The average salary in London. Salary level of various professions

Almost every resident of the countries of the former USSR at least once in his life thought about moving to another corner of the world, sacredly believing in the saying "itโ€™s good where we are not." Most often, beautiful views, high quality of life, good education or cheap prices attract people to other states. Those who dream of moving to the UK are attracted by the average salary in London, but is it as high as the newspapers write about it, and does this rule apply to other British cities?

average salary in london

A bit about England

Many people who have been to England call it the country of rains and eccentric people, which is more fully understandable. The British consider themselves the "elite layer" of Britain and do not tolerate their comparison with the Scots or the Irish. Even the dialects in these parts of the United Kingdom vary widely. Few people know, but besides ordinary English, there are Irish and Scottish versions of this language, which are spoken in the respective states.

For many, England is associated with fog and rain, which is not at all surprising, given how often rain falls here. They say that not a single Briton goes outside without an umbrella, because his manners and morality do not allow him to get wet or, worse, to stain his clothes.

Standard of living

By the way, speaking of manners, Britain is also notable for the fact that in this country there is still a division of people into classes. So, for example, here you can meet people of the working, middle and aristocratic class. They all dress differently, speak differently and, on the whole, are very different from each other, which is due to the quality of life and the level of wages. The average salary in London for a representative of not the best class is about 2 thousand pounds.


This level of wages gives them the opportunity to actively purchase real estate on credit. That is why almost 70% of the total population of Britain live on their own land, and do not rent land or apartments, as is the case in Ukraine or Russia. It is worth noting that it is private houses that are more popular here, and not skyscrapers that โ€œfloodedโ€ London.

Those few residents of Britain who still have to live in rented houses know firsthand what a high rent is. The fact is that for a small private house with a separate entrance you will have to pay from 1,000 to 2,000 pounds. Another 200-250 pounds will go to pay for utilities, of which 150 - the maintenance of the local area.

Local culture

In addition, the local cuisine makes a great impression on people who first visit England. Practically everyone knows that all Britons eat oatmeal for breakfast, but few have heard about their really favorite dish. We are talking about Fish and Chips - fried cod and french fries. Perhaps the most popular recipe that came to other parts of the world from the United Kingdom is a classic English breakfast with scrambled eggs, bacon and beans.

Work in london

Although food is considered part of the local culture, music and football still play a key role in this aspect of British life. Residents of the United Kingdom consider themselves to be a musical nation, because it is here that such well-known groups as The Rolling Stones, the Beatles and Queen were formed.

average monthly earnings in london

Average salary in London

However, it is not music and the weather interests people who want to somehow connect their lives with Britain. Most Ukrainians and Russians, having heard what the average salary in London is, do not come here to enjoy the local beauties, but, first of all, with the aim of earning. Today, the average income in the capital is about 2 thousand pounds, but this figure can vary greatly depending on the profession. For example, an employee in the financial sector, the average salary in London per month can be up to 1800 pounds, and a dentist - over 2600 pounds.

In 2015, the minimum wage was set at 6.5 pounds per hour, in 2018 - 7.5. It should be noted that we are talking about official income, so migrants planning to earn money in Foggy Albion or any other city in the UK should divide this figure by at least 1.5.

There is no single answer to the question, what is the average salary in the UK per month, since the level of income here directly depends on the profession and geography. The largest fees are paid to those who work in the capital, but the inhabitants of the periphery are paid much less. In addition, factors such as seniority and education influence the amount of earnings in England. For example, a computer engineer with a British diploma will have a much higher income than the same specialist who was educated in Russia.

average monthly earnings in london

The most profitable professions

For several years in a row, the most impressive average earnings in London per month have been recorded by medical personnel, highly qualified lawyers and financiers. In 2015, their total monthly earnings amounted to about 60,000 pounds, despite the fact that we are talking exclusively about official income - a lawyer with his own office will receive many times more. The same applies to representatives of any profession - even a plumber or a taxi driver working "on their own" will be able to receive tens of thousands a month in Albion.

Graduates of mathematical specialties can count on 1900 or more pounds per month, even in the absence of proper work experience. The same applies to young physicists, economists, and computer scientists. The British government provides maximum support to novice professionals, so all graduates of the local universities can count on decent work and wages.

But among which professions experience is welcomed, these are engineers, doctors and educators. In England, representatives of these industries receive an average of 1800, 2600 and 1900 pounds, respectively, depending on the place of work and focus. However, before packing your bags and going to the airport, after finding out what the average salary in England is per month, you should prepare for British taxes.

London business centers

Income tax

Taxes are one of the main expenses of the residents of Britain, since they are levied on absolutely all types of income, whether it is a pension, salary, dividends or profit derived from land ownership. Moreover, even bonuses issued at work are subject to taxation. For any other privileges provided by the management, you will also have to pay, for example, for โ€œfreeโ€ gasoline, housing or working transport.

However, as you know, there are exceptions to each rule, so a loophole, thanks to which you can avoid paying taxes, also exists. We are talking about the so-called law on non-taxable amount. A person earning less than this amount is exempted from all taxes. In 2018, it is 11.5 thousand British pounds.

Despite the high taxes and high housing prices, the UK has for many years been one of the leaders in the ranking of the best countries for life. In addition, the country is in first place in the list of states with the highest salaries. It is here that experts of various professions or fields of activity come together in the hope of making good money. As for the British, they have a fair social security system that allows them to partially compensate for taxes paid on salaries.

average salary in england per month

Pros and cons

The main advantages of living in Britain include a high level of wages, a good environment, and a tolerant population. By cons - a rainy climate and measured life, but the last statement is controversial, because even outside of London, if you have a great desire, you can find entertainment for every taste.


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