Kolomna, the Kremlin: history and photo

Kolomna is one of the most beautiful cities in the Moscow region. In addition to ancient towers, houses decorated with carved painted shutters, this city is also famous for its pastille museum, prepared according to original recipes. But the main attraction is, of course, the Kolomna Kremlin.

How it all began…

The first records of the formation of Kolomna are found in the Laurentian Chronicle of 1177, which subsequently served as the founding date of the city itself. At that time, wooden structures already existed as a defense - raids from the Golden Horde practically did not stop. For four centuries, the wooden Kremlin was repeatedly destroyed - about six times the Horde khans burned it during their attacks on Russia.

The constant devastating raids of the Tatars served as the reason for the erection of a stone fortress that protects residents from enemies. By decree of Prince Vasily III in 1525, the construction of this building in the city of Kolomna begins.

Kolomna Kremlin

The Kremlin, rebuilt and fortified, was a polyhedron resembling an oval. At each wall around the perimeter there are towers that served as protection for soldiers during the defense. The Kremlin was located more than conveniently: in the north and north-west, access to the city was blocked by the Moscow and Kolomenka rivers. The rest of the sides were surrounded by a deep moat. The fortress reached a height of about 20 meters, the width of the lower part of the walls was 4.5 meters, the top - 3 meters.

The construction of this building was reflected in the life of the whole Moscow principality. During this time, many residents of both adjacent villages and the city of Kolomna were attracted.

Kremlin - creation story continues

The power of the Mongol-Tatar yoke was defeated. However, the assassination attempts on the city did not end there. Here and there for another century periodically unrest and peasant uprisings erupted, but the Kremlin stoically guarded its inhabitants. For a long time he served as a defensive force, and no one was able to penetrate into the very heart of the fortress. But by the middle of the 17th century, the borders of the Moscow state began to move away from the city. His main activity was the organization of trade relations between other states. It was already the new large industrial center of Kolomna. The Kremlin, having lost its original status as a military fortress, was gradually destroyed by the inhabitants. And only in 1826, by decree of Nicholas I , the restoration of the remaining buildings began.

Kremlin today

At the moment, this is the main attraction of the city of Kolomna. The Kremlin - you can see a photo of it in the article - is located next to the river, which gave it its name. Along the walls are towers that have been preserved. To date, there are 7 out of 17 that exist until the mid-17th century. However, the Kremlin is now an awesome architectural monument. Just as whole settlements were formed inside the fortress in medieval times, these towers, which miraculously survived, reliably guard their small town, which has an amazing history, passed down from generation to generation in the city of Kolomna.

Kolomna Kremlin photo

The Kremlin is rich in cultural and architectural heritage. The main attraction, of course, stands Cathedral Square. Here you can see the Assumption Cathedral, built in the 14th century. Dmitry Donskoy ordered to build it in honor of the long-awaited victory of the Russian army on the Tatar-Mongols in the well-known Battle of Kulikovo. Nearby is the Resurrection Church. It is one of the oldest buildings built here. According to legend, it was in her that the wedding of the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy and Evdokia Suzdal took place.

Inside the great building there is also a tent bell tower, which can rightfully be called the loudest and sonorous belfry in all of Russia, not only in the city of Kolomna.

Kolomna Kolomna Kremlin

The Kolomna Kremlin also includes a military-historical complex of a sports and cultural type. Its discovery happened relatively recently, but it has already managed to fall in love not only with residents, but also with tourists. It hosts various competitions of wrestlers, knightly tournaments for the honor of a noble lady, fairs are organized, as well as festive festivities. Everyone can try on the role of a brave warrior thanks to the available weapons and uniforms from the reign of the Grand Dukes of Russia.

Marina Mnishek - involuntary recluse

The highest tower of the Kremlin is Kolomenskaya. During the uprisings, it also served as a gatehouse, since it provided an excellent overview of the area. The height is about 30 meters. The tower includes 8 floors, and the windows, staggered across the entire diameter in a checkerboard pattern, allowed soldiers to monitor enemies and not weaken their defenses for a minute. Several names have been assigned to this tower. However, the most popular was Marinkina. There is a legend that the wife of False Dmitry was imprisoned here. Here Marina Mnishek lived, waiting for salvation in the person of ataman I. Zarutsky. Soon she managed to escape, but the joy was not long. The impostor was soon caught, and until her death she lived in her tower, not seeing white light. They say that then she turned into a magpie and still broke free. But this is nothing more than a beautiful legend. At the moment, in the place of the confinement of Marina Mnishek, a cell has been restored, in which grief the tsarina passed away for many years.

Kolomna Kremlin

And the name - Marinkina - subsequently took root, and the tower began to be called so.

Border is locked tight…

Residents, fearing constant attacks from the Tatars, tried to protect their life as best as possible. Only passing through the gate, you could get into the city of Kolomna. The Kremlin was reliably guarded from all sides.

The most important were the Pyatnitsky Gate, located on the east side. The tower located nearby is two-tier. Its height is 29 meters and its diameter is 13 meters. The bell mounted on top made an important mission - with its help, the soldiers gave a signal, seeing the approach of dangerous opponents. The tower has survived to the present day.

Kolomna Kremlin how to get

The next most important were the Ivanovo gates. But, unfortunately, at the beginning of the 19th century, they, like the Slanting and the Water ones, were destroyed. They were not restored.

Mikhailovsky Gate is located between two towers - Marinkina and Granovita. They were laid in the 16th century. Over time, the masonry gradually collapsed, but more recently, the gates have been restored. Today you can see them by visiting Kolomna.

The Kremlin today, therefore, out of 6 passage gates erected in the 16th century, has only 2. But they also are an amazing sight and keep a centuries-old history of the creation and opposition to the enemy.

Through the streets of the Kremlin ...

A tour of this wonderful architectural structure begins at the Square of Two Revolutions. The real city guides you inside, and here all the magic begins ... The main street of the Kremlin is named after the writer I. I. Lazhechnikov, who was born in these places. On its left side are the Assumption Cathedral and the Church of the Assumption.

Kolomna Kremlin attractions

One of the distinguishing features of the Kremlin is residential buildings inside the building itself. Basically, these are noble estates that retained their appearance of the period of conquest of the great princes and were literally saturated with the spirit of that era. Carved shutters, elegant fences, well-kept yards - all this shows that history is alive, and time has no power over it.

Also here you can see the buildings that gained popularity during the prosperity of trade and merchant relations in the city of Kolomna.

The Kremlin - how to get to the heart of the city?

You already know that the most famous landmark of Kolomna is the Kremlin. Any resident - ul. Lazhechnikova, house number 5. To get to the Kremlin from the capital of Russia, you can take a bus from the Vykhino metro station. Also, electric trains run every day from Kazan Station to the Two Revolutions Square. Entrance is possible from Lazhechnikov street or near the Yamskaya tower. The Kolomna Kremlin operates around the clock and seven days a week. Anyone can enter inside for free. The organization of the tour and its cost should be agreed in advance with the employees of the Kremlin museums.

Pride of the country!

In 2013, the Russia-10 multimedia contest began to select the best architectural monuments. Among the other most famous sights was the Kolomna Kremlin. From the very first days, Kadyrov’s Mosque “The Heart of Chechnya” took the lead. However, at the second stage of the project, the Kremlin was ahead of the aforementioned architectural monument. As a result, these two sights, due to the wide margin of votes from the rest, were recognized as early winners of the competition.

Kolomna Kremlin story

What else can I see?

There is no doubt that the most important architectural monument of such an ancient settlement as Kolomna is the Kremlin. The attractions, however, of this city are quite diverse. Each of them has its own uniqueness and originality, as well as a rich historical past. Among other things, the following museums can be distinguished: pastilles, kalacha. In them you can learn the history of each food product, taste them. The Kolomna mead is also known throughout the region, which everyone who has come to this amazing place should try.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11255/

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