-free period of 55 days.

How to make money on a Tinkoff credit card? It is enough to simply pay with it, purchasing products, clothes and other services. When points accumulate, it will be possible to buy a train ticket on them, for example, or go to a restaurant for dinner. So many rubles will be returned to the card as points were spent.

It is also convenient to use the Platinum card to earn money with the aforementioned Tinkoff Black. How so?

Suppose a person has a salary of 45,000 rubles. It should be credited to the Black card and bought with it in stores, transferring payments for the Internet, telephone, etc. In general, you need to spend 3,000 rubles to accrue interest on the balance.

What is it? The remaining 42,000 rubles will be on the Tinkoff Black card. And with a Platinum credit card, a person will pay for everyday needs. In a month he will receive interest on the balance and bonuses for purchases. Most importantly - no interest on the use of credit funds! Because it will be possible to meet the interest-free period.

Offers from Sberbank

Since we are talking about how to make money on credit cards, we need to touch on the most famous bank in the country. He offers his customers several types of cards:

  • "Gold".
  • "Premium."
  • "Classical".
  • Aeroflot. There are both gold and classic.
  • Aeroflot Signature.
  • "Gift a life". There is also gold and classic.

How to make money on a Sberbank credit card? All of the above have a grace period, but the “Thank you” bonus system is of more interest. Thanks to it, the client is charged 0.5% for all purchases. Bonuses can be exchanged for discounts at partner companies of the bank.

Aeroflot card is ideal for travelers, as it can be used to save money on air tickets or even get them for free.

You can also connect the Piggy bank application to any card and not just store funds, but generate income.

how to make money on credit cards


Continuing to talk about whether it is possible to earn on credit cards, we need to talk a little more about the possibility of investing. So, here is a step-by-step guide for beginner investors:

  • It is necessary to get a credit card with a grace period of 50 days (although now they do not do less).
  • Then open a savings account.
  • Upon receipt of a salary, transfer the amount to it.
  • Until the next salary, “live” on credit funds.
  • When the next salary arrives, it will need to pay off the debt.
  • Transfer the remaining difference to the savings account.

Thus, it will be possible to earn a little on the interest accrued by the bank. On average, rates range from 4 to 7%. If, let’s say, a person will have 50,000 rubles stably in his account, then for a year he will receive 2000-3500 rubles in interest. And regularly replenishing the savings account, you can significantly increase your income.

Before choosing a bank to open such a savings card, it is recommended to study as many offers as possible. Then the probability of determining for yourself the most profitable will be higher.

What is the benefit for the bank?

This question is also asked by many people. Not everyone understands why this is necessary for the bank itself - to return money for using credit funds, give cashback bonuses, discounts, etc. What is the organization’s interest in? How can a bank make money on a credit card if a client comes out in plus?

Everything is simple. Such promotions and cashback are an effective marketing tool that helps the bank compete for customers. It is very important. Indeed, today the number of operating banks in Russia is about 500 (to be more precise - 488)! There are many loan offers, the grace period is almost the same for everyone. How else to interest people, if not bonuses and cashback?

In addition, cashback forces customers to do much more card transactions. Here psychology is already involved. A person is much easier to part with borrowed funds, knowing that he will receive a small refund for this.

In general, it’s better to think about how you can earn with credit cards, and not about what benefits the bank has. He receives millions for annual and monthly card servicing, plus interest. After all, not every person manages to meet the grace period.

earn on credit cards with a grace period

How to choose a card?

Many people who want to learn how to make money on a credit card do not have it, but are just going to start it. Therefore, they are interested in the question of how to choose it.

It’s really not easy to decide. Today, approximately 60-70 banks offer this product, and the number of program options exceeds one hundred. All of them are difficult to study, so it is recommended to choose for yourself 10-15 of the most popular offers and consider them.

In addition to clarifying the grace period, opening conditions, interest rates and repayment options, one should pay attention to bonus programs. Often, they help to decide.

For instance:

  • If a person decided to get a credit card just in case, as a financial guarantee, then a card with a maximum grace period will suit him. In this situation, percent savings play a decisive role.
  • Is it fundamentally possible to withdraw cash from a credit card? Then it is better to give preference to organizations with a wide network of ATMs. The same Sberbank will do.
  • People who travel frequently should choose a card with a loyalty bonus program for railway or airline companies.
  • Car enthusiasts should pay attention to cards with loyalty programs for car dealers and gas stations. Among these clients, UniCredit Bank is popular.
  • For girls who are keen on beauty, credit cards are suitable for which you can get discounts in beauty salons and beauty shops. Alfa-Bank has such a card, called the Crossroads. However, other organizations offer similar options.

In general, every person who is thinking about how to make money with a credit card needs to consider only his interests and preferences.

Can I make money on credit cards?

Short review

Well, how to make money on a credit card is clear. Now you can list the most popular options. Typically, people choose from the following cards:

  • Alfa Bank 100 days. Service starts from 1190 rubles. There is no cashback, the grace period is 100 days. In the first month, you can withdraw 50,000 rubles., In the next - the same amount, in the third - also 50 thousand. And put everything on a revenue card. By the end of the grace period, it remains to return 150,000 rubles. to Alpha and stay in positive territory without paying interest.
  • Alfa-Bank Keshbek. Service - 3990 rubles per year. Cashback: 10% at gas stations, 15% at partners, 5% at catering, on another - 1%. The grace period is 60 days.
  • Raiffeisen All at once. Maintenance - 1490 rubles / year. Cashback: 5% of all acquisitions. It is charged even for payment of housing and communal services, communications, etc. The grace period is 52 days.
  • Tinkoff Platinum. Maintenance - 590 r / year. Cashback: from 1 to 30%. The grace period is 55 days. There are also convenient additional services, a mobile bank, etc. In general, this product has already been described above. And about how to make money on the credit card of this bank, too.
  • Credit card from the Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Very interesting suggestion. Maintenance - 1500 rubles / year. It becomes free if a person spends over 100,000 for 12 months. Cashback - 1% without any restrictions. But the main thing is the grace period. It is 120 days!
  • Card from Renaissance Credit. Service is free, cashback varies from 1 to 10%. The grace period is 55 days.
  • Card from the "East Bank". Maintenance - 800 rubles / year. How to make money with a credit card? The same as in other cases, but here you can also save significantly. Each time 5% of the amount is paid for communication, transportation, housing and communal services and even purchases at the pharmacy. The grace period is up to 56 days.
  • Card from Home Credit. Service - 4990 rubles / year. Cashback - 1.5% of any purchase and 5% of payment for tickets, orders in cafes and fuel at gas stations. In partner stores it increases to 10%. The grace period is up to 51 days.

In general, thinking about how you can earn on credit cards, you must also take into account the amount spent on servicing. And then if you accidentally choose the last option (indicated for comparison), then it turns out not to profit, but to minus.

how to make money on a tinkoff credit card

Income calculation

It also needs to be considered. A preliminary calculation of the benefits will help to understand how appropriate it is to use a credit card for earnings. Depending on the issued income card, you can get the following income:

  • 6% on the balance: 500 rubles / month, or 6000 rubles / year.
  • 7% on the balance: 583 rubles / month, or 7000 rubles / year.
  • 8% on the balance: 667 rubles / month, or 8000 rubles / year.

But what will be the monthly cashback from different cards when spending on products:

  • Rosgosstrakh: 1000 rubles from the spent 20,000 rubles. Service: 42 rubles / month.
  • Raiffeisen: 750 rubles from 15,000 rubles. Service: 150 rubles / month.

And here are examples of cashback from Alfa-Bank card with free service:

  • Catering: 500 rubles from spent 10,000 rubles.
  • Gasoline: 1000 rubles from 10 000 rubles.
  • Miscellaneous expenses: 70 rubles from 7000 rubles.

It seems that everywhere the percentage is insignificant. It’s possible, but if a person or family spends about 100,000 rubles a month, and uses several credit cards for different needs, then over a year more than 50,000 rubles can “run” from the cashback. And after all, there will be interest on the income card.

To calculate individual profit, you need to create your own table of monthly expenses. And then “try on” various credit cards offered by banks. There is nothing impossible in getting 5-10 cards and using them. Of course, it will take some time to get used to the new financial scheme, but one month is enough.

It’s easy to get a credit card. In our century, you can apply online, wait for the call and come to the office with the documents at the appointed time. It is enough to be a citizen of the Russian Federation aged 21-23 years. Today, many banks even give out credit cards to people who do not have official employment. And this means that almost any person can make money on cards using one of the methods listed at the very beginning.

how to make money on a bank with a credit card


To complete the conversation on how to make money on credit cards, there are some useful tips. So, here are the recommendations of people who are based on their experience:

  • Making a choice is in favor of credit cards with free service. And the more bonuses - the better. Let it be discounts, miles, promotions, partner stores.
  • You need to correlate your benefits with the cost of maintenance. The higher the status of the card, the more profitability, interest accrual and cashback.
  • To find the right option, you can use the debit and credit card calculator. Using a similar service, it will be possible to select an income deposit.
  • Unsubscribe from SMS informing in favor of Internet banking.
  • Never withdraw cash from a credit card. Most banks charge a fee for this. So resort to this method in extreme cases.
  • You should open a replenishable deposit with the highest possible rate. Funds that have not been used for a month are really best kept on a profitable deposit. But in one bank it is not necessary to keep more than 1,400,000 rubles. For it is precisely this amount that is protected by the insurance system.

Well, as you can see, if a person is interested in how to make money on credit cards with a grace period, he will have to study some more additional topics.


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