Sokkia Total Station Electronic: Specifications, Model Comparison and Reviews

The Japanese company Sokkia is engaged in the production of total stations - reliable and convenient instruments, characterized by high speed and accuracy of measurements. The equipment of this brand is equipped with laser reflectionless range finders, allowing measurements even in the presence of interference.

Sokkia SET model line

Sokkia SET tacheometers - a line of some of the best surveying instruments, produced since the 1980s. Its production was stopped several years ago, but despite this, many surveyors continue to use these models. The production of Sokkia SET total stations lasted for ten years. At this time, all control and geodetic work on the construction sites of many countries was carried out by these instruments.

Russian surveyors everywhere began to use precisely Sokkia SET tacheometers. In the secondary equipment markets, the SET series continues to enjoy considerable popularity.

sokkia total station

Sokkia CX Series

Sokkia CX total stations have become a new line of the company, during the creation of which the developers combined all the best functions of previous models and supplemented them with innovative technologies. High precision measurements are carried out by a range finder at a distance of up to 500 meters without the use of a reflector. Measurement data can be transferred using a memory card, which is very convenient and efficient. A standard battery includes a powerful battery. The range includes total stations with different angular accuracy and high resistance to low temperatures.

Features of the CX and FX models

The functional range of the new models of Sokkia CX and FX total stations includes the following features:

  • Touch color display.
  • Information transfer using a memory card.
  • High level of protection - IP66 - against moisture and dust.
  • The basic design includes a laser pointer.
  • High power laser rangefinder. In reflectionless mode, measurements are taken at a distance of up to 500 m.
  • High capacity battery.
  • The system of protection against thieves.

The high quality of parts and assemblies of Sokkia electronic total stations is guaranteed by Japanese production. All equipment is certified and verified by accredited organizations.

sokkia cx tacheometer

Sokkia CX 106

The Sokkia CX 106 Total Station is a unique model developed in full compliance with all international standards and meeting the highest requirements for surveying. The CX series was a continuation of the previous model line of equipment - total stations SET 650RX and SET 630RK3. The mentioned instruments have proven themselves among professional surveyors, having gained confidence due to the speed and high accuracy of measurements and the power of the range finder.

The new model of the Sokkia total station uses RED-tech technology, which allowed to increase the speed of measurements and the power of the device:

  • Distances are measured in less than 1 second.
  • Without the use of a reflector, measurements are taken at a distance of 30 cm to 500 m.
  • The ability to measure distances through obstacles and small objects.
  • Carries out high-precision measurements.

The RED-tech technology used in the total station allows not only to increase the accuracy of the measurements, but also significantly expand the scope of use of the device. Such a technological solution made it possible to measure hard-to-reach objects (wires, corners of buildings, hatches) through the mesh of fences and foliage of trees.

sokkia total station

Management and functions

Setting and switching between the operating modes of the total station are carried out using hot keys. On the side of the device is another button with which all measurements are carried out. This placement of the button allows you to take measurements without taking your eyes off the object.

The tool menu has not undergone any changes in comparison with previous models. Such immutability is an undoubted advantage: surveyors will not have to relearn when switching from old models of total stations (RX and SET) to the updated CX series of instruments.


Japanese Sokkia tacheometers for many years occupy a leading position in the markets of geodetic equipment around the world. This popularity is due to the unique characteristics inherent in these tools:

  • The high level of protection - IP66 - ensures the CX 106 is protected against moisture, dust and the device remains operational in adverse operating conditions.
  • Low power consumption. The instrument is equipped with a rechargeable Li-Ion battery of increased capacity, so that in the distance measurement mode every 30 seconds the instrument can be operated for 36 hours.
  • The maximum distance at which measurements can be made without a reflector is 500 meters.
  • All measurements are made with high accuracy.
  • Measurements are taken in less than one second.
  • Small objects and various obstacles do not prevent the total station from taking distance measurements.
  • The device is equipped with a biaxial compensator with an operating range of ± 6 '.
  • On the side panel is a button for measuring.
  • The settings mode is opened using the shortcut keys.
  • One key switches between the prism, film and without reflector modes.
  • The keyboard, display and thread grid are highlighted.
  • The ability to install an external memory card and its own memory device for 10 thousand points.
  • An additional option for the total station is a laser plummet.
  • The ability to customize the keyboard.
  • Additional list of codes.
  • The device supports a variety of formats.
  • Coordinates from AutoCAD can be loaded both into the device itself and from it.
  • Preservation of operability during operation in conditions of low ambient temperature.
  • High quality parts and assembly.

sokkia cx 106 total station

Sokkia CX 105

The unique technical Sokkia CX 105 tacheometer was developed by engineers of the manufacturing company as a logical replacement for the obsolete models of the SET 530 RK3 and SET 550RX series. The novelty was created in full accordance with all the requirements for geodetic work, and in accordance with accepted international standards. The equipment has proven itself perfectly on construction sites, showing perfect clarity and accuracy of measurements and high speed.

sokkia cx 105 tacheometer

Model Features

The new CX 105 model, equipped with the RED-tech system, has the following advantages:

  • High speed measurements - less than one second.
  • The distance at which measurements are taken without using a reflector is 30 cm to 500 m.
  • Small-sized objects and various obstacles do not interfere with measurements using a total station.
  • Distances are measured with high accuracy.

The scope of the Japanese total station is expanding significantly due to the introduction of innovative RED-tech technology. Various obstacles that may arise on the way of the device — foliage of trees, elements of buildings, a fence net — do not interfere with all measurements and calculations. Changing the device settings and switching between modes is carried out using hot keys. All measurement work carried out using the CX 105 total station can be performed by a surveyor without interruption from the object, since the control key in the new model has been moved to the side panel.

The menu of settings and parameters has not undergone any changes, preserved in its original form.

sokkia 630r tacheometer

Sokkia 630r

The Sokkia SET 630R series of tacheometers is equipped with an updated version of the digital range finder, with the help of which distance measurements up to 150 m are carried out without the use of a reflector. The diameter of the visible laser beam is very small, making it possible to take measurements through small objects and other obstacles. Modes are switched by pressing a single key. A Sokkia 630R Total Station uses a Li-Ion battery. The device is controlled by 15 buttons. A 37-key wireless keyboard allows you to expand the total station settings and makes operation easier.

sokkia set 630r total station

The updated model of the 630R total station can be operated at low temperatures, while maintaining operability at -30 o C.

Comparison of models and reviews

The Sokkia CX and FX Total Station line was released as a replacement for the previous SET series. The new model line is equipped with a large number of functions that were missing in the SET devices.

For the first time, models of the CX and FX series began to use reflectorless rangefinders, which allowed to increase the range of determining distances to 500 meters. A huge advantage that the SET series did not have was the introduction of remote control technology and access to the total station to transfer data to remote servers.

Sokkia products are popular among surveyors in all countries. Users note the reliability of the instruments and the high accuracy of the measurements. Reviews about this product are only positive.


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