DIY paper house for children to play

Children of different ages love to play "family", because it is in the game that the child forms an idea of ​​the world around him. Girls, when interacting with dolls, transfer family relationships, mom and dad responsibilities, daily routines and different regime moments to the game. And in order to be able to embody the plan in the game, it is necessary to have a house, furniture, dishes and other household items.

Some boys also love to play with the house. But in this case, you definitely need to make him a garage for the car so that “dad” can go to work. You will also need a set of tools to repair the house.

In the article we will tell you how to make a house of paper with your own hands, what materials will be needed in the work. After all, buildings can be very different - from a small desktop version to a large house made of corrugated cardboard, which will fit not only the baby himself, but also his friends and toys.

Duct construction

To make such a house out of paper with your own hands, you need to prepare a large number of tubes. They are rolled up from thick double-sided paper. To ensure that all elements are of the same size, you can use a rod, for example, a marker or a round stick from the flag.

house of tubes

The last turn of the scroll is smeared with PVA glue and attached to the rest of the sheet. Then tubules gather among themselves from four parties. The narrowed part for the roof is made by cutting with scissors at the same angle.

The roof is represented by a dense sheet of cardboard, bent in half. The fold line is the ridge of the roof. You can make a chimney pipe.

The door and windows are cut out of paper of a different color.

With your own hands, a house of paper is made quickly, but it should be on the base of thick cardboard. Such a craft can be done at the exhibition by adding characters from a fairy tale, for example, Baba Yaga from cones or a hedgehog from chestnut. From the branches, you can build a fence and pour a path from the millet from the door of the house to the gate.

House out of used box

It is very easy to make a house of paper with your own hands, if the farm has a packing box from cookies or pasta:

  • The opening rectangles of the packaging are carefully cut with scissors.
  • Roof triangles are cut out on the narrow sides.
  • The long sides are aligned with the height of the walls of the paper house.
  • With their own hands, the roof bevels are cut from the remaining sheets and attached to the PVA on the ends of the side walls.
do-it-yourself paper house

The craft will look beautiful if it is painted with folk patterns. You can make the painting monophonic or multi-colored.

The shape of the windows can also vary according to the wishes of the master. The more patterns, the more beautiful the craft looks.

If you make a child’s house for the game, it is better to cut windows and doors with scissors. Children like to fill the middle of the building with all sorts of little things. And we will consider further and such an option crafts.

Game house

To please a child with a handmade house made of paper, the craft can be created from a large packaging box. The manufacture of a structure from it is similar to the embodiment described above. The difference is in the numerous carved details, due to which the room inside is bright. Everything will be visible to the child, and thanks to the large door, it will be convenient to place the toys inside.

house out of the box

For beauty, you can cut a round dormer window. If the doll is large, then you can put a mattress, pillow, blanket inside and put your "child" to sleep in the house. You can decorate the craft with a garland of flags, as in the photo in the article.

cat house

A very tight little house can be made for your pet from wrapping paper. If you have accumulated a lot of unnecessary old boxes, then throwing them away makes no sense. Better, combining them in a dense pack, to glue such a wonderful house on glue, as in the photo below.

kitty house

To make it quite durable, use several layers of material for each wall.

Be sure to pre-make a template to cut out all the details on it. And so that the slices are clear and even, it is better to act not with scissors, but with a cutter, placing the workpiece on a wooden board.

Paper house for children

With his own hands, dad can assemble a huge house from several sheets of packaging corrugated cardboard. The basis of such a structure, you can take the packaging from the refrigerator or washing machine.

  • A large box is laid on its side, the “doors” are cut off and the roof is done separately.
  • To make the whole “tile” the same, use the template again.
paper house for children
  • First, the roof slopes are attached. But glue is not suitable for bonding such a large house, in this version you need a good strong adhesive tape. Now on sale you can find multi-colored adhesive tapes, for example, red or yellow.
  • To make the house durable, because children sometimes play very actively, all cut edges are glued with tape. This will not allow kids to break off fragile edges or get hurt during the game.
  • Windows are cut out on the sides, and the same roof tiles are cut out according to the pattern on the roof.
  • Each element from all sides is also glued with tape.

The big house will accommodate several kids for the game, and believe me, your child will be interested in such a building right away. At first you will be calm for your child, as he will spend all his free time in a quiet corner.

Have a good start!


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