The history of the Taj Mahal (India, Agra): interesting facts, photos

This grandiose mausoleum is called the monument of immortal love, and for many centuries everyone has been worried about its romantic creation story. The Taj Mahal, recognized as one of the seven new wonders of the world, has been protected by UNESCO since 1983. The most famous architectural structure of India, which has no analogues in the whole world, characterizes an entire era of the reign of the emperor.

The sadness and tenderness expressed in the stone make all travelers stop in admiration for the majestic masterpiece of art, telling of amazing love.

History of creation

Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum located in the city of Agra. It was erected by order of the grandson of the Great Mogul, the ruler of the country, Shah Jahan, who dreamed of fulfilling the will of his wife who died in childbirth.

taj mahal creation story

Their love passed all tests, including eternity. Surprisingly, the historical chronicles recorded the gentle and romantic relations of the ruler and his wife, which the emperor affectionately called the Taj Mahal, which means “pride of the palace”. For Muslims, this is a rarity, because a strong love is most often manifested in them for God and the motherland, but not for a woman.

Ancient traditions

A beautiful legend says that after the tragic death of his beloved emperor did not leave the chambers for a week, and when his subjects saw his master, they did not recognize him: he aged for several years and became gray-haired. Shah Jahan renounced the throne, indulging in great grief over his wife who has gone forever.

True, there is also a not so romantic version, telling that the ruler was overthrown by his own son, explaining his behavior by the fact that his grandiose projects ruin the country. But this is not very important for posterity, because the value of a monument known to the whole world does not diminish from this.

Fulfilled oath

Shah Jahan remembered how the mother of his children asked once to erect a beautiful palace. Distraught with grief, the ruler vowed to build the most luxurious tomb in the world. In memory of his wife, the large-scale construction of the magnificent structure began.

So, thanks to official records made by subjects of the Muslim king, we became aware of the official history of creation. The Taj Mahal is considered one of the most expensive buildings in the world, for which huge amounts of money were spent.

The rest of life spent in prison

There is another legend about the emperor’s desire to erect a second similar building, but he did not manage to do this. And all that was left for him after he was overthrown by his own son was to look sadly from the small window of the dungeon to the stone work of art, which became the tomb of the departed wife.

A masterpiece of world art

The Taj Mahal, whose photo only to a small extent conveys the grandeur and scale of a work of world art, began to be built in 1632. More than 20 thousand workers gathered from all over the country took part in the construction. Few people know about their future fate, but according to legend, so that the masters did not tell anyone the secrets of the construction of the mausoleum, they were all executed after the end of work.

mosque in agra

The site of the land on which the magnificent palace was erected did not belong to the emperor, but he exchanged it from a subject to build a monument to his love. The builders filled the deep wells with special mortar and stones to protect the structure from collapse due to the proximity of groundwater, and raised the foundation by 50 meters. Marble blocks were laid at the base for extra reliability.

Many years of construction

For more than 12 years, the phased construction of the Taj Mahal in the city of Agra (India) has been going on. Especially for facing the mausoleum, pure elephant marble was brought on elephants from one province of the empire, and the construction of other structures from it was strictly forbidden.

To feed the workers, tirelessly building a magnificent monument day and night, they brought grain intended for shipment to the provinces, and a terrible famine began in the country, which led to an unstable financial situation.

Visual effects

It is interesting that the Taj Mahal, whose photo evokes a feeling of admiration even of the most indifferent person to architecture, was designed taking into account optical illusions, very unusual for that time.

To get to the palace, you must first go through the arch leading to the heritage of world culture. And here an interesting visual effect arises: as you approach it, the building seems to be moving away. The same thing happens when you exit the arch, when it seems that the Taj Mahal in some unknown way becomes much closer than before.

Taj Mahal country

Another optical illusion that misleads visitors: it seems to them that the minarets located next to the mausoleum are erected in parallel. In fact, they are a little deviated, and such a project was justified by the protection of the palace in the event of earthquakes. Huge towers would not damage the mausoleum, but fell next to it. Surprisingly, a seismically dangerous place escaped cataclysms.

Tombs under the mausoleum

There are lines in the Qur'an stating that the peace of a deceased person cannot be disturbed. Under the main dome of the mausoleum is a tomb, which in fact is not. Afraid that someone would dare to disturb his beloved wife, the emperor ordered her to be buried in a secret hall located under a unique masterpiece. After the death of Shah Jahan, his remains found shelter next to his wife.

Taj Mahal photo

Jewelry box

Surprisingly beautiful from the inside, combining several architectural styles, the Indian Taj Mahal. The walls of the luxurious halls are made according to Italian technology. Colorful gem patterns make the mausoleum a real treasury storing jewelry. Stones were delivered from all over the country, and even ambassadors came to Russia to purchase malachite valued in the country.

Two-part palace

Built in accordance with the ideas of Islam about the afterlife, the famous Taj Mahal mausoleum is divided into two parts. The four courtyards of the caravanserai and bazaar streets belong to earthly existence, and the mausoleum and the Garden of Eden belong to the otherworldly. By the way, all the proceeds from trade went to maintain the palace.

It is believed that the arch in front of the mausoleum and the beautiful pond, laid in the middle of the main path, personify the transition of a person to another world.

Who is the author of the masterpiece?

Researchers cannot accurately name the names of architects of an amazing masterpiece. It is well established that foreigners did not take part in the design of the mausoleum. And some experts are sure that the ruler himself acted as the main author, because he was famous for his education and sense of style.

The architecture of the mausoleum expresses the basic principles of the era: strict lines and a symmetrical layout make the earthly building a semblance of a paradise palace.

Majestic complex

The complex itself consists of a tomb, mirrored four watchtowers - minarets, from the tops of which they called, announcing the beginning of prayers. On the sides of the mausoleum are two mosques made of pressed sand. And most of the territory of the art monument is occupied by an amazing park with a pond, which reflects a perfect example of art. At the end of the green corridor, visitors are greeted by the magnificent Taj Mahal.

Color scheme

Noteworthy is the color scheme of the pearl of Muslim art. Buildings related to earthly life are made of fiery red sandstone, and the snow-white marble slabs of the mausoleum symbolize faith in life after death.

famous mausoleum Taj Mahal

It is interesting to watch the play of light when the sun's rays at dawn or sunset paint the walls in delicate colors.

Contemporary issues

Thousands of tourists, for whom the masterpiece is a symbol of India, visit the Taj Mahal. The country is proud of its national heritage, and local authorities are very concerned about the safety of the sights for posterity. Unfortunately, an architectural monument with a huge history settles and is covered with cracks.

agra india

The former capital of the Mughal Empire, Agra (India), is a densely populated city with a poor environmental situation. Polluted air causes the yellowness of marble, and periodically, to improve the appearance of the building, it is rubbed with white clay. In addition, the lining also suffers from pigeons settling under the dome.

Travel Tips

Before entering all visitors are carefully inspected. It is forbidden to bring lighters, cigarettes, food, mobile phones and even chewing gums into the mausoleum. Therefore, it is not recommended to take these things with you.

On Fridays, tourists are not allowed to enter the Taj Mahal, as Muslims gather to pray at a nearby mosque in Agra.

Symbol of immortality

Entered the list of new wonders of the world, the world masterpiece continues to excite the minds with the special beauty of architectural lines and the luxury of decoration, and creative people and all lovers are worried about the sad history of creation.

Indian Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is stunning at first sight, and each visitor touches an eternity imprinted in marble. The ancient landmark, which has become a symbol of fidelity and immortality, will forever be remembered, and the heart will retain an unforgettable experience of what it sees.


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