The son of a leader - Vasily Stalin: biography, personal life

Stalin’s son, Vasily, was, alas, a deeply unhappy person, which was greatly facilitated by both the environment and his own family.

Vasily Stalin biography personal life


In early childhood, the boy lived in Zubalovo, in the country, raised by his chosen teacher Alexander Ivanovich Muravyev, who taught him Russian, German, reading and drawing. The child was constantly surrounded by family members of associates of the leader - Voroshilov, Mikoyan, Shaposhnikov, their house and Bukharin, Budyonny also visited. Even then, the life of Vasily Stalin was hectic, filled with constant visits by guests, feasts, and dashing stories - this alone formed negative traits in the character of the child. Plus, of course, the status of the son of a leader played a role.

School, character

In the early 1930s, Vasily went to the first class of an excellent Moscow school - an experimental demonstration. But even then, teachers began to complain about the boy's extremely impulsive, excitable and uneven nature. Forever busy at work, his father and strict mother, who was then teaching at the Industrial Academy, apparently had little effect on Vasily. In addition, Nadezhda Alliluyeva was not happy in marriage, which, of course, affected children. When the boy was five years old, his mother took him and his sister and left for Leningrad after a terrible scandal with Stalin. Three years later, his stepbrother, Jacob, tried to commit suicide in the country, and when Vasily was 11 years old, his mother died. This terrible shock could not affect the character of the child. The subsequent repressions of his maternal relatives, which Stalin unleashed, turned out to be no less severe blow. NKVD officers guarded the child everywhere, and his elite status spoiled him more and more. Vasily studied badly, behaved impudently, showed disrespect for teachers, could calmly be a naughty teacher with the whole class, tried to rule in school, read very little. The teachers did not like him and practically did not ask. Nobody tried to help the child and re-educate, for fear of negative consequences for themselves. After the tragic death of Valery Chkalov, the son of the leader decided to become a pilot, although before under the influence of Budenny he was fond of horses.

Stalin's son Vasily


Unlike his studies, Vasily Stalin (biography, personal life is inextricably linked with him - he even married his second athlete and swimmer Kapitolina Vasilyeva and helped the mass construction of swimming pools, the development of water sports) had a completely different attitude. He loved running, skiing, showed remarkable will at competitions and often became a winner. However, imaginary friends and sneaks always found a reason to congratulate him on something, and this was even more harmful.

Pilot career, marriage

After graduating from the 9th grade, Vasily entered the Kachinsky Red Banner Aviation Military School. Myasnikov. He, taking into account the status of the son of Stalin, created special conditions with concessions. However, the head of the school soon paid for this with his post, and Vasily had to study on a common basis. During his studies, he met with a student of the Polygraphic Institute Galina Bourdonskaya. Young soon got married and moved to Lipetsk. Vasily’s entourage did not know that the son’s relationship with his father was tense and difficult, and therefore they tried to please him, but they did not report to his father about his tricks (sometimes not harmless). In 1940, Vasily became a pilot of the 16th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 24th Fighter Aviation Division, studying to be a commander in the Air Force Academy, undergoing refresher courses. By the time the war ended, he was already becoming a division commander. During his studies, an addiction to alcoholic beverages was fully revealed, which will spoil his further life. For a while, everything was fine in the marriage, from Galina Bourdonskaya, Vasily had two children - daughter Nadezhda and son Alexander.

life of Vasily Stalin

The spoiled son of a famous father

Vasily Stalin (a biography whose personal life could be different, born in another family) was, in principle, a good person - gifted, generous, could be kind and charming. But at the same time he turned out to be extremely spoiled, skillfully used kinship with the leader, committed acts categorically not corresponding to his status. He carefully concealed his disagreements with his father from everyone, and therefore Stalin for a long time did not know about the tricks of his son. The environment, obeying and pleasing Vasily, did not inform the leader of the many negative facts of his son’s biography. During the service, many bosses tried to exert a positive influence on him, but this was not always possible: Vasily always had his own whims and desires in the first place, and the situation and situation did not play any role. Alas, alcohol also influenced. Drunken antics were not uncommon. Beria, who pulled Stalin's son into his amusement, also put his hand to this. Vasily Stalin (biography, his personal life is only endlessly surprised at how you can not achieve anything in life with such data) did a little something useful for his time, except that he contributed to the development of sports in the country.

After the death of Stalin

After the leader of the peoples unexpectedly died, Vasily Stalin (biography, his personal life changed dramatically after the departure of Joseph Vissarionovich) was convinced that his father had been poisoned. At the same time, he continued to believe that he remained as omnipotent as before, drank, freely chatted everything that he thought, for which he paid. In April 1953, a case was instituted about his embezzlement, feasts and abuse of power. Vasily was arrested and sentenced to eight years. Two years later, he was transferred from prison to a hospital in Moscow in connection with an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Vasily rightly believed that he was in custody, fell into despair and did not know at all what to do. After seven years he was released and allowed to stay in Moscow, then again he was imprisoned and released only in 1961, seriously ill. Vasily Stalin died in 1962, March 19, leaving seven children. Oddly enough, a lot of people came to his burial - colleagues, acquaintances, athletes and the military. Vasily Stalin (biography, his personal life is still attracting the attention of the public and historians) involuntarily became a reflection and embodiment of his father's failures and excesses, a victim of circumstances and problems in the family.


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