Tolo, Greece: history, entertainment, attractions. Holidays in Tolo

The village of Tolo (Greece) is located in a colorful bay in the east of the Peloponnese. From here, you can reach the capital of the country in two hours. Holidays in Tolo - these are the cleanest beaches with warm water, healthy and tasty food, as well as centuries-old architectural monuments. This place is especially ideal for traveling with children.

Past Village

On the territory of modern Tolo in Greece, the photo of which is presented below, the first people appeared long before the advent of our era. In those days, village people were called driops, because, according to legend, they descended from the son of Apollo, whose name was Dryop. It is known that trade flourished in the village, because a kilometer from it is the city of Mycenae - the port center.

Tolo Greece photo

Among the occupations of local ancient people, archaeologists also called agriculture and fishing. During the excavations, a considerable number of presses were found for extracting oil from olives. It seems that this product was the main source of earnings for driops. Over the past few decades, with the development of tourism, the village has acquired many restaurants, cafes, hotels, clubs and bars.


As for the weather, it is warm here. If we compare the summer months in the Peloponnese and in Egypt, then in Greece this time of year is not so sultry. The air in Tolo is much fresher thanks to the nearby sea. The local winters are characterized by rains. On a thermometer, local residents do not observe less than + 10 หšC. Quite often in winter the air temperature rises to +20 หšC.

Hotels in Tolo

Greece annually attracts a considerable number of guests from all over the world with its sincere cordiality, outstanding places and diverse nature. Accordingly, this tourist village offers a large selection of both expensive and budget hotels. If your trip falls on July-August, try to book your desired type of housing in advance, because this time for Greece is the high season.

Hotels Tolo Greece

In Tolo, a traveler can stay in a luxury hotel or in a family hotel, paying a small amount. In addition to this, campers and apartments at affordable prices are available for vacationers. The latter type of accommodation requires booking in early spring, as the cost of renting a house is lower than hotel rooms.

Entertainment offered by hotels

Oddly enough, but most establishments, especially expensive ones, have an animation program. In addition to sleeping rooms, hotels offer leisure options for families, sports enthusiasts and businessmen. Among the most popular holiday destinations are yacht clubs, gambling houses, restaurants and cafes, in the menu of which you can find dishes of different nations.

Tolo Greece

Hotels with 3, 4 and 5 stars are equipped with wellness areas. Recently, hotel owners have hired Russian-speaking staff, which greatly simplifies the relaxation of customers. For sports people there are football, volleyball and basketball courts. A little less common places for golf and tennis.

Where to eat while relaxing

In taverns, which are often visited by the Greeks themselves, one person can dine on average 5-10 euros. Do not forget to try the real Greek salad and brisolli - pork on the bone, cooked on charcoal. Many tourists cook their own meals. There are no major markets in the village of Tolo (Greece). They are replaced by small bazaars and shops, which are replenished daily with fresh vegetables and fruits grown in this village.

Attractions Tolo Greece

If it is more convenient for a guest to make purchases in a large market, then for this purpose he goes to the nearest town of Nafplion. Here in one place from 8:00 to 14:00 you can buy anything you want. On Wednesdays and Saturdays, fishermen gather at the Nafplion market and sell a variety of marine delicacies: squid, shrimp, octopus and more. The only thing that tourists should remember is that in Greece it is not customary to bargain. If you want to purchase the necessary products half the price, come half an hour before the market closes.

We can say that all types of fruits grow in the country, except pineapples and bananas. In the vicinity of Nafplion and Tolo in Greece there are many tangerine and orange groves. Citrus ripening falls on the period from November to February. Although in May, walking along the streets of the village, literally at every step there are orange trees with bright fruits hanging on them.

Attractions Tolo

Greece is an amazing country! Here, bewitching landscapes, excellent climate, rich culture and lots of interesting places. Probably there is no corner where there would be no attractions. And everyone will find what is sweet to the heart. Fans of history and antiquities should be presented with artifacts, ruins and written relics, while fans of relaxation can soak in the sun under the gentle sun. For example, the same Tolo is known primarily for its cozy beaches. In the summer months, a lot of people gather near the seashore, but despite this, rest is always accompanied by home comfort and a lack of a sense of crowding. Many guests of the village rent a car and go to the nearby beaches ("Karazona", "Plaka" and others).

Holidays in Tolo Greece

The coast is equipped with everything necessary for an unforgettable vacation. Here guests can use umbrellas, trestle beds, flippers, catamarans and diving suits. Also on the beaches in Tolo (Greece) there are cafes and buffets. In the evenings, live music is played by the sea, discos, Greek dance classes and more are held.

The city near Tolo and deserving of the guest's attention is the legendary Mycenae. It was the cultural center of ancient Greece. To this day, the ruins of the walls of the famous Acropolis, as well as the main entrance with the image of a lion, have been preserved in the city. The construction of this fortress dates back to the 13th century BC.


It is good to travel with a guide around the village of Tolo and its environs. Tourist excursions include the most famous and interesting places. These include the theater at Epidaurus. The room is designed for 14 thousand spectators. The theater is equipped with a twenty-meter stage in diameter and excellent acoustics. The building hosts various festivals every summer. The Greeks advise not to miss the opportunity to attend the performance at the Epidaurus Theater. Holidays in Tolo (Greece) cannot do without a guided tour of ancient Orthodox churches, churches and chapels.

Fragments of the Olympic Village have been preserved between Mount Kronos and the Alfinos River, namely, the Prietaneon awarding place, a gymnasium, two temples, a bathhouse and a stadium. According to one legend, the idea of โ€‹โ€‹holding the Games belonged to Hercules, who founded them in honor of his father. During the competition all military operations subsided.

Beaches Tolo Greece

In the east of the Olympic Village is a hippodrome. The stadium where the games were held is designed for 20 thousand guests. Today, Olympia is one of the most visited museums in the world.

The next place that a tourist cannot walk past is the Corinth Canal. The traveler can admire the ships sailing between the Aegean Sea and the Gulf of Corinth . Large vessels do not sail here, because the width of the canal is only 23 meters.

In their reviews of Tolo (Greece), many travelers note the fascination of visiting the Archaeological Museum of Sparta. During the excavation, scientists found many items that were used in the preparation of adult and future warriors brought up in harsh conditions. The museum stores bas-reliefs with snakes, attributes for ritual dances, ceramic masks. The marble head of a warrior is also exhibited here. The rest of the statue was never found during excavations. There are many exhibits in the museum, but there could have been more if it had not been plundered once.


A significant number of visitors to the village of Tolo in Greece book a special shopping excursion, which is held in the capital of the country - Athens. Here you will be taken to cheap and expensive branded stores. In places that are included in the tour, goods can be bought at reduced prices, which is much more profitable, despite the cost of the services of the guide.

Tolo greece reviews

A fair half of humanity will consider this country a paradise, since jewelry and gold jewelry are not as expensive here as in the CIS countries. However, tourists are not advised to buy branded decorative cosmetics in Greece, as many low-quality fakes are sold on the local shelves. As for sales, they are held twice a year and fall on Easter and Christmas. Therefore, if you are exclusively focused on shopping, then you should know: Greece should be visited in the spring or winter.


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