Journey to the fabulous Rio de Janeiro

In South America, on the Atlantic coast, the most beautiful metropolis of Rio de Janeiro grew up, which was once discovered by the Portuguese navigator and traveler Gashpar de Lemoix. Then (and it was in January), he sailed to the Gulf of Guanabara and, taking it for a river, called this area "January River". Some time later, everyone realized that this was a mistake, but the name given to this area was fixed to it forever.

Rio de Janeiro

A lot of tourists dream of traveling to Rio de Janeiro, however, it is important to note that this trip will not be easy. Firstly, there are no direct flights from Moscow to this metropolis, so you will have to make at least one transfer. Most often, Russian tourists fly to Sao Paulo, from where they transfer by plane to Rio. This journey will take you about an hour and will cost no more than a hundred dollars.

In Rio de Janeiro itself, there are no problems with transport. Very popular are buses that go along their route, but stop at the request of passengers. The metro is small, only two branches, and on Sunday it does not work. Tourists most often travel in Rio by taxi. Here it is not very expensive, but drivers are used to small tips (about 10 percent of the cost of the road).

Rio de Janeiro city

The city of Rio de Janeiro is a real paradise for lovers of heat. The air temperature here never drops below 25 during the day, and at night it is rarely less than 20 degrees. The ocean bay also does not cool down: the minimum temperature indicator is 20 degrees Celsius, and in the winter months the water heats up to 27 degrees. A tourist note: in Rio de Janeiro, there are practically no storms, since Guanabara Bay is more like a picturesque bay than endless expanses of water.

The most popular among beach lovers in this wonderful city are the coasts of Copacabana and Ipanema. Along them are the main hotel complexes of the city, where tourists from different countries stop. It is important to know that a vacation in Rio de Janeiro will not be very cheap because the price of living here is much higher than in other cities in Brazil. And in winter, when the highest water and air temperatures are observed here, the cost of rooms rises even more. It is also associated with the enchanting New Year's carnival, which takes place in this city.

Holidays in Rio de Janeiro

Local cuisine will delight even the most demanding tourist with its variety. Over the years, Brazilian culinary traditions have evolved from European, Arabic and local Indian recipes. Thus was born the most famous Brazilian dish - feijoa, which includes smoked meats, white beans and many spices. The most amazing drink in Rio de Janeiro is coffee, which is brewed using secret technology. Having glanced into this city, try the local strong drink cacchas, and also smoke a Brazilian cigar.

However, the main attractions of Rio de Janeiro are still its wide white snow-white beaches, noisy discos and an unearthly carnival, which takes place here annually, gathering more and more people who want to have fun.


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