Los Angeles: Population. Number, racial and ethnic composition, immigrants

It is called the city of angels, dreams and a place where dreams come true - all this is about Los Angeles. It ranks second after New York in terms of population in the States and 13th worldwide. A huge metropolitan area stretches over 1000 square kilometers along the Pacific coast. Currently, the population of Los Angeles exceeds the mark of 4 million inhabitants. A little over half a century ago, four out of five citizens were white, not of Hispanic descent. Now the situation has changed radically - the indigenous population is already less than 50%. The metropolis is multinational, diverse and this makes it even more interesting.

Los Angeles: Population.

From the history of the city

The territory of modern Los Angeles in the 16th century was inhabited by the Chumashi and Tongwa Indians. Europeans first embarked on this shore in 1542, sailing in two ships under the command of the famous navigator Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. The next missionary mission went to these places after more than 200 years. By 1820, the population of the city of Los Angeles was 650 people. It was the largest settlement in California. Rapid development was facilitated by several factors at once: a climate favorable for agriculture, a favorable geographical position and access to the ocean, and the discovery of oil fields.

At the moment, the main industries of the city are the computer, television and film industry with billions of dollars in profit, metalworking, automotive, tourism. Los Angeles accounts for about 90% of all US film production.

The population of Los Angeles.

Geography and climate

The area of โ€‹โ€‹the city is 1290.6 square meters. km It is located in the coastal lowlands in an area with seismic instability due to the proximity of the San Andreas Fault. The city has already experienced several major earthquakes, and small seismic vibrations are recorded almost daily by instruments. The region is characterized by a subtropical climate with a hot and dry summer season, giving way to a cooler, with heavy rainfall.

City districts

From the point of view of geography, the modern City of Angels is considered as a prototype of the metropolis. The development of transport links contributed to the unification of many small settlements into one large district, all of them at the moment have become separate parts of a large metropolis. Los Angeles, with a population of about 4 million inhabitants, is divided into 80 districts. The main and largest of them are: Hollywood, East, South, Center, Mid-Wilshire, Westside, San Fernando Valley, South Bay and Harbor.

The diverse population of Los Angeles.

General characteristics of the population

According to the latest data, 4.1 million people live in the city on a permanent or temporary basis. The population density in this case is about 2904.9 citizens per 1 sq. Km. km The racial composition is very diverse. The number of whites is within 49.5%, Asians - 10.4%, African-Americans - 9.9%, Natives (Indians) - 0.6%, 26.5 - are representatives of other nationalities. At the same time, almost half of the population of the city defines its origin as Hispanic. The city โ€‹โ€‹has a large number of diasporas, the largest of them are Asian, Armenian. Such a diverse population of Los Angeles also influenced the prevalence of languages. During the last census, 43.6% and 40.2% indicated Spanish and English, respectively, as relatives.

Los Angeles is a population of immigrants.

By age, the city is young, which is not surprising, because talented young people flock to it for fame and success, adventure seekers also come here. So, under 20 years of age there are 27.8% of the population, 23.7% - from 20 to 34 years. The average age of a resident of Los Angeles is 33.9 years. By gender, the population was divided almost equally. Women aged 18 to 65 are here 50.5%.

Speaking about Los Angeles, whose population includes 88 thousand people who do not have a roof over their heads, one cannot but mention its notorious glory as the capital of the homeless in the USA. The reasons for this are very diverse: a warm climate, unfulfilled hopes and plans, unemployment, a large number of teenagers from orphanages and foster families, who, after 18 years, can be said to be on the street.

Los Angeles: Population - Immigrants

The city has become home to people from more than 140 countries who speak more than 224 languages. This fact puts him in second place after Miami in terms of the population that was born outside the United States. The statistics for 2006-2008 show that people of such nationalities live in the metropolis: Germans (170.5 thousand inhabitants), Irish - 146.7 thousand, English - 129.7 thousand, Russians - 98, 7 thousand. In connection with this most important element of the multinational culture of Los Angeles, the ethnic neighborhoods of the city appear, which add a unique colorful flavor to the huge metropolis.

Little Armenia

The population of the city of Los Angeles.

The largest and richest Armenian community in the world is located in Los Angeles. It is concentrated immediately in 10 districts of the city, but the largest is in Hollywood. More than 150 thousand Armenians in it counts Los Angeles, whose population is so multinational. It broadcasts in its native language on television and radio, magazines and newspapers are published, dozens of churches function, moreover, there are deputies in the government who officially represent this people. Armenians are involved in almost all areas of the city: culture, politics, medicine, restaurant business, etc.

Korea Town

What is the population of Los Angeles.

According to 2010 data, 452 thousand Koreans (immigrants or their descendants) live in Los Angeles, which is about 1.2% of the total population of the city. This is the largest Diaspora of the people in the United States. The area is located in the very center and is the most densely populated. Speaking about which population of Los Angeles prevails in it, an amendment is necessary. Despite its name, the area is a mixture of cultures, where, with a large number of Koreans, the Hispanics are still leading in the presence of 53%, 22% of whom are Mexicans.

Russian-speaking community in Los Angeles

By number of people is one of the largest in the United States. It is located in West Hollywood. The ethnic composition of the Russian-speaking population is mainly Jews who moved to these places in the 70-80s of the last century. It was rather difficult to equip life and life alone, so the former compatriots tried to stick together. Here you can find almost everything that immigration can miss: from pickles and herring to marshmallows and seeds. A large number of shops and shops offer goods of various profiles, restaurants with traditional Russian cuisine - all this is available, in addition, magazines and newspapers are published, artists come on tour.

China Town

One of the oldest areas of the city, which formed at the end of the nineteenth century, is now located in downtown Los Angeles. The decline observed in its development since 1910 gave way to a recovery a decade later. Since that time, mainly with the aim of attracting tourists, a new stage in the modernization of the place has begun. At the moment, it is concentrated not only the Chinese population, but also many other Asian peoples - Vietnamese, Thais, Indonesians, Filipinos, etc. It should be noted how much of the population in Los Angeles is of Asian origin - 13.1%, including and Japanese, Koreans. This is an amazing, colorful and amazing place with an indescribable atmosphere of the traditional East.

How many people are in Los Angeles?

By the way, not far from Little Armenia is another Asian region - the Thai Quarter, which is very small, but very interesting from a historical and cultural point of view, chosen by many tourists.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that Los Angeles, whose population is very large and multinational, is a unique bright kaleidoscope, where side by side there are a variety of world cultures and religions. Large-scale film industry contributes to even more popularization of the city. It is dynamically developing and flourishing, attracting many tourists, guests and simply adventurers every year.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11216/

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