Unique country Serbia: cities and their description

The Republic of Serbia (cities will be described below) is located on the territory of the Balkan Peninsula. The state covers an area of ​​88.5 km², with a population of 7 million.

The capital of Serbia is Belgrade, the largest city in the country. Other large settlements: Nis, Novi Sad, Subotica, Kragujevac. Serbia is famous for them. Cities with important industrial, tourist and economic importance, allow the state to stay at a fairly good level.


More than 1 million inhabitants live in the capital of Serbia. Belgrade is located in the central part of Serbia, in the place where its tributary, the Sava, flows into the Danube. The area of ​​the city is 360 km². Belgrade is divided into 17 municipalities with local government. This is the main city of Serbia.

The relief of Belgrade is hilly, with an average height of 116 m above sea level. The highest peak is Torlak hill, 303 m high. Belgrade is located within the subtropical climate zone. The city is characterized by warm winters and hot summers. Average July temperatures are + 21 ° ... + 23 ° C, January + 2 ° ... + 3 ° C.

The bright history of the city begins back in the 9th century. During its existence, the settlement was part of many states. Forty times he was conquered and 38 rebuilt completely after the destruction.

Currently, Belgrade is a major cultural and industrial center of the state, is one of the nominees for the title "European Capital of Culture 2020". He leads the list, which can be referred to as “Major Cities of Serbia”.

serbia cities

Novi Sad (New Garden)

The second largest city in Serbia is Novi Sad. Its area is 130 km², the population is 340 thousand people. Located in the north of the republic, it is the administrative center of the autonomous region of Vojvodina. The city began to be built in 1694 as a merchant settlement on the banks of the Danube.

Modern Novi Sad is a high-tech cultural city with a multinational composition of residents. This locality is of great importance for a state like Serbia. The cities are all quite important, but Novi Sad is especially, as industrial, tourism and other spheres are developing on its territory, replenishing the country's budget.

Among the attractions here you can highlight: the Matica Srpska library (XIX century), the neo-Gothic cathedral on Freedom Square, the national forest park "Fruska Gora". Since 2000, in Novi Sad, in the ancient fortress on the Danube island, the international rock festival Exit has been held.

main city of serbia


The city is the capital of the Shumadi district, located in the central region of the republic. The village was built at the end of the 15th century. Until 1815, it was ruled by the Ottoman Empire. Serbia is proud of this locality! There is simply no city like it. This feature is due to the fact that Kragujevac is the first capital of Serbia. For the first time in the city, a gymnasium, theater, court were built in the city, and the first newspaper was published.

Currently, Kragujevac is a leading city in the production of arms, automobiles, auto parts and furniture in Serbia. The population is 194 thousand people.

Of the sights of particular importance are the Church of the Holy Spirit (XIX century), the cultural and historical complex “Circle of Prince Milos”, the memorial complex “Šumarice”.

beautiful cities of serbia


This city is located in the north of Serbia, 10 km from the border with Hungary, and is part of the Autonomous Okrug of Vojvodina. The population is 105 thousand people. The proximity to the Hungarian border also affected the national composition of the inhabitants. There are more Hungarians than Serbs. In a percentage ratio: 33% - Hungarians, 29% - Serbs. Also in the city live Croats, Moldavians, Yugoslavs, Gypsies.

The city was founded in 1653, it is one of the youngest settlements in the country, but with an equally interesting history. For a long time it was a border center, previously the border of the Ottoman Empire passed along it. Until 1918, Subotica belonged to Austria-Hungary, and after the First World War the city became part of the Serbian kingdom.

Among the attractions it is recommended to visit: the City Hall, the Reichl Palace, the neo-Gothic St. George's Church, the Theresa of Avila Cathedral. If we consider the beautiful cities of Serbia, then Subotica can be put in the first three of the list.

major cities of serbia


The largest city in the southern region of Serbia. The most ancient settlement of the Balkan Peninsula. The founder of Constantinople, the greatest Roman emperor who spread Christianity throughout Europe, was born Constantine the Great.

The main transport route from Europe to Greece and Turkey passed through Nis.

Currently, about 300 thousand inhabitants live in the city. He is the third largest population in Serbia. Niš is a major political and religious center of the republic; it houses the residence of the Metropolitan of the Serbian Orthodox Church.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11100/

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