Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery: description, reviews, location and other useful information

For those tourists who visit Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery is the main attraction, which is simply impossible to pass by. Today this temple is one of the richest in the republic. The Holy Royal and Stavropegial Monastery of the Kikk Icon of the Mother of God (as the full name sounds) is the most valuable Orthodox shrine of Cyprus. There is a religious painting, written by the hand of the Apostle Luke and preserved to this day.

Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery

Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery - History

This beautiful island is popular among tourists as a Mediterranean resort, but many people know that it is also the most developed Orthodox diocese. In Cyprus, you can see many different temples, each of them will tell the history of the republic and how religion developed.

The foundation moment most vividly describes the parable (it can be found at the end of the article). This happened in the XI century, when the recluse Isaiah persuaded an influential nobleman to somehow influence the king to transfer the icon of the Mother of God from Constantinople to Cyprus. Alexy I, who at that time was the ruler, agreed. Yes, and he could not refuse, because that was the will of God. So, here began the construction of the monastery of the Kikk Icon of the Mother of God. This is probably the true version of the emergence of the monastery, because others do not exist.

They say that the icon has powerful miraculous properties. But this did not help preserve the Kykkos Monastery (Cyprus). From the moment it was built, the temple burned down several times. As a result, in its place it was decided to build a stone likeness. Much later, in the 19th century, the monastery was crowned with a bell tower. Previously, this was not done only because during the Ottoman Khanate, ringing in Orthodox churches was prohibited.

In the 20th century, Father Macarius came to the monastery. He achieved a lot, as he became the representative of the Orthodox Church of Cyprus, and at the same time the president of the republic. Father Macarius founded a historical research center in the 80s of the last century, which helped restore the monastery’s chronicle and collect a valuable library.

Kykkos Monastery, Cyprus

General information

To find a temple, you do not need to know Cyprus - Kykkos Monastery is in all the guides on the list of Orthodox churches of the island. Usually, tourists first go to the Troodos mountains (it is very beautiful here and you can breathe the cleanest air), and then they head for a temple located to the west of this natural attraction. The monastery stands on the mountain of the same name.

This is a man’s monastery, which has the status of stauropegial, that is, he gained the highest dignity, if I may say so. Last year, 25 monks obeyed here. The temple really deserves a visit, and not only because it is very beautiful. Its history stretched for almost a millennium, and this is one of the main places for Orthodox people.

Cyprus, Kykkos Monastery (St. Mary's)

Tourist info

For those who travel to Cyprus: Kykkos Monastery is open all year, every day. In summer, it opens its doors at 10 a.m., and closes only at 18:00. In winter you need to be in time before 16:00.

On the territory of the monastery is a library, which was written above. There is also a museum and reception rooms. Tourists can see the cells of the monks and enjoy the unusual view of the three-nave temple.

Kykkos Monastery (Cyprus) cannot be left without visiting the museum. Here, the gaze of tourists is presented with an exposition that will allow us to understand how the monastery was created and developed over time, and to learn about the history of Cypriot Orthodoxy. And in the suburbs of Nicosia there is a monastery courtyard. Anyone can visit it too.

The icon of the Mother of God is located in the walls of the monastery. But look at her will not work. At the end of the XVIII century, it was lined with a salary of silver, which hid the work of Luke. Nevertheless, the icon is still an object of pilgrimage, and it is regularly carried out to parishioners.

Kykkos Monastery, Cyprus: reviews

Kykkos Monastery (Cyprus): reviews

People who visited the temple write that he did not just leave warm memories - after visiting it becomes easier and more pleasant in the soul, as if purification is taking place. Tourists are attracted by the monastery itself, and those landscapes that can be admired, and the opportunity to purchase various church utensils in the shop, including the blessed icon of the Mother of God.

The location of the monastery

Kykkos Monastery (Cyprus) - where is it located and how to get to it? You can find the temple if you follow the west of the Troodos mountains. Get there either by bus or by car. There are a lot of signs along the road that will show the right path and not allow you to get lost. The distance from Paphos is 60 km, from Limassol - 70 km, and from Nicosia - 90 km.

Kykkos Monastery, Cyprus: where is it located


It all started with Manuel Vutomitis, the governor of the Byzantine emperor Alexis. Summer turned out to be especially hot, and he was looking for coolness in the mountains, in the village of Marafas. It so happened that once Manuel got lost. He hunted and lost direction. Wandering, Vutomitis encountered a monk who renounced everything worldly. The hermit prayed, and did not see anyone and nothing around him. Manuel asked the monk for directions, but Isaiah ignored Vutomitis. Oh, how angry the governor! So much so that I wanted to punish the objectionable upon returning home. But did not have time - at night Manuel fell into a state of lethargy.

Then Vutomitis realized that this was his punishment for such an attitude to Isaiah. And he soon decided to go again to the hermit to beg forgiveness. But the monk already knew that Manuel would need to fulfill a special assignment.

Hearing what the hermit wants from him, Vutomitis almost fell unconscious - bring to this area the icon of the Mother of God, which is currently in the palace of the emperor! An icon painted by the hand of Luke himself and blessed by the Mother of God. Manuel really wanted to convince the hermit that this was impossible, but he got ahead of him, saying that he did not need selfishness for the sake of it - God's will.

Isaiah and Vutomitis went together to Constantinople. The governor walked for a long time and thought how to talk with the emperor, but the hermit could not stand it and went back to his cell. And at night, daughter Alexia fell into lethargy. Manuel hurried to the emperor to tell what needs to be done to get her out of this state. Alexy thought and decided: we need to write a copy and send it instead of the original. And at night in a dream the Mother of God herself came to him and said that you need to take a real icon to Cyprus and leave a copy for yourself. This phenomenon made such an impression on Alexy that he, without hesitation, sent the creation, written by Luke’s hand, to the island, and also ordered the construction of the monastery. So Cyprus received the monastery of Kykkos (St. Mary), and with it a precious icon.


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