Why go to Amsterdam in January: weather, reviews of tourists

The capital of the Netherlands is a wonderful city with a special atmosphere, architecture, history. Here life is constantly seething. The weather in the city is changeable and not always comfortable, but the Dutch adapted to it perfectly and organized their rhythm of life in such a way that it is always fun and interesting here. If you want to immerse yourself and see the capital of the country from a special perspective, then it is nice to go to Amsterdam in January. Should I go here in the cold season? Definitely worth it. After all, at this time there definitely will not be bored. And the weather in Amsterdam is a fact with which everyone has long come to terms.

to amsterdam in january

Geographical position

In the north-west of the Netherlands is the largest city in the country - Amsterdam. It is located at the mouth of the Amstel River, which flows into the Eiselmer Bay of the North Sea. The geographical position of the city makes it unique; it is located on more than 90 islands that connect over one and a half thousand bridges. Such a terrain demanded special art, perseverance and invention from the construction of houses from people. Every year for many centuries the city was flooded until a dam was built in the first half of the 20th century as part of the Zuiderze project. Throughout their lives, the Dutch have been fighting water for land and therefore the land here is very much appreciated. Residents of the country use every centimeter of land for some purpose and actively subjugate huge water resources. Water here brings a lot of benefits: from food to energy. Arriving in Amsterdam in January, you should pay special time to explore the canals, many of which are real national monuments.

weather in amsterdam


Despite the fact that the capital of the Netherlands is located in the north of Europe, the climate here is rather mild, it is provided by the influence of the warm Atlantic Gulf Stream. The city is in the zone of temperate marine climate. The average annual temperature is +10 degrees. The region is characterized by a rather large amount of precipitation - 770 mm per year, the period from October to May is more humid. From April to October, the city has a high tourist season and you can’t get crowded in the narrow streets. And in the low season there are fewer visitors and the Dutch with great pleasure walk around their city. The weather in Amsterdam in January is the height of the local winter. But this does not stop the Dutch from enjoying life. Although the visitors often see the climate of the capital of the Netherlands as harsh, gusty winds are the most annoying phenomenon. Local weather because of them is very variable, in a few minutes the situation in the fresh air can change dramatically. Therefore, in any season you need to go to Amsterdam with a waterproof jacket and shoes, so as not to depend on the vagaries of nature.

amsterdam january reviews

January weather

January is considered a non-tourist month, but this does not mean that there are no visitors, just a little less than in May or July. But more and more people choose off-peak seasons, and this leads to the fact that there are always many travelers in the city. The capital of the Netherlands is too good and attractive at any time to abandon it because of the weather. The average temperature in Amsterdam in January is +4 degrees. At the beginning and middle of the month, small frosts are still possible at night. And the end of January passes stably with the positive values ​​of the thermometer, which sometimes warms up to 10-12 degrees during the day. January is a month with an average amount of precipitation (77 mm), rain happens about a day later, sometimes snow falls, but almost never lies, but it melts right away. Therefore, you need to take care of waterproof and non-slip shoes and a warm jacket, preferably with a hood. Trouble can deliver a cold wind. In general, the weather in Amsterdam at this time is very similar to St. Petersburg, only here it is 15 degrees warmer.

temperature in amsterdam in january

The city's attractions

Amsterdam is a city with unique architecture. Walking along its center, you can endlessly admire cozy houses with high roofs and narrow facades. The main tourist promenade is Damrak Street. The real masterpieces are two churches - Westerkerk and Oudekerk, the buildings of the railway station and the Rijksmuseum. The Royal Palace on Dam Square is an important historical attraction. In the center there are a lot of interesting buildings - this is the narrowest house in the world, and buildings in the style of the Dutch Renaissance, and a large area around the museum square with art nouveau houses. An important attraction is the Siegel Canal, the unique Magere-Brug Bridge, as well as the Blue and Old Bridges. A special place is the Red Light District. If carnal joys are not interesting for tourists, then they come here during the day to inspect old buildings and the church.

], Amsterdam in January is it worth going

What to do in January

Arriving in Amsterdam in January, you should not devote all time to walks, although they are certainly charming. There are several unique museums. The Rijksmuseum is the owner of a magnificent collection of Dutch art that cannot be missed. The Van Gogh Museum offers an excellent chronological exposition of the works of the artist, as well as his friends and contemporaries. A special place is the Nemo Museum of Science and Technology, where in a playful way you can get acquainted with the achievements of scientific thought in the history of mankind. This institution is designed for young people, but literally all visitors are delighted with it. Despite the weather, it is necessary to take a boat ride through the canals, from this angle the city appears in a different, unusual form. Also, do not forget about the gastronomic impressions, one of which is the famous herring, it is impossible not to appreciate and can not be compared with what is sold with us under the guise of this product.

], Amsterdam in January is it worth going

Tourists reviews

More and more travelers are choosing Amsterdam in January for their holidays. Reviews of tourists about this time tell us that the weather does not interfere at all, and even helps to know the city better. Amsterdam wonderfully has a cloudy sky. Travelers also note that in the second half of January you can save a little due to the seasonal reduction in prices in hotels and stand in lines in famous museums less.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11139/

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