Herpetology - a science that studies reptiles and amphibians

The science of animals is called zoology. It constitutes a separate section in biology. The section of zoology dealing with reptiles is called herpetology.

reptile science

Herpetology and bathrachology

Aristotle as the first herpetologist studied lizards, frogs, turtles, snakes singled out as a separate science - herpetology. He united amphibians and reptiles into one group and called them "reptiles." Over time, the concept of "reptiles" was clarified: reptiles and amphibians were divided into two groups. The study of amphibians began to engage in the science of bathrachology.

However, scientists who study reptiles are also interested in amphibians, and vice versa. Therefore, batrachology as a separate science has not taken root and is mainly considered as a subsection of herpetology. That is, a science that studies reptiles and amphibians is called herpetology.


Amphibians are amphibians that have not been able to completely abandon the use of water in their lives. They can live both on land and in water, so their breathing abilities have their own characteristics: breathing is possible with the help of gills, lungs, through the skin and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Amphibians reproduce only in water.

Amphibians appeared long ago, while as a species they did not disappear, but, on the contrary, were able to adapt to new living conditions.

science studying reptiles and amphibians

Distinctive features of amphibians that helped them adapt to the world around them:

  • small size;
  • illegibility in food, thanks to which they easily find their own food, and this helps them avoid hunger;
  • significant fecundity (thereby protecting their species from extinction);
  • the color, which acts as a disguise, does not allow enemies to detect amphibians;
  • the toxicity of certain species is the ability to protect themselves from enemies.


The word "reptiles" in translation from Latin means "crawl", "crawl". All about reptiles: their appearance, lifestyle, reproduction are considered by a science that studies reptiles - herpetology.

The greatest number and diversity of representatives of this species were achieved in the Mesozoic era (230 million years BC - 67 million years BC). Ancient reptiles can be divided into three types: living on land, in water and flying like birds.

science studying snakes and other reptiles

In the modern world there are four varieties of reptiles:

  • crocodiles;
  • beak-headed;
  • scaly;
  • turtles.

The science that studies snakes and other reptiles relates them to higher vertebrates, along with birds and mammals.

Herpetology as a section of veterinary medicine

Every year more and more exotic animals appear in houses and apartments. Animals living in terrariums require special care and treatment, unusual for other pets.

To watch such animals should be a specialist who understands the features of the life of such animals, has good knowledge in the field of therapy, surgery, can conduct a high-quality diagnosis of a possible disease. Therefore, the veterinarian must be a herpetologist. Therefore, the name of the science that studies reptiles also derives the name of the veterinarian - the herpetologist.

When treating reptiles or amphibians, the doctor should know everything about their behavior: how they behave in a particular situation, what features exist in different periods of their lives.


Gradually, a fashion for keeping exotic animals at home comes into play: reptiles or amphibians. However, hobby for such animals is an expensive pleasure. Costs will be required both for the acquisition of the desired animal, and for its arrangement in the house.

Terrariums in houses are trying to create more and more similar to a corner of wildlife, using natural elements of decoration of the terrarium. A professionally equipped terrarium, both aesthetically pleasing and corresponding to the needs of the animal inside, will decorate the house and provide an opportunity to watch your exotic animal with pleasure.


Thus, the science of reptiles is called herpetology. This science also includes bathrachology - the study of amphibians.

Amphibians make up the smallest class among vertebrates, reptiles - twice as much. However, representatives of these classes are peculiar and cause genuine interest in the field of study and adaptability to the environment. Reptiles and amphibians are cold-blooded. Moreover, they have such differences:

  • the body of amphibians is covered with wet skin, while in reptiles the body is covered with scales, shields or plates;
  • amphibians have no claws, reptiles have;
  • amphibian eggs do not have a hard coating; reptiles have a thick hard shell;
  • newborn amphibians go through the stage of larvae, reptiles - no;
  • amphibians lay eggs in water, reptiles - on land;
  • amphibians: salamanders, toads, frogs;
  • reptiles - crocodiles, turtles, beak-headed, amphisbens, snakes.

what is the name of science that studies reptiles

Modern herpetology, as a science that studies reptiles, continues to investigate vital functions, to observe the development of reptiles and amphibians. Recently, the profession of a veterinarian-herpetologist has become increasingly popular .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11306/

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