The main forms of political behavior

What a great variety of forms of political behavior exist! And how few people know about them. And this is not surprising - after all, only sociologists and political scientists study this topic. But knowledge in this case will not hinder those who want to directly participate in the life of the country. So, an aspiring political scientist, let's study the main forms of political behavior.

general information

forms of political behavior

Political behavior can take the form of participation, protest, and absenteeism. This separation exists due to a number of features. As a rule, the use of a certain form of political behavior entails the establishment of a certain status. The most common at the moment is participation. But due to dissatisfaction with the current system, a form of protest is gradually gaining popularity.

Alternative forms

forms of political behavior examples

It should be noted that various classification systems are used. One has already been cited, let's look at another, which implies a division into non / conventional forms. This is necessary in order to have a complete understanding of the subject of the article. First, let's talk about conventional forms of behavior:

  1. Absenteeism.
  2. Familiarization with the policy through the media.
  3. Discussion of political events with friends and acquaintances.
  4. Voting in elections and referenda.
  5. Campaigning to familiarize the masses with a political party or candidate.
  6. Convincing the population of the need for them to vote (and in some specific way).
  7. Participation in meetings and rallies.
  8. The appeal and interaction with power structures, and also their separate representatives.
  9. Political activity of the activist (nomination of his own candidacy, work as a member of the senior management of a public organization or party, deputy, minister and so on).

In addition, there are still not conventional forms of behavior that are aimed at protesting the current state of affairs. These include:

  1. The signing of the petitions.
  2. Physical presence at demonstrations that were not permitted.
  3. Participation in the boycott.
  4. Refusal to pay taxes to the state treasury.
  5. The seizure of buildings of state bodies, enterprises, sit-ins.
  6. Traffic blocking.
  7. Active participation in spontaneous movements.

Now let's talk more specifically about how the forms of political behavior differ. Various aspects and features will be considered.

Political participation

variety of forms of political behavior

So, by this we mean the activity of citizens, which is aimed at forming and supporting the activities of state and public institutions. It can take the following forms:

  1. Support for parties and individual candidates during the election campaign.
  2. Voting for people and organizations in elections.
  3. Creation and active work in public associations, parties, movements, interest groups.
  4. Also included is participation in political events.

In addition, it can take an open and indirect form. In the first case, it is expressed in participation in referenda, the work of various meetings, committees, and so on, where a person can participate at any stage where decisions need to be made. The second form provides for the delegation of the right to a specific person to act as a representative of a group of citizens in some body (for example, the State Duma). What can be said about them? It is believed that open forms of political behavior - this is the manifestation of real democracy in the state. Opponents of this thesis often point to the apathy of citizens, as well as a relatively low level of education. So, the negative side of open forms is considered to be that the opinion of the majority can be quite easily manipulated, creating the necessary situation in the country.

Citizens activity

forms of political behavior and their characteristics

The most common in the modern world is the so-called electoral behavior. This is understood as the activity of citizens, which is associated with the delegation of authority to represent individual citizens. The nature and activity of electoral behavior can be affected by such factors as a personโ€™s social status, education, religiosity, income level, place of residence and other similar factors. Also, in some countries, the voter registration system, the particulars of party systems, have their imprint , and in addition to the country's population. If we talk about mass, then the trend is such that the most active are the inhabitants of Europe, and the least - the United States. This is due to the fact that in the first, voters have more influence. In addition to the above, you should know that participation can be divided into autonomous and mobilized. In the first case, it is understood that citizens act on their own initiative. Mobilized political participation is based on manipulation and coercion.


forms and types of political behavior
In this case, they understand the active expression of their negative attitude towards the existing political system. Criticism can be either its whole or its individual structures. In real life, a protest is expressed as a rally, a procession, a demonstration, a strike, an action of civil disobedience and a picket. With the aggravation of the confrontation, group and even mass violent actions can occur.


This is the name of the situation when voters shy away from political participation. As a result, the bonds between people's interests and power are being destroyed. This leads to a weakening of the legitimacy of the current political system. Apathy, indifference to the processes taking place in the country, disappointment in power structures, and distrust of institutions are called the causes of absenteeism. It can also be a form of passive support for protest movements.


When someone says that democracy is a traditional form of political behavior, the example is poorly chosen. This is largely due to the fact that it is used relatively recently and has not yet been able to take deep roots. But if an individual individual can build a strategy of rational actions out of his needs, interests and motives, then he will be able to implement it. In modern society, a person can show his participation by voting in elections, going to rallies and demonstrations. Moreover, if there is a desire, then the manifestation of political passivity is also possible for him, when the main body of information simply does not reach him. And the data that a person was able to get acquainted with is perceived with a certain degree of phlegmatism.

What is political behavior?

traditional form of political behavior example

From the point of view of continuity, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Traditional. Corresponds to established political ideas or is typical for a given territory.
  2. Innovative. It is understood in those cases when the creation of new models of political behavior is carried out or new features of existing relations are created.

In terms of target orientation, the following forms are distinguished:

  1. Constructive. This means that the behavior shown helps to maintain the normal functioning of the political system, which operates in this territory.
  2. Destructive. This means that the political behavior of a person undermines the order established in a given territory.

In addition, you can still focus on the number:

  1. Individual political behavior. This includes actions that one person can commit. They must have a certain socio-political significance. An example is a public statement or practical action.
  2. Group political behavior. This includes the activities of spontaneously formed groups of people or organizations.
  3. Massive political behavior. The most numerical forms. These include elections, referenda, demonstrations and rallies.

The latter two are characterized by emotional "infection".


As you can see, there are various forms and types of political behavior. But the most popular are the elections. During their conduct, the greatest interest for researchers of this process is the electoral behavior of citizens. They are looking for answers to such questions: who for whom; why; What are the reasons for refusing to participate? In other words, they are engaged in identifying factors that allowed the existing situation. It should be noted that electoral behavior is largely dependent on a number of features. So, in countries where there is already a long-standing party system, the ties of voters with their representative groups and individuals are quite stable. Each election they vote for "their own." As a rule, they are guided by real results and what the parties want to realize. Moreover, they are selected in such a way that their interests are most consistent with the needs of the individual. Although also quite broad group and individual commitment. In such cases, they cast their vote not so much for the idea and program as for the personality. The above can interact, contradict and sometimes overlap one with the second. This leads to the fact that in countries even with the same regimes, different forms of political behavior have developed. Examples in this case are well-known powers like the United States and Great Britain. So, recently, โ€œBrexitโ€ came 72% of the inhabitants of the United Kingdom. Whereas in the USA about a third of the population goes to the polls.


main forms of political behavior

Quite popular among the masses is absenteeism. In order to prevent connivance on the part of citizens, many states take various measures. So, in Greece, voting is compulsory, and if someone ignores this โ€œrightโ€, then he will be hit in the pocket. Others introduce a certain norm (for example, 50% or 30% of the total number of voters) of people that must come to the will in order for it to be considered valid. Also for these purposes, the media mechanism is widely used. Thanks to the media, you can get information about a particular policy (or party). In addition, the media are engaged in agitating citizens to overcome indifference and apathy and go to polling stations.


So we examined the forms of political behavior and their characteristics. The information provided is not enough to fully understand political life, but at the same time, it allows you to create the foundation for the formation of a future successful state. It will be very good if everyone can understand the importance of voice in order to achieve the country's prosperous prosperity. Given that elections are approaching, it is necessary to seize at least such an opportunity to influence the elected government. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully approach your choice and pay attention to district candidates. After all, in fact, they will represent a certain territory, and protect its interests.


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