Knitting Sweaters: A Simple Pattern for a Child

Knitted sweaters amaze many people with their beauty and wealth! Only now, beginning craftswomen are afraid to take up complex things, honing their skills on scarves and socks. But if you follow a number of rules, then you can knit a pullover for yourself or a child in a couple of evenings.

Basic rules for knitting

  1. Choose a sweater model to your size.
  2. Read the instructions for its manufacture.
  3. Purchase the material as described. If you take other yarn or knitting needles, the appearance may change.
  4. Compare the indicated density of knitting with yours.
  5. Check the quality of the yarn by stretching and ironing it. Compare the sizes again.
  6. Knit according to the instructions.
  7. Do not take long breaks in the knitting process for a single day. It is better to knit a row daily than to leave an unfinished thing for weeks.
    knitted sweaters

Another option on how to knit a simple sweater with knitting needles is to take your favorite model, which will be instead of a pattern. With this item in the store with the help of a consultant, pick up yarn. Next, find a similar pattern in the magazines. For example, you have a sweater with braids, then pick up several patterns of small, medium and large harnesses. Tie the patterns and choose your favorite pattern. Next, apply the work to a thing-pattern. If you only learn to needlework, then work with ready-made schemes.

How to knit a child with a knitting sweater if there is no ready-made pattern

Most often, you can find ready-made models without a description and instructions. In this case, proceed as follows:

  1. Look for similar patterns.
  2. Choose yarn and knitting needles. The fact is that improper knitting needles and yarn can lead to loose knitting or heavy weaving.
  3. Make sketches according to your sizes: the length of the product, arms, shoulders, girth of the hips, chest, neck. Or unpack the old thing into parts that will replace the patterns.
  4. Knitting starts from the back from the bottom - with an elastic band. Similarly fits in front. Next, knit the sleeves. Combine the details and lastly knit the collar.
    how to knit a child with a knitting sweater

Sweaters knitted with needles sometimes look ugly, but they take shape on the figure. This may be due to improper selection of yarn, cheap material or neglect of the preparatory stage for determining the quality of threads and the density of knitting. Therefore, carefully choose yarn, seek help from a store consultant and do not try to save on the amount of material.

An example of a children's sweater

Knitted, even the simplest products are warmer and more beautiful than factory half-trains. For a sweater for a child of 10 years old, you will need 500 g of merino yarn (50 g / 102 m) and knitting needles 5 and 6. The sweater is knitted using two simple patterns: 1) elastic 2x2; 2) the front surface. To make the product original, you can knit stripes of yarn of different colors or then embroider a jacquard pattern.

First, knit the back of the gum, typing on needles number 6 96 loops. After 2 centimeters, go to the main facial pattern. At a height of 34 cm, you begin to close the loops for the armhole on both sides - first four, then two (2 times) and one loop (3 times). Next, continue the four rows of knitting, then close the loop to get 72 p.

how to knit a simple knit sweater

At a height of 51.5 cm, on both sides again close first 7, then 8 loops. At the same time, count the central 42 loops and close them. Knit your shoulders another 1.5 centimeters high. Before you do it in the same way, only close the neck of 26 loops at a height of 48 cm. Knit your shoulders separately, closing the loops on the side of the neckline in each even row - first three, then two and 3 times in one loop. At a height of 51.5 cm, close the shoulders along the outer edge like this: first 7, then 8 loops. And at the total height of the product (53 cm) you finish knitting.

For sleeves, collect 46 loops and knit 2 cm with elastic, and then 34 cm with front stitch, adding loops on both sides in each sixth row, 1 loop 13 times so that the needle has 72 stitches. Then start closing on each side in each row first 4, then 2 (two times), 1 (ten times), 2 (three times) and 3 loops. At a height of 48 cm, you finish knitting. Collect all the details. Gather loops of a neck on knitting needles No. 5 and knit 2 cm with an elastic band.

As you can see, knitted sweaters can be not complicated, but comfortable and beautiful. Try to knit such a thing, and you will be surprised how quickly a beautiful pullover or cardigan is β€œborn” from ordinary balls of thread.


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