The empirical level of scientific knowledge as one of the forms of cognition as a whole.

What does the term “knowledge” mean to us?
Cognition is a certain activity of a person, which is aimed at the awareness of the surrounding world and oneself in this vast world. For all his life, a person is aware of the world around him, mastering various skills. Among them, one can clearly distinguish the material and technical skill, the production of vital goods through labor and spiritual, which is aimed at the sensations of man.
The main task of scientific knowledge is the discovery of the laws of reality, namely natural, social, as well as the laws of reality.
The essence of knowledge comes down to the fact that in random it finds the necessary, and behind the individual the general is hidden.
The method of scientific knowledge translated from Greek is translated as a path directed to something. The method reveals various rules, principles that lead to the disclosure of the essence, to the solution of a specific problem.

There are 2 main forms: empirical and theoretical.
The empirical level of scientific knowledge is reduced to the study of real objects. Namely: the empirical level of scientific knowledge boils down to the fact that at this stage we study interactions, human contacts with the surrounding natural objects. Here the main role is played precisely by sensory knowledge, judgments also have their own role, but they are of secondary importance here. The information here is obtained directly through observation, delivery of various experiments or experiments. At the second level, the formation of empirical formulations follows. Of course, the empirical level of scientific knowledge of the picture of the world is subject to a certain subjectivity in perception, but this aspect is inevitable wherever a person relies on the field of sensory assessments of reality.

The theoretical level takes into account, first of all, the predominance of theories, laws, concepts, as well as the predominance of the mental component. Sensory knowledge takes on a subordinate role. It is at this level that the cognition of the deepest sides that were not available at the empirical level of scientific knowledge takes place. The theoretical level of scientific knowledge is the highest level in knowledge. The theoretical level is based on theoretical laws that answer clearly and clearly to the question posed. Through theoretical knowledge, we become witnesses of new hypotheses, laws.
These 2 levels of theoretical knowledge should never be torn off of each other and placed opposite each other. These levels are tightly coupled. The empirical level of theoretical knowledge acts as a source, the basis of the theoretical level. Among other things, theories are formed as a result of sensory images, based on an empirical level. In addition, the empirical level can never exist separately from the theoretical.
At the empirical level of scientific knowledge, we most often turn to methods of knowledge, namely observation, analysis, measurement, experiment.
Being at the theoretical level of scientific knowledge, we turn, first of all, to abstraction, analogy, modeling.

A significant place in the modern world has a systematic method of research. This is the oldest method of the theoretical level of knowledge.
From all of the above, it can be clearly stated that scientific knowledge is a complex system, which includes a huge number of links, many elements. These include the following forms of thinking: judgments, concepts. In addition to these simple concepts, more complex ones such as theory and hypothesis are deduced. Everything in the world is interconnected, and the empirical level of scientific knowledge is connected with the theoretical. In this way, the main forms of scientific knowledge are being developed that allow humanity as a whole to progress steadily.


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