The war in Dagestan

Terrorist attacks continue in Dagestan, which are reminded to the public of the reports of military operations. The daily casualties in considerable quantities make it possible to qualify what is happening as just another war between civilians and security forces. The war in Dagestan for local residents is a very difficult event. Therefore, it is worthwhile to study in more detail all the subtleties of this phenomenon.

The war in Dagestan

October 2012 Summary

On October 13 thugs killed three law enforcement officials in the Tsumadinsky district. On the ninth of the same month, a car was blown up near Gurbuki, resulting in the discovery of three charred bodies. On October 6, unknown persons attacked one of the branches of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, 2.5 billion rubles were stolen, one woman was killed and two visitors were wounded. On October 5, in Makhachkala on Gogol Street, Erlan Yusupov was liquidated. On the same day, Ordzhonikidze Street attacked representatives of law enforcement agencies, as a result of which Makarov’s pistols were taken from the police .

The war in Dagestan 2012

A day earlier, a 25-year-old citizen of Makhachkala fired on a bus with people on the Makhachkala-Astrakhan highway. On the same day, the head of the administration of Nizhny Chiryurt Khabib Dzhamalov and Murad Kachkarov (representative of the local collective farm) were killed. The war in Dagestan brings many troubles to local residents. The attack was carried out by masked unknowns. On October 2, a police officer was killed on Dakhadaev Street in Makhachkala. According to the latest reports, in about two months crimes were committed in about sixty points. Explosions, terrorist attacks, hostage-taking in Dagestan occur daily. The war in Dagestan brings misfortunes and sorrow not only to local residents.

Forecasts of what is happening

The war in Dagestan (2012) has already brought many troubles. The forecasts for the development of the situation in the country are disappointing. Journalists believe that criminal banditry, hiding behind extremism, is becoming such that they extort money from officials.

The authorities are at a loss, they not only can not give a clear assessment of what is happening, but also do not know how to get out of the current situation in the country.

Civil war in Dagestan

Residents of the country are outraged that young people simply have nothing to do due to hopelessness , even a highly qualified part of the population is unable to find a job, young people have nowhere to realize their abilities, law enforcement agencies do not fulfill the necessary duties, and this inevitably leads to disruption of social order. To date, government officials are trying to restore justice only through special operations. Civil war in Dagestan continues, and when it ends, is still unknown.

Of course, the elimination of bandits is undoubtedly a necessary measure; daily, the security forces, risking their own lives, try to restore order in the country, although the main causes of the disorder still remain unresolved. The war in Dagestan will bring many more troubles, we will follow the development of events.


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