The plan "Socialization of the individual": the main points

Man is a social being. We cannot live a single day completely without people. All the same, you have to interact with someone. Recently, the Internet is considered one of the means to implement this task. If you look at this network, then it really can partially simplify this task for a person. But socialization is a much more complex process than just surfing the Internet. And you need to understand it if you want to draw up a detailed plan "Socialization of the individual."

Individual socialization plan

Moreover, in the very early stages of socialization, it is impossible to imagine being on the Internet in any form. In this article we will consider the concept of socialization and draw up a plan "Socialization of the individual", which may be useful to students of higher educational institutions who study the specialties "Psychology", "Social Work", "Social Pedagogy". Well, let's get started.

Concept of socialization

Plan on the topic of socialization of an individual

Before you make a plan "Socialization of the individual", you should understand what it is. We are hostages of the social system. Everywhere there are some rules, norms that must be followed. Otherwise, the person will not be accepted as a full member of society, and he will be marginalized. A marginal is a person who falls out of society for one reason or another. Some people are marginalized on their own. Someone can do this because their society is pushed out. Everyone has their own motives. Actually, the plan “Socialization of an individual” should contain a description of what socialization is.

Stages of socialization

Make a plan socialization of an individual

Each person is socialized throughout his postembryonic life. Some believe that even during the embryonic development of the baby, he already perceives how the society affects him. Believe it or not (nevertheless, the psyche of the embryo is not yet sufficiently developed) - it is your own business. Moreover, there is some truth in such statements, since the impact of society on the embryo to some extent affects its mental development.

So, a connection has already been found between homosexuality and stress during pregnancy. During stress, the level of testosterone in the blood of a person of any gender is significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in its level in boys. This leads to the fact that the special core in the brain becomes too small. Namely, the sex drive of a person depends on its size.

At the same time, the socialization of the personality takes place throughout life. In addition, it is important to understand that society can change, so a person should constantly adapt to one or another new social norm.

Pre-labor socialization

Detailed plan socialization of an individual

The first stage of socialization is the basic stage. This is pre-labor socialization, which is characterized by teaching the most basic social and group norms. Children begin to experience collective life early enough. The first social institution a child falls into is the family. It is with her that pre-labor socialization begins. Then the child goes to school, after which it can be considered that pre-labor socialization is over. In fact, in time, it coincides with the education of the child and his growing up. This is the next item that must be added to the plan of socialization of the individual.

Labor socialization

This is the period of a person’s adult life related to the fact that he works. Work can indeed be seen as an element of human socialization. This is as important an social institution for an adult as a school for a child. There he develops. As for retirees, the main reason why they are marginalized is precisely because they have no work, and places where they can communicate with other people are often absent. Also, fuel is added to the fire by the fact that a person's family disappears. Quite often it happens that a pensioner is alone in the world. Naturally, he is desocialized.


The plan on the topic "Socialization of the individual" must necessarily contain concepts related to socialization. This is desocialization and resocialization. In this case, we will briefly consider what desocialization is. This is a process of losing understanding of social norms. If group norms are lost, then most often this process is called maladaptation. However, desocialization is also one of the elements of maladaptation, therefore this concept is broader. The plan on the subject of “Socialization of the individual” should contain points that clearly indicate the differences between maladaptation and desocialization.


Resocialization is the process of restoring an individual's social functions, gaining new social roles and adopting group norms, as well as a process aimed at restoring the full functioning of a person in society. Issues related to human re-socialization are dealt with by specialists in the field of social work. When you have a need to draw up a plan "Socialization of the individual", then be sure to describe this profession.


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