Greater Kaibitsi: characteristics, history, features of the settlement

Each settlement is unique and interesting in its own way. In this article we want to tell you about the village of Big Kaybitsy, located in Tatarstan. We will get acquainted with both his modern and past life.

Quick reference

big kaibitsa

Big Kaybitsy (Tatars. Ola Kaybych) are the center of the rural Bolshekaybitsky settlement of the Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the Kaybitsky district. Its exact coordinates on the map are 55 ° 24′05 ″ north latitude, 48 ° 11′00 ″ east longitude.

In 2010, 1,600 people were registered in Greater Kaibitsi. And in 1859, for example, 1,158 residents lived here. The largest number of villagers was recorded in 1908 - 2193 people, the smallest - in 1989 - 942 inhabitants. According to their national composition, these are Tatars, Russians, Chuvashs. As for denominations, there are two of them - Muslim and Christian.

The time here is the same as in Moscow (+3 GMT). Other information:

  • Zip / Postal Code: 422330
  • Region code is 116, 16.
  • Telephone code of the settlement: 8437021.

Big Kaibitsy are connected by a transport network with Kazan, Zelenodolsk, Kulanga. There are regular buses to these settlements.

Features of geographical location

Geographically, the village of Big Kaybitsy is located in the south-west of Tatarstan. It spreads on both banks of the Berl River, which is a tributary of the Birli.

Regarding remoteness from other settlements:

  • The village is 18 km from the Kulanga railway platform.
  • 110 km from the capital of Tatarstan, Kazan, Big Kaybitsy.
  • The distance to Moscow is approximately 670 km.
  • From the airport of Kazan - 75 km, Cheboksary - 93 km.

In 2005-2006 A roundabout highway was built around the village.

City History

big kaibitsa village

It is known that the settlement was founded during the heyday of the Kazan Khanate. In the XVIII - the first half of the XIX century, the villagers were state peasants. They were engaged in farming and raising livestock.

According to historical information, at the beginning of the last century in B. Kaybitsy there were three windmills, one mosque and three trading shops. The land allotment of the rural community was 1844 tithes.

In the new period of Russian history until 1920, the Greater Kaibitsa was part of the Ulyankov region of Sviyazhsky district (Kazan province). The following changes occurred:

  • 1920-1927 - the village was part of the Sviyazhsky canton (Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic).
  • February-August 1927 - Big Kaibitsy became part of the Ulyankinsky district.
  • From August 1927 to 1963, the village was the administrative center of the Kaybitsky district.
  • 1963-1965 - component of the Buinsky district.
  • 1965-1991 - the village was listed in the Apastovsky district.
  • Since 1991 - the administration of Greater Kaibits has become a district center.

Kaybitsky district

big kaibitsa administration

Kaybitsky district is considered a municipality, an administrative unit within Tatarstan. It is located in the western part of the republic. Its center, the village of Big Kaybitsy is the subject of our conversation.

The area has a total area of ​​995 m 2 . It borders with the Chuvash Republic, as well as Zelenodolsky, Apastovsky, Verkhneuslonsky district of Tatarstan. A section of the Ulyanovsk-Sviyazhsk railway passes through its eastern part. Today, oil deposits are being developed in the Kaybitsky district. The rivers Sviyaga, Kubnya, Birla flow through its lands.

The total number of residents in 2017 is 14046 people. By ethnic composition: Russians, Tatars, Chuvashs.

If we look at the municipal structure of the Kaybitsky district, we will establish that it consists of 57 settlements. They are part of 17 rural settlements:

  • Burundukovskoe.
  • Bagaevskoe.
  • Bolsherusakovskoe.
  • Bolshekabitskoe.
  • Bolshepodberezinsky.
  • Kushmansky.
  • Kulaginskoe.
  • Muralinsky.
  • Malomeminsky.
  • Molkeevskoe.
  • Nadezhdinskoe.
  • Ulyankovskoe.
  • Starotyaberdinskoe.
  • Fedorovskoe.
  • Chuteevskoe.
  • Hozesanovskoe.
  • Ebalakovo.

The life of the region is covered by the district newspaper, whose name is translated from the Tatar language as "Kaybitsky Dawns". The industry of the region is represented by the following enterprises:

  • Raipo.
  • State institution "Kaybitsky forestry".
  • Kulaginsky milk and butter factory.
  • "Kuibitsyagrokhimservis".
  • "Kulaginsky grain receiving enterprise".
  • Kaybitsky fish farm.

Agriculture of the region is developing in the following areas:

  • Plant growing. In particular, winter rye, spring wheat, buckwheat, peas, and oats are cultivated.
  • Pig breeding.
  • Sheep breeding.
  • Meat and dairy cattle breeding.

The following agricultural firms are considered the leading agricultural enterprises in the Kaybitsky district:

  • The Golden Ear.
  • LLC "Golden Niva".
  • Kubnya.

In the Greater Kaibitsy, field cultivation, dairy cattle breeding are developed , a bakery is functioning. There is an enterprise named after Mansura Zakirova, "The Gardener" (a branch of "Golden Niva").

Cultural life, attractions

Great Kaibits Kazan

Greater Kaibits are home to the following famous people:

  • Tatar singer and actress Galia Kaybitskaya.
  • Hero of Socialist Labor R. G. Zagidullin.
  • Writer A. G. Shamin.

In the village, a secondary school, two libraries, a museum of Galia Kaybitskaya, a regional cultural center are founded.

As for the name, it is associated with flight control. Kabitsa is a word that was once widely used among beekeepers. This was the name of the forest land where the side maneuvers and honey storages were located. Subsequently, the word was slightly transformed and became associated with a specific locality - Kaybitsy, i.e., the land of beekeepers.

Greater Kaibitsi is an actively developing rural settlement, the center of the district of the same name. In addition, it is a village with a rich history.


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