To the question, where is located on the map of Yakutia, there are several answers

The first answer to the question of where is located on the map of Yakutia, such - in the largest Far Eastern Federal District of Russia.

The largest county in the world

where is on the map of yakutia
You can start with the fact that the Republic of Sakha is the largest territory with administrative status in the world. Within its borders, 8 countries such as Germany, or 7 such as France could freely accommodate. Here are the largest deposits of coal, diamonds and uranium. This is the treasury of Russia. Where is on the map of Yakutia? Far away - in Eastern Siberia. Her treasures "only by plane can fly." This is due, first of all, to the fact that almost the entire republic is territorially located in the regions of the Far North, and 40% of its area is beyond the Arctic Circle. Road construction due to permafrost, and especially in the face of imminent global warming, is difficult. The answer to the question of where is located on the map of Yakutia becomes obvious. On the shores of the Arctic Ocean, in the Northern Hemisphere, in which it has no equal republics for the duration of the period with low temperatures. Here are the coldest settlements in the world - the village of Oymyakon and the city of Verkhoyansk.

Rich resources - great prospects

Of course, living conditions in Yakutia can hardly be called comfortable, but the republic is a region that is rich in natural resources, and therefore the population of the Sakha will necessarily increase. Now in these vast territories a little more than a million people live. Geographically, answering the question of where is located on the map of Yakutia, we can indicate that its western part is located on the Central Siberian plateau. The eastern part is covered by mountains - the entire left bank of the Lena is occupied by the Verkhoyansk ridge, further to the east are the Yanskoye and Elginsky plateaus. Two thirds of the total area of ​​Yakutia consist of plateaus and ridges. Lena crosses its entire territory, in the middle of which the Central Yakut Plain is located. There are a lot of rivers (about 700) and lakes in the republic.

The main wealth of Yakutia

where diamonds are mined in yakutia
The republic is rich in minerals, but a special place is occupied by the development of new deposits and the exploitation of existing diamond, kimberlite and lamproite pipes. Indeed, 82% of all diamonds in Russia are extracted in Yakutia, which, in turn, allows us to follow Bosnia inextricably and take the second place in the world in their extraction. Where are diamonds mined in Yakutia? Most of all - in the area of the Vilyuy river basin . Here is the diamond capital of Russia - the city of Mirny. They began to be mined here relatively recently, although back in the 1940s, the geologist R.K. Maak suggested that it was these lands that were rich in iron ore and precious stones. However, the first kimberlite pipe was found here only in 1954. The field was called the "Zarnitsa". Until 1958, 15 deposits were discovered, the last major one was called Mir. Around it, a village began to form, which grew into the diamond capital - Mirny.

Harsh but beautiful land

where is the republic of saha yakutia
Now this richest region of Russia is called the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), namely since October 1991. Previously, it was autonomy within the Russian Federation. And the question where the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is located, the answer will be as follows - from the seas of the East Siberian and Laptev in the north to the Amur region in the south. From the Krasnoyarsk Territory in the west to Chukotka Autonomy, the Magadan Region and the Khabarovsk Territory in the east. The nature of the republic is very rich and beautiful. The banks of its largest rivers, the Lena, Indigirka, Kolyma, Vilyui, Yana, are incredibly picturesque. There are large nature reserves with unique flora and fauna. The depth of some large lakes of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is still not accurately measured. This is a huge, promising region in all respects.


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