Features and designs of machine embroidery: a description of the basic principles

Embroidery machines are used in light industry to create clothing. Modern technical capabilities made it possible to produce small sewing machines for home use at affordable prices. The cost of the simplest embroidery machines starts from 30 thousand rubles, there are options for devices worth more than 500 thousand.

Why you can not do embroidery on a regular sewing machine

Embroidery is a very painstaking, troublesome and time-consuming task. In addition, not all craftswomen can master this skill perfectly. Clothing decorated with embroidery was always in demand and valued expensively.

Modern sewing machines can lay beautiful even stitches and stitches, but people still control their actions. What will happen if you try to make complex embroidery on a regular typewriter?

machine embroidery design

Most likely, the work will look like the photo above. The catch here is not in the experience of the master, but in the speed with which the machine and the person work. The hands of a seamstress simply do not have time to turn the canvas smoothly and accurately along the lines of the picture. Therefore, the creation of beautiful embroidery with the help of technology is possible only on specially designed embroidery machines.

How to create machine embroidery

It all starts with the development of machine embroidery design. Working in special programs, the artist creates a picture and selects colors for him from the existing palette of threads for machine embroidery.

machine embroidery threads

A number of programs have been developed for creating and editing such patterns. As a rule, machines work with the PES format of machine embroidery design. Finished files in the desired extension are loaded into the processor of the embroidery machine and run the execution program.

machine embroidery designs pes format

Industrial devices work with several colors and types of machine embroidery threads at once. As a result, the process of embroidering even complex patterns takes only a few minutes. Then the canvas with the printed pattern is cut according to the patterns and make clothes and other household items.

machine embroidery cross

However, in the early 2000s, compact embroidery machines appeared on the market for free. Outwardly, they are very reminiscent of ordinary sewing machines, but they have a powerful mini-computer for downloading machine embroidery designs of the โ€œ.pesโ€ format and controlling the very process of creating a pattern.

Electronic trading platforms offer to purchase designs for household machines of varying complexity. The range of proposed drawings is huge, from congratulatory inscriptions in various languages โ€‹โ€‹to real copyright paintings.

machine embroidery cross

The cost of such files can be different and depends on the requirements of a particular designer. Small and simple patterns are sold at bargain prices of 100-300 rubles, unique and large works cost tens of thousands. PES-format machine embroidery design files themselves take up a lot of space on the media. When purchasing a household embroidery machine, you should ask about the amount of memory and the ability to change the memory card and the presence of additional slots.

Possibilities of household machines

Changing threads in devices is done manually. First, one color of the machine embroidery design is performed, and after changing the color and selecting the necessary commands on the control panel, the second. The cost of cars ranges from 30 thousand to 1 million rubles. More expensive device configurations are able to machine cross-stitch and make lace.

machine embroidery cross

Threads for machine embroidery can be used in a variety of ways: from ordinary cotton to silk or metallized. The fabric on which work is performed may also be different. Machine embroidery can be done on leather sheepskin coats and thin taffeta for wedding dresses. The main thing is that the machine should have the appropriate mode and set of needles for working with the required materials.

The use of machine embroidery

Embroidery is used to make various labels, signs, emblems and symbols on clothing. Pillows and outerwear with embroidery are popular.

machine embroidery design

A small home textile company has gained fame by depicting African animals on pillows and has launched a whole line of Animal Kingdom products. The pattern itself can be small or large, modest or flashy bright. Surveys and opinions confirm that, having a choice, the buyer will give preference to clothing or an interior item with embroidery, if the price is affordable.

machine embroidery threads

Machine embroidery was a gift for artists too. The new direction of art - patchwork - is gaining popularity. Cloths made using the patchwork technique are pieces of fabric with different texture, sewn in a special way. Some authors create their paintings from old and useless things found in landfills. With the help of embroidery machines, they create a special pattern of stitches and transmit various effects to the fabrics.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G11312/

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