Advantages of Microloans

Each person may have a situation when financial resources are needed. At such moments, people begin to intensely look for someone to borrow from, where to get a loan, a loan. And at these moments, they face various difficulties: no one can take it, banks refuse to lend, or it takes several days to consider the application, which simply do not exist.

However, in such situations there is a way - to issue microloan . This is a loan that a credit company provides only to individuals.

Microloans have many advantages:

  1. Money is issued quickly, with just one document (passport). Arriving at a loan company, you will only need to provide an identity document and fill out an application. After that, you will be given money within an hour.
  2. To get a microloan, you do not need to collect any certificates, look for guarantors. It is enough to have only a passport.
  3. Pick-up points are located in convenient places and are easy to reach.
  4. No hidden interest, commissions. Even at the time of signing the loan agreement, they show you exactly how much you will need to return. This amount will be divided into equal parts for the crediting period, which you will need to pay monthly.
  5. Anyone can get a microloan. There are credit institutions that work not only with the population that is officially employed, but also with those who work informally.

To make it convenient for customers, such credit organizations as express money prudently abolished fines and late payment fees. The loan interest is small and is calculated individually for each client. If desired, customers can always extend a microloan agreement for the time they need.

Having decided to apply for a loan, the client receives all the information on it: what is the interest rate, how much will be overpayment, how to repay ahead of schedule, what is the minimum amount to be paid and when. Banks do not provide such information when issuing loans, the borrower only recognizes it after the next reading of the contract at home, having recounted all the hidden fees prescribed in the contract in small print. Nobody likes such surprises. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, when issuing microloans, lenders immediately voice the terms of the loan, because they are transparent.
Information provided by, LLC Express Money.


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